


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……













  1. 禁不住,不由自主地。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第二本第一折:“他脸儿清秀身儿俊,性儿温克情儿顺,不由人口儿里作念心儿里印。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“只不知为何有些异样,不由人眼泪要落下来。”《白雪遗音·马头调·展花笺》:“展花笺,不由人的连声嘆,这苦对谁言。”



  1. "Health problems cannot be helped so I decided to accept his resignation, " Mr Hatoyama said.


  2. Some people say that the output is just " " print a one click button and the output speed is not controlled by the people.


  3. These male stud dogs astounding , not possessing a recognized Jing Zhong has become a brand flashes of the Group, the brand, huge and heavy.


  1. 万般皆由命,半点不由人。

    Flee never so fast you cannot flee your fortune.

  2. 到头来却也只能叹一句,万般皆有命,半点不由人!

    In the end but also can sigh a, ten thousand sorts all have a life, the least bit not from person!

  3. 独处与否也不是由人与人之间的距离来确定。

    Solitude is not measured by the miles of space that intervene between a man and his fellows.

  4. 登革热病毒只可以透过蚊叮传播,并不会由人直接传染人。

    Dengue virus is transmitted to humans through mosquito bites. There is no person to person spread.

  5. 由人制造出来的, 而不是自然产生的。

    The quality of being produced by people and not occurring naturally.

  6. 不人可能否定这起事变是由大意造成地。

    No one can deny that the accident was caused by carelessness.

  7. 塞不,由接话人付。

    No, I want to reverse the charges.

  8. 然而, 手表并不是由瑞士人发明的

    However, this country didnt invent the watch.

  9. 检察官和法官的职位不能由一个人兼任。

    The incompatible offices of prosecutor and judge.

  10. 这个问题不可能 由一个人或一个组织独立解决

    This isn't going to be solved by any one person or one group.

  11. 我们不应该由一个人的肢体语言来评断他的动机。

    We should not judge the intention of a person by his body language.

  12. 这样, 他力气的根由人还是不知道。

    So the secret of his strength was not discovered.

  13. 战争与灾害是由人得不善良所招致得吗?

    Are Wars and Disasters Caused by Bad Conscience of Mankind?

  14. 战争与灾害是由人的不善良所招致的吗?

    Are Wars and Disasters Caused by Bad Conscience of Mankind?

  15. 我们不能单独做,也不能单独由国外人做。

    It cannot be done alone by the outsiders.

  16. 不应该由一两个人说了算。

    One or two persons should not have the final say.

  17. 旅客费用不应由承运人承担。

    Passenger expenses shall not be absorbed by the carriers.

  18. 由不得精工细琢磨了, 交稿时间不等人。

    Seiko can not help pondering the fine, the delivery time flies.

  19. 许多人赞成直接选举总统而不是由选举团选举。

    Many people favor direct election of the President rather than election by the Electoral College.

  20. 媒体要不是教派的,就是帮派的或由美国人出资的。

    It is sectarian or factional or financed by the Americans.

  21. 的人,而不是都只由同一人作答。

    all the time. So not the same person can answer.

  22. 只是多数人谈论的是为患者维权而不是由患者来维权。

    Its just that most of them were talking in terms of advocacy for rather than by autistic people.

  23. 这次活动是由两人组织的,他们都不是专业人士。

    The event was organized by two people, neither of whom is a professional.

  24. 票房得压力不该只由我一个人承担。

    The box office pressure should not only undertake by me.

  25. 在将来,一个人各方面的才能并不是由性别来决定的。

    In the future, a person's abilities may not be determined by sex.

  26. 不该由我来说三道四,这是你们两个人之间的私事。

    It's not for me to pass judgement, it's a personal matter between the two of you.

  27. 因此,所有人类的进步都是由不合理的人创造的。

    And therefore, all human progress is made by unreasonable men.

  28. 他不分情由就开始胡乱批评人。

    Without asking the whys and wherefores he started to criticize people indiscriminately.

  29. 他不分情由就开始胡乱批评人。

    Without asking the whys and wherefores he started to criticize people indiscriminately.

  30. 不是由女人所生的人, 是你们的父。

    Someone not born of women is your father.