


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……





汉语拼音:nǚ shì







  1. 女的文书侍从人员。

    《宋书·百官志上》:“女侍二人,皆选端正妖丽,执香炉,护衣服,奏事 明光殿 。”

  2. 侍女。

    清 吴骞 《扶风传信录》:“ 仲仙 与姊妹及诸女侍咸在。”

  3. 女招待。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致章廷谦》:“一伙女侍,在店里和饮客大谈文学,思想起来,好不肉麻煞人也。”



  1. As Portia 's maid, she emulates her mistress' manners, but she cannot be expected to perceive the inner nature of the gentle heart.


  2. The waitress's name was Antoinette, he continued, and she was from Boise, one of those kids who would never leave their home state.


  3. It was the end of my exhausting first day as waitress in a busy New York restaurant .


  4. I couldn't help it but to ask the waitress. . . she replied to me that she didn't have any men, only women.


  5. Barmaid: (Takes off apron and throws it at him) Yeah, we're hiring! You can take my job and shove it, loser!


  6. Tired and frustrated of working as a waitress, Mary decided to take a road trip .


  7. "YOU can pay what you like, " says one of the two cheery female greeters at the door of Panera's restaurant in St Louis.


  8. When pressed about the rumours, she airily retorted that it was impossible, when surrounded day and night by her ladies.


  9. The waitress gave Suchen a sympathetic look, but did not make any comment.


  1. 喂,小姐,他对女侍说。

    Hey, lady,'he said to the waitress.

  2. 请这儿来。女侍马上就来。

    Will you come this way, please? A waitress will be right over.

  3. 他对女侍的情绪感兴趣。

    And that's why he's interested in the emotions of these waitresses.

  4. 女侍,女仆女性仆人,如一女佣

    A female servant, such as a maid.

  5. 女侍懒洋洋地抬起头来。

    The waitress looked up languidly.

  6. 也许我应该一女侍二夫

    Well,maybe I should live with both of you.

  7. 女侍交给一张晚餐的帐单。

    The waitress handed me a check for the dinner.

  8. 问那名女侍他们有没有菜单。

    Ask the waitress if they have a menu.

  9. 洛杉矶有很多酒吧女侍都袒胸。

    L. A. has many topless bars.

  10. 他向女侍做了一个下流动作。

    He made a vulgar gesture towards the waitress.

  11. 他向女侍做了一个下流动作。

    He made a vulgar gesture towards the waitress.

  12. 或许就如女侍所说的,他走运了。

    Maybe it's like the waitress said, he got lucky.

  13. 他在同一位漂亮的酒吧女侍聊天。

    He was chatting up a pretty barmaid.

  14. 不要被美丽的女侍引诱到酒吧去。

    Do not be allured into bar by the pretty waitress.

  15. 我希望不久就能找到当女侍的地方。

    I hope to get another situation as barmaid soon.

  16. 那位女侍给我们看菜单并请我们点餐。

    The waitress showed us the menu and asked us to order.

  17. 跟我们击退那些粗壮的酒吧女侍同样方法。

    The same way we fought off those burly barmaids.

  18. 女侍者从厨房里把菜取齐, 端到餐厅里。

    The waitress collected the dishes from the kitchen and carried them through into the restaurant.

  19. 看, 这是她在餐厅做女侍的姓名牌。

    Okay, here's the name tag from the restaurant where she works as a waitress.

  20. 这位挑剔的顾客要求女侍将莴苣换成蕃茄。

    The picky customer asked the waitress to substitute tomato for lettuce.

  21. 她在茶楼做女侍, 每天都要给客人们倒茶。

    She works as a waitress in a teahouse. She has to pour tea into cups for the guests.

  22. 她在茶楼做女侍,每天都要给客人们倒茶。

    She works as a waitress in a teahouse. She has to pour tea into cups for the guests.

  23. 那是什么?因为我是女侍, 而不懂得愚蠢古生物用语吗?

    Is that a stupid paleontology word, I wouldn't know, because I'm just a waitress?

  24. 那位美丽的女侍看到他便朝他坐的桌子大步走来。

    The beautiful waitress noticed him and marched up to his table.

  25. 就在打烊前,那位女侍走到桌边塞给他一张纸条,

    Just before closing, the waitress walked up to the table and slipped him a note.

  26. 这家餐厅十二名女侍中, 只有三名先前有过干这种活的经历。

    Of the dozen of waitresses in the restaurant, only three have had any previous experience.


  1. 问:女侍拼音怎么拼?女侍的读音是什么?女侍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女侍的读音是nǚshì,女侍翻译成英文是 A waitress; a young woman who serves customers i...

  2. 问:女侍应生领班拼音怎么拼?女侍应生领班的读音是什么?女侍应生领班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女侍应生领班的读音是,女侍应生领班翻译成英文是 hostess



女侍:nǚshì 女侍:女接待员