


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……





汉语拼音:nèi ren







  1. 指本家族的人。

    《荀子·法行》:“ 曾子 曰:无内人之疏而外人之亲。”

  2. 古代泛指妻妾。

    《礼记·檀弓下》:“今及其死也,朋友诸臣未有出涕者,而内人皆行哭失声。” 郑玄 注:“内人,妻妾。”《孔丛子·记义》:“今死而内人从死者二人焉,若此於长者薄,於妇人厚也。” 清 孙枝蔚 《燕子楼》诗:“不见 鲁文伯 ,内人行哭时。”

  3. 用以称自己的妻子。

    清 赵翼 《观家人腌菜戏成四十韵》:“茹蔬贫宦惯,蓄旨内人工。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第七章:“这是内人。她身体不太好。”

  4. 宫中女官。亦指宫女。

    《周礼·天官·寺人》:“掌王之内人及女宫之戒令。” 郑玄 注:“内人,女御也。”《后汉书·和熹邓皇后纪》:“ 康 以太后久临朝政,心怀畏惧,託病不朝。太后使内人问之。” 清 吴伟业 《永和宫词》:“勑使惟追 阳羡 茶,内人数减 昭阳 膳。”

  5. 宫中的女伎。

    《隋书·房陵王勇传》:“太子左庶子 唐令则 ……諂曲取容,音技自进,躬执乐器,亲教内人,赞成骄侈,导引非法。” 唐 张祜 《青莺啭》诗:“内人已唱《春鶯囀》,花下傞傞软舞来。” 唐 崔令钦 《教坊记》:“伎女入 宜春院 ,谓之‘内人’,亦曰‘前头人’,常在上前头也。”

  6. 指官僚贵族家的女伎。

    《南史·袁昂传》:“ 勉 ( 徐勉 )求 昂 出内人传盃, 昂 良久不出, 勉 苦求之, 昂 不获已,命出五六人。” 清 钱谦益 《丙戌南还赠别故侯家妓人冬哥》诗之一:“綉岭灰飞 金谷 残,内人红袖泪阑干。”



  1. Would you be kind enough to tell me your name and address? Then my wife or I would drop you a line and we could discuss the matter.


  2. Jeff Valenti has been a Washington insider since the 1960's, learning the art of politics from one of its masters, Lyndon Johnso.


  3. My wife has no concept of money.


  4. As an insider, she couldn't spend so much time surveying the writing of her peers and caviling about their philistinism.


  5. Then, an old man came to me and said, "Excuse me, dear, my wife and I loved letting you work . "


  6. He insists on remaining an outsider but this performance proves him to be one of Germany's most potent theatrical conjurors.


  7. My eldest daughter will tell you that we have been without a morsel of bread for two days, four persons and my spouse ill.


  8. As a veteran of the national security and intelligence communities, Gates is both a defense outsider and a Washington insider.


  9. My wife and I are all thinking of you and sympathizing in your grief.


  1. 内人附笔问好。

    My wife asked to be remembered to you.

  2. 局内人制作花絮

    Making of Inside Man featurette

  3. 我认为副总统是局内人。

    I think that the vice president was in the loop.

  4. 和内人训她几句完事。

    My wife and I gave her a few words of admonishment, and let it go at that

  5. 内人病了,一个苏也没有!

    My wife ill, and not a sou!

  6. 李小姐, 这是我内人, 珍

    Miss Lee, this is my wife, Jane.

  7. 圈内人刘新平告诉记者。

    Coterie Liu Xinping tells a reporter.

  8. 那天晚上我内人就寝得很早。

    My wife retired early that night.

  9. 其实, 圈内人倒没有辟谣之必要。

    Actually, the colleague has not spiked a rumour but actually the necessity.

  10. 近日,据有圈内人透露了其中一些内幕。

    Recently, leaked inside story of wh some of which according to having coterie.

  11. 在保险圈内人来看, 的确是有点儿。

    It is in light of insurance coterie, it is really a little.

  12. 一大早菜场内人声嚣杂, 生意红火。

    The food market is very crowded and noisy in the morning.

  13. 一大早菜场内人声嚣杂,生意红火。

    The food market is very crowded and noisy in the morning.

  14. 你的损失,内人和我向你致最诚挚的慰问。

    My wife and I offer you our most sincere sympathy in your loss.

  15. 内人与我, 以及整个派对中的人都衷心感激。

    My wife and I asas entire party are deeply grateful.

  16. 这是局内人对局外人开的那些尖刻的玩笑之一。

    It was one of those cutting jokes insiders make about outsiders.

  17. 内人买了一件昂贵的貂皮大衣,似乎不值得。

    My wife bought a mink coat that cost an arm and a leg.

  18. 我和内人同感赞赏你们做为新手父母的警觉。

    My wife and I admire your vigilance as new parents.

  19. 你开始以局外人和局内人来看待这两个社会。

    You begin to see the societies as both an outsider and an insider.

  20. 在金融危机之前业界的普遍看法强烈支持局内人。

    Before the financial crisis the consensus was strongly in favour of insiders.

  21. 对自己自己的圈内人表达的傲慢自夸都是不礼貌的。

    It is impolite to be arrogantbrag about oneself or one's inner circle.

  22. 内人和我都在惦念你,并对你悲痛致上吊慰。

    My wife and I are all thinking of you and sympathizing in your grief.

  23. 内人和我十分感谢你在我们经济困难时的帮助。

    My wife and I appreciate so much your helping us during our financial hardship.

  24. 推进弹簧门,一排长柜台把馆内人跟馆外人隔开。

    He pushed open the swinging door and walked in. A long counter separated the people in the office from those outside.

  25. 不论是在快乐时或是在悲伤时,内人一直都是我的好伴侣。

    My wife has been my good companion in joy and in sorrow.

  26. 它们是我内人及我一直努力试著抚育我们家族的信条。

    They are the principles on which my wife and I have tried bring up our family.

  27. 据圈内人介绍,部分人也喜欢去桑拿和会所。

    According to insiders, the number of people also like to go to saunas and clubs.

  28. 弟子荣利及淑真曾提请我内人手书此皈依偈。

    Disciples Yong Lee and Shu Chan had requested that my wife do calligraphy on this Refuge Gatha.

  29. 公园内人与自然和谐相处,鸟啼虫鸣,松鼠嬉闹于沟壑林间。

    Park my wife and nature in harmony, singing Chong Ming, squirrels frolicked in forest gully.

  30. 他的感觉是他毕竟是局外人, 不会说圈内话, 不能冒充圈内人。

    He wasnt of their tribe, and he couldnt talk their lingo, was the way he put it to himself.


  1. 问:内人拼音怎么拼?内人的读音是什么?内人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内人的读音是nèirén,内人翻译成英文是 my wife; wife