如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
花:落~缤纷。才能出众,才能出众的人:~俊。群~荟萃。~才。~雄。~烈。精华,事物最精粹的部分:精~。~华。含~咀华。用羽毛做的矛饰:二矛重(chǒng )~。古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。指“英国”:~文。姓。……
汉语拼音:yīng yàn
晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·光武帝纪二》:“愿陛下更选英彦,以充廊庙。”《旧唐书·孔纬传》:“国祚方泰,英彦盈庭。” 清 顾炎武 《述古》诗:“何必会风云,弟子皆英彦。” 王闿运 《余世松诔》序:“ 余 君 佐卿 , 湘州 之英彦也。”
Mr. Nishiyama said the information would be released soon but didn't provide a specific time.
西山英彦说,很快将发布有关信息,但没有给出具体时间。Mr. Nishiyama, the senior government regulator, said the executive is back at work.
政府核监管高级官员西山英彦说,清水正孝已经回来工作。But Mr. Nishiyama and other agency officials said the risks were based on a 'very cautious assessment of the situation. '
但西山英彦和原子力安全保安院其他官员说,爆炸风险是根据“对局势非常谨慎的评估”计算出的。'At the current point, we believe that there are no cracks or any broken parts of the containment vessel, ' Mr. Nishiyama said.
西山英彦说,目前我们相信,密封装置不存在裂缝或任何破损零部件。Mr. Nishiyama walked away, briskly, without saying good-bye and disappeared into a room.
听到助理的汇报,西山英彦没有与记者说再见就迅速离开,走进了一个房间。'We are now dealing with a crisis of a historic proportion. This has necessitated different kinds of responses than initially planned. '
西山英彦说,我们现在是在应对一场历史性的危机,这就要求采取不同于最初设计的响应措施。Hidehiko Nishiyama, a spokesman for Japan's nuclear and safety agency, described the findings as "extremely regrettable" .
日本核能源及安全机构发言人英彦西山对这一结果表示“让人感到极其的悲痛”。Still, Han Yong-un, South Korea's head of the dictionary project, said these social pitfalls were not his immediate priority.
然而,朝韩合编词典的韩方负责人韩英彦(音)表示,这些社会隐患不是他当前优先考虑的内容。'We are working and exchanging views with NRC engineers on a daily basis, ' said senior agency spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama.