




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:zhuó zhe





1.突出显著。清 宣鼎《夜雨秋灯录·昙花记》:“慧既非凡,孝尤卓著。”马南邨《燕山夜话·甘薯的来历》:“陈振龙 的裔孙 陈世元 曾联络几个同伴,到达 山东 的 古镇,试种甘薯,成效卓著。”秦牧《艺海拾贝·茅台、花雕瓶子》:“中国 有声誉卓著的‘八大名酒’。”

2.谓显著地表现出。郑观应《盛世危言·赛会》:“如虑 中国 此时工艺尚未讲求,不能如各国之精益求精,卓著成效,则可知 日本 办法,先于内地各镇埠试行。”廖仲恺《致饶潜川黄德源曾允明经国函》:“至 黄君 馥生 办理党务卓著劳绩,应否给奖之处,候陈 中山先生 核复。”马南邨《燕山夜话·白开水最好喝》:“如 玉泉山 的泉水,昆明湖 上流的 龙泉,碧云寺 后面的 卓锡泉 ……都是历来卓著声名的。”

3.著称。清 陆以湉《冷庐杂识·徐观察》:“汉军 徐铁孙 观察同年 荣,由知县起家,文学政事卓著一时。”



  1. 突出显著。

    清 宣鼎 《夜雨秋灯录·昙花记》:“慧既非凡,孝尤卓著。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·甘薯的来历》:“ 陈振龙 的裔孙 陈世元 曾联络几个同伴,到达 山东 的 古镇 ,试种甘薯,成效卓著。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·茅台、花雕瓶子》:“ 中国 有声誉卓著的‘八大名酒’。”

  2. 谓显著地表现出。

    郑观应 《盛世危言·赛会》:“如虑 中国 此时工艺尚未讲求,不能如各国之精益求精,卓著成效,则可知 日本 办法,先于内地各镇埠试行。” 廖仲恺 《致饶潜川黄德源曾允明经国函》:“至 黄君 馥生 办理党务卓著劳绩,应否给奖之处,候陈 中山先生 核复。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·白开水最好喝》:“如 玉泉山 的泉水, 昆明湖 上流的 龙泉 , 碧云寺 后面的 卓锡泉 ……都是历来卓著声名的。”

  3. 著称。

    清 陆以湉 《冷庐杂识·徐观察》:“汉军 徐铁孙 观察同年 荣 ,由知县起家,文学政事卓著一时。”



  1. You know, Jim Clark was a distinguished lecturer here just a few weeks ago.


  1. 政府为他颁赠勋章, 以表彰他的卓着功绩。

    The government recognized his outstanding service by giving him a medal.

  2. 约翰学着卓别林的样来逗我们开心。

    John took his cue from Charles Chaplin as to amuse us.

  3. 一对黑亮的眼睛只是好奇地盯着卓尔的脸, 左看右看。

    A rightness of black shine eyes just curiously stare by the face of Zhuo Er, left see right to see.

  4. 林教授在组织内的团体心理训练方面有着卓尔不凡的成就。

    She has invaluable insight into team dynamics and efficacy.

  5. 小卓尔笑着直拍手。

    The little drow laughed and clapped her hands.

  6. 膝盖上放着我的班卓琴。

    With my banjo on my knee.

  7. 躺着, 倾听着菱卓的单调声线。

    Lay back and listen to the monotonous sound of coey cheuk.

  8. 听着,安卓,你可不能告诉钱德。

    Listen, Adrienne, you can't tell Chandler about this.

  9. 我看见员工的卓上都贴着她的照片。

    I see her pictures are stamped on their desks.

  10. 我们带着安卓手机出现在你家门口。

    We show up at your door with an Android phone.

  11. 那位推销员试着向安卓雅推销新车。

    The salesperson tried to sell Andrea a new car.

  12. 我来自阿拉巴马,膝上放着班卓琴

    I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee

  13. 卡德卓又在外面对那两匹马拼命吆喝着。

    Gudjoe on the outside delivers animated addresses to the horses.

  14. 因为我来自亚拉巴马,膝上带着班卓琴。

    For I come from alabamawith my banjo on my knee.

  15. 镇民们开始犹豫。孩子们望着迈斯卓消失得地方。

    The Villagers hesitate.The kids look at the place the Maestro disappeard.

  16. 镇民们开始犹豫。孩子们望着迈斯卓消失的地方。

    The Villagers hesitate. The kids look at the place the Maestro disappeard.

  17. 卓别林出现在舞台上时,手里拿着一根拐杖。

    Chaplin appeared on the stage, a stick in his hand.

  18. 这个高卓人开始讲话,平静的表面掩饰着潜化的激情

    The Gaucho Began to talk, calmly But with an undercurrent of passion

  19. 踩着鼓点跳舞的雷鸣凤用他的舞蹈征服了卓洛宇。

    Mingfeng dancing to drum beat made a conquest of Zhuo Luoyu for his pas.

  20. 踩着鼓点跳舞得雷鸣凤用他得舞蹈征服了卓洛宇。

    Mingfeng dancing to drum beat made a conquest of Zhuo Luoyu for his pas.

  21. 噢,苏珊娜我来自亚拉巴马,膝上放着班卓琴。

    Oh, Susanna I come from Alabama With my banjo on my knee.

  22. 我已从阿拉巴马回来,膝盖上放着我的班卓琴。

    For I came from Alabama With my banjo on my knee.

  23. 卓别林总是提着一根棍子,他常常在空中舞动它。

    Chaplin always carried a stick, which he used to swing in the air.

  24. 他拨了拨班卓琴的琴弦,每个人就都跟着唱了起了。

    With a few plucks at the strings of his banjo, everybody was singing along.

  25. 他有着动听的深沉的声音,还会一个叫班卓琴的乐器。

    He had a beautiful deep voice, and played an instrument called a banjo.

  26. 当然,卓别林的荣誉也标志着他本人从瑞士流放状态的回归。

    Of course, Chaplin's honor also marked his return from exile in Switzerland.

  27. 狮子很安静地站在那儿, 用头蹭着安卓可利斯和肩膀。

    The lion stood quite still and rubbed his head against the man's shoulder.

  28. 卓别林头戴一顶黑礼帽,手持一根拐杖,却时常在空中挥舞着。

    Having a black hat on, Chaplin carried a stick, which he used to swing in the air.

  29. 噢,不要为我哭泣。因为我来自亚拉巴马,膝上放着班卓琴。

    Oh, don't you cry for me, for I come from alatamawith my banjo on my knee.

  30. 意大利男演员罗伯托·贝尼尼被描述成意大利的查理.卓别林,但他最近在国际影坛大获成功的影片《美丽人生》却有着严肃的背景。

    The Italian actor Roberto Benigni has been described as Italy's Charlie Chaplin, but his recent internationally successful film Life is Beautiful has a serious settings.