







汉语拼音:hán yǎng








  1. 滋润养育;培养。

    《艺文类聚》卷四八引 南朝 梁 王僧孺 《除吏部郎启》:“而智效必其无取,尤怠忽焉已彰,不意涵养更滋,霶霈愈此。” 宋 陈鹄 《耆旧续闻》卷五:“桑麻千里,皆祖宗涵养之休。”《金史·许古传》:“ 河 南既得息肩,然后经略 朔方 ,则陛下享中兴之福,天下赖涵养之庆矣。”

  2. 修身养性。

    宋 朱熹 《答徐子融书》之四:“就平易明白切实处玩索涵养,使心地虚明。” 明 李贽 《与刘肖川书》:“公心肠肝胆原是一副,而至今未离青衿行辈,则时之未至,但当涵养以俟,不可躁也。”《明史·骆问礼传》:“陛下宜日居便殿,使侍从官常在左右,非嚮晦不入宫闈,则涵养薰陶,自多裨益。”

  3. 道德、学问等方面的修养。

    宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷一:“言少不更事之人,无所涵养,而骤膺拔擢,以当重任,力绵才腐,凛凛危亡而曾不知畏也。” 明 唐顺之 《答张甬川尚书书》之二:“承示《大学》小传,盖发於涵养之真而多自得之説。”《儿女英雄传》第十二回:“这也是自己素来的学问涵养,看得穿,把得定。”

  4. 特指善於控制情绪的功夫。

    《红楼梦》第八四回:“ 薛姨妈 只是又悲又气:气的是 金桂 撒泼;悲的是 宝釵 见涵养,倒觉可怜。” 茅盾 《子夜》十六:“ 仲翁 ,佩服你,真有涵养!不是贵厂的工人在外边请愿么?”

  5. 谓积蓄、保持水分。




  1. It is often said, one-third of seven people to work, woolly-headed in life, such discourse, but really still a virtue, a practice, right?


  2. Witnessing the girl yell abuse at the boy for ten solid minutes, I felt amazed at how much self-control the boy had.


  3. And many in the news media played along, acting as if it was somehow uncouth for Democrats even to mention the Bush era and its legacy.


  4. One should admire a person, particularly a woman, for her deep, inner character and not simply for her superficial beauty.


  5. I struggled against the ungenerous exultation that in such a supreme moment of existence will rise in the best-mannered sportsman' s breast.


  6. Here "accomplishment" , as a noun, refers to the long-term cultivated attitude and self-restraint conforming to social requirements.


  7. Most anything can be a turn-on at 20, but at 60, after years of sexual experience, expressions of sexuality are more refined, more evolved.


  8. As a result of the language policy of the Soviet Union, Russian is also commonly spoken as a second language among the urbane.


  9. don't literally a dirty word, it will let others feel that you didn't self-restraint, less willing to contact with you.


  1. 涵养本源法

    cerebral spirit nourishing exercise.

  2. 水源涵养林

    forest for conservation of water supply.

  3. 树木有助于涵养水源。

    Trees are helpful in water conservation.

  4. 树木有助于涵养水源。

    Trees are helpful in water conservation.

  5. 水资源涵养的作用与措施

    Function and measure of water resource conservation

  6. 他是个有文学涵养的人。

    He is a man of literary culture.

  7. 湟水河流域水源涵养林水源涵养效益评估

    Assessment of Water Conservation Efficiency of Water Conservation Forest in Huangshui River Basin.

  8. 秃杉混交林水源涵养功能的研究

    A Study on Water Conservation Function of Mixed Forests of Taiwania flousiana Gaussen

  9. 她很有涵养, 没有表露出她的失望。

    She was too well bred to show her disappointment.

  10. 长苞铁杉天然林水源涵养功能研究

    Study on Water Conservation Function of Natural Tsuga longibracteata Forest.

  11. 这个年轻女子有着超越年龄的涵养。

    The young woman had grace beyond her years.

  12. 封山育林的马尾松群落水源涵养功能研究

    Study on Conservation Capacity of Water in Masson Pine Community among Closed Forest

  13. 一定要直率, 有理, 有涵养, 但是不要做作。

    Be straightforward, respectful, direct and congenial, but not overly familiar.

  14. 在延误或反对面前不平静的或缺乏涵养的。

    Restless or short of temper under delay or opposition.

  15. 这就是说教师的内在涵养要重塑了!

    This means that teachers should be reshaped within the conservation!

  16. 尝试让自己创作些有艺术涵养的东西。

    Try channeling yourself into creating something artisitc.

  17. 能受得了他的脾气,一定得非常有涵养!

    You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper!

  18. 肉桂林取代杉木林后水源涵养功能的研究

    Study on Water Conservation Function by the Replacement of Chinese fir Stand by Cinnamomum cassia Stand

  19. 水源涵养林结构与功能量化研究进展

    The Quantitative Research Progress of Water Conservation Forest's Structure and Function

  20. 他很有涵养,遇到失望的事亦不形於色.

    He was too well-bred to show his disappointment.

  21. 她很有涵养, 遇到失望的事亦不形於色。

    She was too well bred to show her disappointment.

  22. 江宁小流域主要森林类型水源涵养功能研究

    Study on Water Conservation Function of Main Forest Types in Jiangning Small Watershed

  23. 井渠双灌,采补结合,涵养水源的对策。

    And using both well and canal irrigation, combining extraction and supplement and conserving water sources.

  24. 看看图典有助于提高一个人的绘画艺术涵养。

    Reading books about painting can help one increase one's painting knowledge.

  25. 祁连山水源涵养林土壤水文特征研究

    Soil hydrological characteristics of water conservation forest in qilian mountains

  26. 你能受得了他的脾气, 一定得非常有涵养。

    You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper!

  27. 重庆缙云山不同林分类型水源涵养功能研究

    Water Conservation Capacity of Different Forest Types in Jinyun Mountains of Chongqing City.

  28. 重庆缙云山水源涵养林结构及功能研究

    Research on Structure and Function of Water Conservation Forests in Jinyun Mountain of Chongqing City.

  29. 不同林龄白桦林水源涵养及水化学特征研究

    Study on Water Conservation and Hydrochemical Characteristic of Different Stages of Betula Platyphylla Forest

  30. 她很有涵养,遇到失望的事亦不形于色。

    She was too well bred to show her disappointment.


  1. 问:涵养拼音怎么拼?涵养的读音是什么?涵养翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涵养的读音是hányǎng,涵养翻译成英文是 self-control; conserve



涵养,是指滋润养育;培养。大多指在修身养性方面而言,也指道德、学问等方面的修养。语出 宋 朱熹《答徐子融书》之四:“就平易明白切实处玩索涵养,使心地虚明。”宋 罗大经《鹤林玉露》卷一:“言少不更事之人,无所涵养,而骤膺拔擢,以当重任,力绵才腐,凛凛危亡而曾不知畏也。”