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与“内”、“里”相对:~边。~因。里应(yìng )~合。~行(háng )。不是自己这方面的:~国。~路(同“外地”)。~族。~省。~星人。指“外国”:~域。~宾。~商。称母亲、姐妹或女儿方面的亲戚:~公。~婆。~甥。称岳父母:~父。~姑……
1. 迁 [qiān]迁 [qiān]机关、住所等另换地点:~居。~移。~徙。变动,转变:变~。~就(改变自己的意见,凑合别人)。~延(拖延)。~怒。事过境~。贬谪,放逐:~谪(贬官远地)。~客(流迁或被贬谪到外地的官)。古代称调动官职,一……
汉语拼音:wài qiān
《汉书·五行志上》:“ 刘向 以为先是上復徵用 周堪 为光禄勋,及 堪 弟子 张猛 为太中大夫, 石显 等復譖毁之,皆出外迁。”《新唐书·孔温业传》:“ 大中 时为吏部侍郎,求外迁,宰相 白敏中 顾同列曰:‘吾等可少警, 孔吏部 不乐居朝矣。’” 宋 曾巩 《齐州谢到任表》:“遽此外迁,处之剧郡。”
Occasionally a company might bring some manufacturing back to the U. S. But it's a trickle, and the exceptions seem to prove the rule.
虽然偶尔可能会有某家公司将一些制造业务迁回美国,但这只是涓涓细流,这些例外事件似乎恰好证明业务外迁才是美国制造业的主流。Local people 's governments should in a planned way organize residents to move out of river courses for passage of floodwater .
第二十四条对居住在行洪河道内的居民,当地人民政府应当有计划地组织外迁。Officials relocated it to take advantage of cheap hydroelectric power from Xiping's mountain streams and promote rural economic development.
官员们将工厂外迁,一来是为了利用溪坪山间水流的廉价水电,二来是为了加快农村经济发展。Beijing Exhibition relocation, the exhibition industry is relatively underdeveloped region, and is a full-horsepower sprints time.
北京会展外迁,对于会展业相对不发达的地区来说,是加足马力快跑一程的时候。The Philippines, perhaps best-known in recent years for its outgoing migrants, has become a destination for immigrants in its own right.
菲律宾近年来最出名的,或许就是它的外迁移民,但它本身现在也成了移民目的地。As mentioned above, the factors are the main reasons about the Kazak people immigration in Xinjiang, China.
以上因素,是造成我国新疆部分哈萨克族民众外迁的主要原因。There has existed a noteworthy phenomenon--relocation of Shenzhen enterprises in the course of their development.
在深圳企业发展进程中近年来出现了一个引人关注的现象-“企业外迁”。Governments are understandably uneasy about outsiders removing their citizens.
政府对于本国公民外迁的担忧是可以被理解的。But offshore migration will only affect the low-end of the value chain.