







汉语拼音:chàng yóu








  1. 见“ 畅游 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 畅游 ”。尽情地游览;快乐地游玩。

    清 沉复 《浮生六记·浪游记快》:“余遂从至 杭 , 西湖 之胜因得畅游。”一本作“ 畅游 ”。《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三五回:“到那里畅游了一天?” 曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“单于,你记得十八年前,我们在 长安 ,畅游聚首多次。”

  3. 畅快地游泳。

    郭小川 《长江边上“五·七”路》诗:“走在‘五·七’路上,就像在 长江 的大风大浪中畅游。”《新民晚报》1987.3.21:“他在看什么?是日出吗?可太阳早已升起。是在海里畅游的伙伴?可当时海里没有游泳的人。”



  1. Once you have made these changes and adopted this new healthier mind state it is up to you to get out there and enjoy life.

  2. So today I will swim in the sea of his poem with you together. Now, let us enjoy the poem of Where Shadow Chases Light.

  3. Check it out for yourself -take a video tour of Aspen pre-ski season.

  4. yourself in a virtual universe is all part of the fun for many gamers, non-initiates can often only look on with curiosity.

  5. Changyou's financial chief, Alex Ho, said the company has enough cash to make acquisitions but has no specific targets.

  6. Let your mind flow freely and write down all that you feel in the moment.

  7. One of my big dreams, is to become one with nature, to swim with my dolphin friends, to be free at last, free at last!

  8. Bask in all knowledge and see around you nothing but LIGHT of the PUREST HIGHEST vibration.

  9. Once you know you can swim in the deep end of human connection, it's fun to splash around in the shallows.


  1. 畅游英语世界!

    Explore the Englishspeaking world!

  2. 夏日畅游柬埔寨


  3. 畅游英语世界!

    Explore the Englishspeaking world!

  4. 我希望畅游世界。

    I wish to travel to quarters of the globe.

  5. 现在我在其中畅游。

    Now I am swimming in it.

  6. 无数鱼儿畅游其中。

    With countless fish swimming in it.

  7. 全天畅游著名景点

    Whole day visiting Movieworld on the famous Gold Coast

  8. 我会沉没还是畅游呢?

    Will I sink or will I swim?

  9. 划着贡多拉畅游一下如何?

    How delimits the tribute to pull has a good swim

  10. 很久以前他曾畅游了欧洲。

    Long time ago he traveled through Europe without let.

  11. 很久以前他曾畅游了欧洲。

    Long time ago he traveled through Europe without let.

  12. 畅游西部, 通过玩纸牌赚取钱币。

    Time to wrangle up your card slinging skills for an Old Western showdown.

  13. 哦, 我要在蓝色的大海里畅游。

    Oh, I'll swim in the ocean blue.

  14. 在泡泡浴中建高塔, 在浴盆中畅游,

    Build bubblebath towers and swim in the tub

  15. 让我在这书海中畅游一番吧。

    Let me take a dip in this sea of books.

  16. 当我们拥有坚强的心我们去海洋畅游

    When we wore a heart of stone we wandered to the sea

  17. 在密西西比河神圣水域上畅游的

    that trip down the Mississippi.

  18. 你可以驾驶宇宙飞船并在宇宙中畅游。

    You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe.

  19. 难于计算海洋微生物生活和畅游在海底。

    Countless billions of minute sea creatures and plants lived and sank to the seabed.

  20. 乘坐四轮车畅游森林, 果园及橡胶园

    Drive through jungles, fruit orchards and rubber plantation by four wheel drive

  21. 让你的思维畅游, 写下你此刻的一切感受。

    Let your mind flow freely and write down all that you feel in the moment.

  22. 鱼儿畅游的湖海的波光,头上蔚蓝的天色,

    Shimmer of waters with fish in them, the cerulean above

  23. 我如一条小鱼,畅游在知识的海洋里。

    As a small fish, I swim in the ocean of knowledge.

  24. 该美国存托股票代表畅游公司的普通股。

    The American depositary shares on behalf of tour company's common stock.

  25. 窗明几净的图书阅览一体室,为了畅游知识的海洋。

    Read one book bright and clean rooms, provides us with knowledge of the marine tour.

  26. 我想我也在寻找一片属于自己的大海, 畅游!

    I think I'm also looking for a sea of my own to swim in!

  27. 骑自行车畅游全国的主意对我有极大的吸引力。

    The idea of touring the country on a bike appeals to me immensely.

  28. 畅游的生意当然也有风险,最主要来自于竞争。

    There are risks to Changyou's business, most notably from competition.

  29. 因为你无法拒绝随时随地, 畅游世界各地的巨大诱惑!

    Because you are unable to reject anytime anywhere, a good swim the world's the huge enticement!

  30. 让你的想象在数百万光年远的外太空畅游吧。

    Let your imagination run wild to outer space, millions of light years away.


  1. 问:畅游拼音怎么拼?畅游的读音是什么?畅游翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畅游的读音是chàngyóu,畅游翻译成英文是 enjoy sightseeing; enjoy a swim

  2. 问:畅游欧洲拼音怎么拼?畅游欧洲的读音是什么?畅游欧洲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:畅游欧洲的读音是,畅游欧洲翻译成英文是 Passport to Europe



“畅游”是个多义词,它可以指畅游(网页浏览器), 畅游(在线游戏开发运营商), 畅游(词语释义)。