


1. 裂 [liè]2. 裂 [liě]裂 [liè]破开,开了缝(fèng ):~开。~纹。~缝。~痕。~变(原子核分裂成几个其他原子核,并放出中子的过程)。~隙。~罅(裂缝)。分~。破~。决~。割~。扯~。裂 [liě]物体的两部分向两……





汉语拼音:liè xì






  1. 裂缝。

    明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·江右游日记》:“峯下裂隙分南北者为 一綫天 。” 李国楠 《鹁鸪》:“这种在树干裂隙中放上几根杂草的窝儿,我当然不愿仿造。”



  1. The strike direction of tension fractures developed on a fold is perpendicular to the maximal principal curvatures of the surface.


  2. Iraq that has attracted the support of at least two Republicans threatens to expose fissures within the GOP over the unpopular war.


  3. Comparable results were found for kyphoplasty with polymethylmethacrylate, however, these fillings did not show hairline cracks.


  4. When fissuring is present, pain is often produced by movement of the parts, which opens or deepens the fissures or forms new ones.


  5. The reef limestones are characterized by plentiful fractures and pore spaces. showing a nature of good reservoirs.


  6. Conclusions GTR is an effective approach to reconstruct bony cleft, and is likely to be used in repair of alveolar cleft and cleft palate.


  7. Rough fracture surface is of characteristics of fractal and can be considered as congruence of the upper and lower fracture surfaces.


  8. The mining subsidence mechanism of metal mine with fractured blocky rock mass is different from that of coal mine with layered rock mass.


  9. the influence of the crack angle on the intensity tends to decrease as the cracks increase.


  1. 非贯通裂隙

    intermittent cracks

  2. 细胞外裂隙

    extracellular cleft.

  3. 风化裂隙水

    weathered zone fissure water

  4. 白血病性裂隙

    hiatus leukemicus.

  5. 喀斯特裂隙水

    karst fissures water.

  6. 基岩裂隙水

    bedrock fissure water.

  7. 岩石节理裂隙

    Rock Fracture.

  8. 四边形裂隙桩

    quadrilateral tension crack stake.

  9. 裂隙喷溢型火山

    quiety type of volcano

  10. 岩溶裂隙勘察

    cavern and fracture prospecting.

  11. 裂隙介质水动力学2。

    Dynamics of fluids in fractured media II.

  12. 裂隙光袖珍式手电

    slit pocketlight

  13. 等臂染色单体裂隙

    isochromatid gap

  14. 采动岩体裂隙网络

    crack network in mined rockmass

  15. 浅层风化带裂隙水

    fissure water in shallow weathering zone

  16. 隐伏岩溶裂隙水

    concealed karst water

  17. 前庭导管裂隙, 前庭导管外口

    fissure of aqueduct of vestibule

  18. 水从堤坝的裂隙侵入

    An irruption of water through a break in the dike

  19. 原生裂隙水压致裂法

    hydraulic fracturing tests on preexisting fractures

  20. 陡倾坡内张裂隙

    Tension fractures dipping toward to the inner slope

  21. 裂隙极深的裂缝,如冰川的裂隙

    A deep fissure, as in a glacier a chasm.

  22. 友谊生裂隙, 弥补嗟何及。

    Patched up friendship seldom Becomes whole again.

  23. 基岩裂隙水运移模型评价

    Bedrock Fissure Water Migration Model Assessment

  24. 交河故城的裂隙特征研究

    Study on cranny characteristics of the ruins of Jiaohe

  25. 承压裂隙水的封堵方法

    Sealing Methods of Artesian Crevice Water

  26. 眼库用裂隙灯显微镜的改良

    Improving slit lamp microscope to be applied in eye bank

  27. 石窟崖体裂隙与危岩危石。

    The rock fractures caused precipitous cliff and tottering stones.

  28. 上半规管裂隙综合征一例

    One case of superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

  29. 煤层显微煤岩类型裂隙关系

    Keywords coal bedmicrolithotypecleatrelationship.

