




1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……


1. 育 [yù]育 [yù]生养:~龄。节~。生儿~女。养活:~婴。哺~。培~。抚~。养~。按照一定的目的长期地教导和训练:德~。智~。体~。美~。教书~人。……



汉语拼音:xìng jiào yù






  1. because the various interior and exterior reasons of the large - scale selective examinations . the cheating has not always been stopped.


  2. All the sex education I'd had said that this was wrong, that it was abuse and incest.


  3. The question is how much sex education has to do with the decline.


  4. The causes of the problems in the current juvenile sex education is the lack of good value guidance to the sex concept of the youth.


  5. "Due to the limitations in the curriculum, our effort now is to make sex education an extracurricular activity, " he said.


  6. Under such criteria, there is no doubt who should take precedence: the state does not have the right to educate children about sex.


  7. The attempt to make sex education universal in a country where sex is rarely discussed openly was always going to be tough.


  8. "I'm looking at the interaction between sexual education and how it impacts young adolescent sexual behavior, " she said.


  9. Some Americans don't even seem to have had any sex education by the time they're elected to Congress. Like Todd Akin.


  1. 目的性教育

    purpose education.

  2. 应用性教育

    applied education.

  3. 性教育缺失

    sex education lack.

  4. 性教育改革

    reform in sex education.

  5. 早期性教育。

    Early sexual education.

  6. 儿童社会性教育

    child social education

  7. 对性教育别有用心

    who had an axe to grind about sex ed.

  8. 学校里的性教育

    sex education in schools

  9. 论形成性教育目的

    On the Formative Education Aim

  10. 美国全国支持性教育联盟

    National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education

  11. 谈对大学生的适应性教育

    On College Students'Adaptability Education

  12. 或许咱们应该先谈谈性教育。

    maybe you and I should have the sex talk first

  13. 弱智儿童适应性教育再思考

    Adaptation Education for Children with Intellectual Disability

  14. 对性教育的对与错存在分歧。

    There were disagreements over the rights and wrongs of sex education.

  15. 不,我对戴夫进行了性教育。

    No, I gave Dave the sex talk.

  16. 来庆祝禁欲性教育提案的否决

    to celebrate the death of abstinenceonly education.

  17. 还需要再对你进行性教育吗

    Do we need to have the talk again?

  18. 他对于性教育有非常激进的看法。

    He has very forward ideas about sex education.

  19. 不过,性教育的目标和范围没有达到。

    However, the objectives and scope of sex education were not achieved.

  20. 世界性学会的性权利宣言没有提及性教育的权利。

    The Declaration of Sexual Rights does not mention a right to sex education.

  21. 美国人被性教育得问题分裂为两部分。

    Americans are fiercely divided over sex education.

  22. 关于青少年性心理和性教育的若干问题刍议

    Some Problems about Sexual Psychology and Sexual Teaching of Teens

  23. 性教育是减少青少年怀孕的一种有效途径。

    Sex education is an effective method in reducing teenage pregnancy.

  24. 女孩和男孩仍然得不到全面的性教育。

    Girls and boys still do not have access to comprehensive sexuality education.

  25. 论朋辈教育制度在大学新生适应性教育中的实践

    The Research of Peer Education System in the Adaptability of College Freshmen

  26. 而这些书中的性教育远多于已有的其他形式的性教育。

    than any sex education programs ever had.

  27. 在避孕药具的使用率和性教育之间存在明显的关系。

    There was a clear link between contraceptive use and sex education.

  28. 问题在于性教育同怀孕率的下降之间存在多少关系。

    The question is how much sex education has to do with the decline.

  29. 在高中教育中,性教育还包括为人父母和家庭生活培训。

    In upper secondary education, health education also covers parenthood and family life training.

  30. 首先,印度得十二个州邦都禁止了性教育得项目。

    First and foremost the sex education program has been banned by 10 Indian states.


  1. 问:性教育拼音怎么拼?性教育的读音是什么?性教育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:性教育的读音是,性教育翻译成英文是 Sex education



