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1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……
汉语拼音:pí chóng
Now he tends to scrawny, tick-ridden cattle in Muslim-majority parts of Mindanao.
现在他在棉兰老穆斯林聚集区照料那些瘦骨嶙峋,饱受蜱虫之苦的牲畜。A live tick can be placed in a crush proof container with a blade of grass to keep it alive (a sealable plastic bag also will work).
活的蜱虫可以放在不易破碎的容器里,为了让蜱虫活着可以在容器里放几片草叶(使用可密封的塑料袋也可以)。Manage pet activity, keep dogs and cats out of the woods to reduce ticks brought back into the home.
控制宠物活动,使猫狗远离草木,防止他们将蜱虫带回家中They won't transmit just by standing next to each other. You need a tick to move it between them.
他们不会因为站在一起而互相传染,需要蜱虫在他们中间传播。Landscape Management Vegetative modifications to render the environment less suitable for tick survival and for tick hosts.
院落整治改变植被使环境不适合蜱虫以及其宿主的存活Ticks do not jump, fly or drop from trees, but grasp passing hosts from the leaf litter, tips of grass, etc.
蜱虫不会跳,也不能从枝头飞落或者坠落。他们聚集在落叶层、草尖,当有宿主经过并与之接触,即可攀附其身。Adding to the 18 deaths in Xinyang, Henan, the death toll from contracting the infection from tick bites has climbed to at least 33.
加上近年河南信阳等地报告的18例死者,全国至少已有33人因蜱虫叮咬染病死亡。However, another study found nymphal ticks to be more abundant in moist fern habitat than open understory, deciduous litter habitat.
然而,另有研究指出,幼虫期蜱虫在湿润的蕨类生长环境里,比起生长于野外底层植被和落叶林中,数量格外庞大。To remove a tick, use thin-tipped tweezers or forceps to grasp the tick as close to the skin surface as possible.
Death toll from tick bites rises to18 in Henan.
Zebu cattle are more resistant to ticks than other cattle.
Most ticks are probably picked up on the lower legs and then crawl up the body seeking a place to feed.
Patient reports on the period of attachment usually underestimate actual time of attachment.
The mouthparts of larval and nymphal ticks will seldom be left in the skin.
Landscape Management Vegetative modifications to render the environment less suitable for tick survival and for tick hosts.