  30. 煤裂隙割理分类煤层气

    Keywords coalfracturescleatclassificationcoalbed methane.


  1. 问:裂隙拼音怎么拼?裂隙的读音是什么?裂隙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙的读音是lièxì,裂隙翻译成英文是 crack; crevice; fracture

  2. 问:裂隙层拼音怎么拼?裂隙层的读音是什么?裂隙层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙层的读音是liè xì céng,裂隙层翻译成英文是 crevice formation

  3. 问:裂隙岩拼音怎么拼?裂隙岩的读音是什么?裂隙岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙岩的读音是liè xì yán,裂隙岩翻译成英文是 creviced rock

  4. 问:裂隙带拼音怎么拼?裂隙带的读音是什么?裂隙带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙带的读音是,裂隙带翻译成英文是 fissure zone

  5. 问:裂隙水拼音怎么拼?裂隙水的读音是什么?裂隙水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙水的读音是,裂隙水翻译成英文是 crack water

  6. 问:裂隙泉拼音怎么拼?裂隙泉的读音是什么?裂隙泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙泉的读音是liè xì quán,裂隙泉翻译成英文是 fracture spring

  7. 问:裂隙灯拼音怎么拼?裂隙灯的读音是什么?裂隙灯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙灯的读音是liè xì dēng,裂隙灯翻译成英文是 slit lamp

  8. 问:裂隙盘拼音怎么拼?裂隙盘的读音是什么?裂隙盘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙盘的读音是liè xì pán,裂隙盘翻译成英文是 stenopeic disk

  9. 问:裂隙相拼音怎么拼?裂隙相的读音是什么?裂隙相翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙相的读音是liè xì xiàng,裂隙相翻译成英文是 gap phase

  10. 问:裂隙计拼音怎么拼?裂隙计的读音是什么?裂隙计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙计的读音是liè xì jì,裂隙计翻译成英文是 gap meter

  11. 问:裂隙修补拼音怎么拼?裂隙修补的读音是什么?裂隙修补翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙修补的读音是liè xì xiū bǔ,裂隙修补翻译成英文是 gap-filling

  12. 问:裂隙分支拼音怎么拼?裂隙分支的读音是什么?裂隙分支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙分支的读音是liè xì fēn zhī,裂隙分支翻译成英文是 crack branching

  13. 问:裂隙基因拼音怎么拼?裂隙基因的读音是什么?裂隙基因翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙基因的读音是liè xì jī yīn,裂隙基因翻译成英文是 gap gene

  14. 问:裂隙填封拼音怎么拼?裂隙填封的读音是什么?裂隙填封翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙填封的读音是liè xì tián fēng,裂隙填封翻译成英文是 crack sealing

  15. 问:裂隙宽度拼音怎么拼?裂隙宽度的读音是什么?裂隙宽度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙宽度的读音是liè xì kuān dù,裂隙宽度翻译成英文是 slit width

  16. 问:裂隙岩石拼音怎么拼?裂隙岩石的读音是什么?裂隙岩石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙岩石的读音是liè xì yán shí,裂隙岩石翻译成英文是 fissured rock

  17. 问:裂隙方法拼音怎么拼?裂隙方法的读音是什么?裂隙方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙方法的读音是liè xì fāng fǎ,裂隙方法翻译成英文是 slit method

  18. 问:裂隙构造拼音怎么拼?裂隙构造的读音是什么?裂隙构造翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙构造的读音是liè xì gòu zào,裂隙构造翻译成英文是 fissured structure

  19. 问:裂隙检测拼音怎么拼?裂隙检测的读音是什么?裂隙检测翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙检测的读音是liè xì jiǎn cè,裂隙检测翻译成英文是 gap detection

  20. 问:裂隙灯像拼音怎么拼?裂隙灯像的读音是什么?裂隙灯像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裂隙灯像的读音是liè xì dēng xiàng,裂隙灯像翻译成英文是 specular image



“裂隙”是个多义词,它可以指裂隙(皮肤性病学名词), 裂隙(岩体中的破裂面或裂纹)。