







汉语拼音:bào cháng








  1. 犹报复。

    《史记·匈奴列传》:“每 汉 使入 匈奴 , 匈奴 輒报偿。 汉 留 匈奴 使, 匈奴 亦留 汉 使,必得当乃肯止。” 章炳麟 《定复仇之是非》:“法律者所以惩后,非代为被害者报偿。”

  2. 犹报答;补偿。

    贺敬之 《放声歌唱》诗:“我们的鲜血得到了报偿,后来的同志们实现了我们的理想。”《花城》1981年第6期:“我不需要他的任何报偿,就这,我已感到足够了。”

  3. 犹报应。

    李大钊 《民彝与政治》:“因果报偿,未或有爽。”



  1. Where's the payoff on the humanities? It's not easy to persuade such loving parents that the humanities do indeed payoff.


  2. That would have been a decent return for the food and medical supplies America has lavished on this government for years.


  3. Whenever you hear a man speak of his love for his country, it is a sign that he expects to be paid for it.


  4. When my time comes, will I be ready to face all the neglected relationships that I have failed to repay in this lifetime?


  5. At least there I would have anticipated the long hours and low compensation.


  6. See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always pursue what is good both for one another and for all.


  7. and his taking the long journey for so small a reward gave the measure of his impatience.


  8. Fulfillment and happiness, I was paid for my work, amply paid, not in terms of money, but something more a valuable.


  9. For Facebook, the potential payoff is huge, especially as it seeks to make itself more valuable in advance of a possible public offering.


  1. 报酬。酬劳。报偿。

    N. return or recompense for service or merit.

  2. 报偿他的努力

    remunerate his efforts.

  3. 得到应有的报偿

    Be duly rewarded for sth

  4. 爱本身就是爱的报偿。

    Love is love's reward.

  5. 无知是自己的报偿。

    Ignorance is its own reward.

  6. 荣誉是功绩的报偿。

    Honour is a reward of merit.

  7. 荣誉是美德的报偿。

    Honor is the reward for virtue.

  8. 给她应受的报偿

    to reward her as she deserves

  9. 这是你应得的报偿。

    You've earned it.

  10. 这是你应得的报偿。

    You've earned it.

  11. 不企求奖励,不希望报偿。

    Without claiming reward, without expecting recompense.

  12. 我的努力已得到报偿。

    My pains have been rewarded.

  13. 我得努力已得到报偿。

    My pains have been rewarded.

  14. 经验是对痛苦的报偿。

    The reward of suffering is experience.

  15. 没有希望获得报偿的工作

    work without hope of reward

  16. 得到报偿受到报应或得到报答

    To obtain a return or reward.

  17. 如果我死,我的报偿是什麽

    If I die, what will be my reward

  18. 从多年研究中获得报偿

    reap the reward of years of study

  19. 不该受的惩罚, 责备, 报偿

    An undeserved punishment, rebuke, reward

  20. 练习和专注会带来报偿。

    Practice and devoted care will bring their reward.

  21. 所有的辛苦都得到了报偿。

    All the hard work was properly rewarded.

  22. 永远得不到的财富。永远得不到的报偿

    The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

  23. 她的好心没有得到一点报偿。

    She got nothing in reward for her kindness.

  24. 这种警惕并非长久没有报偿得。

    This watchfulness was not long without reward.

  25. 这种警惕并非长久没有报偿的。

    This watchfulness was not long without reward.

  26. 他从多年研究中获得报偿。

    He reaped the reward of years of study.

  27. 因为辛苦而得到应有的报偿

    Be duly rewarded for my efforts

  28. 我希望你的工作将得到报偿。

    I hope you will reapa reward for your work.

  29. 此时此地, 我有得到什麽报偿吗?

    What is such a dower to the dower I have here

  30. 他工作很努力,会得到报偿的。

    He will expect some reward after working so hard.


  1. 问:报偿拼音怎么拼?报偿的读音是什么?报偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报偿的读音是bàocháng,报偿翻译成英文是 repay

  2. 问:报偿反馈拼音怎么拼?报偿反馈的读音是什么?报偿反馈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报偿反馈的读音是bào cháng fǎn kuì,报偿反馈翻译成英文是 reward feedback

  3. 问:报偿不对称拼音怎么拼?报偿不对称的读音是什么?报偿不对称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报偿不对称的读音是bào cháng bú duì chèn,报偿不对称翻译成英文是 payoff asymmetry

  4. 问:报偿和仙女拼音怎么拼?报偿和仙女的读音是什么?报偿和仙女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报偿和仙女的读音是bàochánghéxiānnǚ,报偿和仙女翻译成英文是 Rewards and Fairies, written by Rudyard Kipling...

  5. 问:报偿备忘录拼音怎么拼?报偿备忘录的读音是什么?报偿备忘录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:报偿备忘录的读音是bào cháng bèi wàng lù,报偿备忘录翻译成英文是 memorandum of satisfaction



报偿, bào cháng,报答和补偿。原指报复仇怨。后专指以财物酬答人。