


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……






液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……



汉语拼音:cóng jiàn rú liú








  1. na.
  2. be able to accept advice from one'

  3. s inferiors;follow advice like the flowing;readily to listen to advice;listen to or follow good advice as water flows downward

  1. 胸怀坦荡, 从谏如流的领导品格

    Leading quality of being openhearted and following good advice

  2. 当领导的就要从谏如流,广开言路,才能把工作搞好。

    Being a leader means you should be open to good advice so that you can do your job better.

  3. 方法从流加载数据。

    Method to load data from a stream.

  4. 用于从流读取和写入流的类

    Classes Used for Reading from and Writing to Streams

  5. 我从流着母亲奶汁的血管里吸吮冒险的狂热。

    I sucked fevers of adventure through my veins with my mother's milk.

  6. 并且从流输出的第一个记录将具有以下形式

    And the first record output from the flow will have the form

  7. 从流夸克质量到组分夸克质量的动力学过渡的研究

    Study of Dynamical Mass of QuarksFrom Current Quark to Constituent Quark

  8. 当需要从流的当前位置到末尾读取所有输入时,

    Works best when you need to read all the input from the current position to the end of the stream.

  9. 成功返回时包含从流的开头算起的查找指针的偏移量。

    On successful return, contains the offset of the seek pointer from the beginning of the stream.

  10. 而且, 从流体力学的角度来看, 普天同庆也很有趣。

    And from a fluid mechanics standpoint, the Jabulani's also pretty interesting.

  11. 从流的角度,研究了交换机各功能模块的组织和协同合作。

    The organization and cooperation of the modules of the switchboardare studies from the angle of flow.

  12. 清单3展示了打开一个连接并从流中读取数据的一种方法。

    Listing 3 illustrates one way to open a connection and read data through a stream.

  13. 清单3展示了打开一个连接并从流中读取数据得一种方法。

    Listing 3 illustrates one way to open a connection and read data through a stream.

  14. 流从各方面吹来

    box the compass

  15. 从土表流走

    run along the surface.

  16. 血从伤口流出来。

    The blood effused from the wound.

  17. 雨水从屋顶流下来。

    The rain ran off the roof.

  18. 熔岩从火山口流出来。

    Lava issued from the volcano.

  19. 在供应链中,物料流从上游流到下游。

    In a supply chain, materials flow from upstream to downstream.

  20. 血从伤口流了出来。

    Blood streamed from the cut.

  21. 从输入流读取数据。

    Reads data from input stream.

  22. 熔岩从山上流下来。

    The molten lava ran down the mountain.

  23. 溪水从山上流下来。

    The stream flows down from the mountain.

  24. 从发电站流出来的水

    An outflow of water from a power plant.

  25. 有河从伊甸流出来。

    A river flows out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divides and becomes four branches.

  26. 一股鲜血从伤口流出来。

    A stream of blood flowed from the wound.

  27. 水从稻田边流进沟里。

    The water flows into the ditch at the edge of the rice field.

  28. 从当前流中读取一个字节。

    Reads a byte from the current stream.

  29. 水从这边流进,又从那边流出。

    The water runs in at this end and runs out at the other.

  30. 他骑着马,鲜血从腰部流下来。

    He rode on, blood flowing from his side.


  1. 问:从谏如流拼音怎么拼?从谏如流的读音是什么?从谏如流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从谏如流的读音是cóngjiànrúliú,从谏如流翻译成英文是 Readily accepting advice from one's inferiors t...



