


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……





汉语拼音:hé qǔ






  1. 古律谓与他人妻合谋,使其与本夫离异,而娶之为己妻。




  1. "A new home is like a new wife. For the first three days, it's very exciting, but after that who knows how you will feel, " he said.


  1. 我弟弟有两个工作,煮饭和娶一个希腊处女作老婆。

    My brother has two jobs; To cook and to marry a Greek virgin.

  2. 莱森不得不在娶她和保住工作之间作出选择。

    Lathan had to choose between marrying her and keeping his job.

  3. 千万别和你不想娶的女子调情。

    Never dally with a girl whom you don't intend to marry.

  4. 和一位女性结婚,娶一位妻子。

    Marry a woman, take a wife.

  5. 他计划一旦和妻子离婚,就娶她。

    He planned to marry her once his wire was out of the way.

  6. 他娶了两个姐妹利亚和拉结。

    He had married both Leah and Rachel who were sisters.

  7. 娶了两个妻利亚和拉结,有12个儿子和至少一个女儿。

    Married both Leah and Rachel,then had 12 sons and at least one daughter.

  8. 你可以娶她,也可以仅和她一夜风流。

    You can marry her, or have a fling with her.

  9. 丈夫的兄弟有娶她为妻的权利和义务。

    Marital brother has marry her to be wife the right and obligation.

  10. 迈克和约翰正在为谁该娶玛丽而争吵。

    Mike and John are warring over who is to marry Mary.

  11. 他娶了邻居的女儿,两人种植水果和蔬菜。

    He had married his neighbour's daughter, and they grew fruit and vegetables.

  12. 他和第一个妻子离了婚,又娶了她的妹妹。

    He repudiated his first wife and married her sister.

  13. 你给儿子娶媳妇了, 还在这儿和我们打哑谜。

    You decided to marry your son off, and you keep mum.

  14. 门徒对耶稣说, 人和妻子既是这样, 倒不如不娶。

    His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.

  15. 他娶了位好姑娘,和他母亲一起快活地生活着。

    He married a good wife and lived happily with his mother ever afterwards.

  16. 她父亲又娶了个老婆。她的后母对她和她兄弟很残忍。

    Her father remarried and the stepmother was cruel to Aqiao and her brother.

  17. 我从不该为了那个我娶的荡妇而离开我的妻子和孩子。

    I should never have left my wife and kids for that tramp I married.

  18. 他娶晋国景公的姐姐为妻,故潞国和晋国有亲戚关系。

    He married the sister of Jin Jing Kung marry, it Lu and Jin have relatives.

  19. 族长雅各布娶了他的两个表妹雷切儿和莉尔。

    The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah.

  20. 而且他那样身分和地位的人, 也无论如何不会娶她的。

    He would not marry her, anyhow, a man of his station and position.

  21. 一名勇敢的战士, 他和凯撒的女儿相爱并希望娶她。

    An honorable and courageous Roman General, Victorious falls in love with Julia, daughter of Rome's Caesar.

  22. 那老头和一个年轻女子结婚时, 人人都说那是老娶少。

    When the old man married a young woman, everyone said he was robbing the cradle.

  23. 为了娶一位奥地利公主,拿破仑和他的法国妻子离了婚。

    Napoleon divorced his French wife in order to marry an Austrian princess.

  24. 因为他娶了亚哈的女儿为妻, 行耶和华眼中看为恶的事。

    He did evil in the eyes of the Lord.

  25. 他和他的弟弟们已经商量好了,他们要娶同一个女人做老婆。

    He and his younger brother already discussed it and will marry the same woman.

  26. 暗兰娶了他父亲的妹妹约基别为妻, 她给他生了亚伦和摩西。

    Amram married his father's sister Jochebed, who bore him Aaron and Moses.