


对人或事有深挚的感情:喜~。~慕。~情。~戴。~抚。~怜。~恋。~莫能助(虽同情并愿意帮助,但力量做不到)。友~。挚~。仁~。厚~。热~。喜好(hào ):~好(hào)。~唱歌。容易:铁~生锈。重视而加以保护:~护。~惜。吝惜:“百姓皆以……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……


1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……


1. 育 [yù]育 [yù]生养:~龄。节~。生儿~女。养活:~婴。哺~。培~。抚~。养~。按照一定的目的长期地教导和训练:德~。智~。体~。美~。教书~人。……



汉语拼音:ài de jiào yù







爱的教育 [书名。意大利亚米契斯@@@@@Edmondo de Anicis)着。以一个儿童的日记内容描写出他的学校生活与家庭生活,纯洁天真,为近代儿童优良读物。各国皆有译本,流行颇广。一种教育方式。指教师在教育活动中,以爱为出发点,并以爱为教学活动的指导准绳,处处鼓励学生,激发其奋励向上。#####]
  1. 书名。意大利亚米契斯@@@@@Edmondo de Anicis)着。以一个儿童的日记内容描写出他的学校生活与家庭生活,纯洁天真,为近代儿童优良读物。各国皆有译本,流行颇广。一种教育方式。指教师在教育活动中,以爱为出发点,并以爱为教学活动的指导准绳,处处鼓励学生,激发其奋励向上。



  1. After returning home, my mother did not blame me, just handed me a book - "love of education. "


  2. The function of the teachers' love should be strengthened and its value should be brought into full play.


  3. This was a lesson of love, love ourself, love family, love friends, love nature, love all around.


  4. The fourth part, the practical transformation of the value pursuit to education of love.


  5. Today, endanger the previous books, will be "Love of education" and re-read it again, deep feelings.


  6. "Loves Education" , compared to becomes the love many things, is really this also is not only these.


  7. Thank you for not only giving me food, clothes and a place to live but also educating me honest, confidence and love.


  8. In this part, the writer discuss the value orientatin of education of love systematically.


  9. Let us accept a "love of education. "


  1. 爱的教育是进行儿童教育的基础。

    Education of love is the basis of education for children.

  2. 爱的教育思想下的师生管理

    Management of Teachers and Students Based on the Thought of the Education of Love

  3. 爱的教育应蕴涵于全部教育始终。

    Education is the cause of love.

  4. 第三部分,爱的教育的价值追求。

    The third part, the value orientatin of education of love.

  5. 论文只有爱的教育,才是人性化的教育。

    Only love of education, be humanization of education.

  6. 我相信我所爱的教育以及我的个人能力。

    I am convinced that my education combined with my abilities.

  7. 首先,家长要树立正确爱的教育观念。

    First of all, parents should foster a concept of love education.

  8. 其次,家长要确立合理的爱的教育目的。

    Second, parents must establish reasonable purposes for love education.

  9. 爱的教育是裴斯泰洛齐道德教育的本质核心。

    Love education is essence of Pestalozzi education in ethics.

  10. 本部分系统探讨了爱的教育的价值追求。

    In this part, the writer discuss the value orientatin of education of love systematically.

  11. 浅析羌族丧葬礼俗中蕴含的爱的教育及启示

    Love Education in the Qiang Nationality's Funeral Customs and Its Inspirations.

  12. 但是不灭的是无穷新生的机会, 美丽, 以及爱的教育。

    But there are also infinite opportunities for new life, beauty, and the learnings of love.

  13. 爱是一种幸福的人生体验,美育从本质上也是一种爱的教育。

    Love is an experience of happy life and aesthetic education is also an education of love in essence.

  14. 这对当前实践爱的教育具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    To current practice of the education of love, it has more theoretical value and realistic meaning.

  15. 高职院校学生爱的行为教育模式实施的思考

    On the Implementation of the Educational Mode of Act of Love to the Students of the Higher Vocational Institutes

  16. 当然,爱科学的教育有其产生与存在的社会背景。

    Evidently, the education of loving science has its own social background.

  17. 爱尔考特用他自己的家人来验证他的教育理论。

    Alcott put his educational theories to the test with his own family.

  18. 尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

    Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.

  19. 爱是教育的翅膀。

    Love is the propeller of education.

  20. 对爱和教育的基本需求。

    An elementary need for love and nurturing.

  21. 中学教育中师爱的缺失

    Eclipse of the Love of Teachers in Middle School Education

  22. 耐心是执教的基本要求。对爱和教育的基本需求。

    Patience is a basic requirement in teaching. an elementary need for love and nurturing.

  23. 爱是教育的先决前提这是教育界普遍达成的共鸣。

    Love is a prerequisite for education, This is a general consensus reached by the education sector.

  24. 爱院爱校教育大学生集体主义教育的有效着力点

    Loving School and University for Educating An Effective Impetus to Collectivism Education for University Students

  25. 最优秀的爱宝教育, 成就最优秀的你!

    The best Australian Everland EducationThe most outstanding achievement of you!

  26. 曾经担任过加拿大爱加信教育集团的董事。

    He also served as the director of Canada's Addison Education Group.

  27. 交换有关爱滋病毒爱滋病资讯和教育的印制资料。

    Exchange printed materials on HIV AIDS information and education.

  28. 包括教育,爱,整洁安全的家。

    Education, love, a good clean, safe home.

  29. 包括教育,爱,整洁安全的家。

    Education, love, a good clean, safe home.

  30. 包括教育,爱,整洁安全的家。

    Education, love, a good clean, safe home.


  1. 问:爱的教育拼音怎么拼?爱的教育的读音是什么?爱的教育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:爱的教育的读音是,爱的教育翻译成英文是 Heart



“爱的教育”是个多义词,它可以指爱的教育(艾德蒙多·德·亚米契斯著儿童小说), 爱的教育(梅艳芳歌曲), 爱的教育(影响孩子一生的世界十大名著)。