







汉语拼音:qíng shì








  1. 情况和趋势;形势。

    《三国志·蜀志·谯周传》“ 刘氏 无虞,一邦蒙赖, 周 之谋也” 裴松之 注引 晋 孙盛 曰:“且屈伸有会,情势代起。”《新五代史·杂传六·阎宝》:“夫决胜料势,决战料情,情势既得,断在不疑。” 张天翼 《温柔制造者》:“桌上还放着一个学生写的关于远东情势的文章,他压根就没翻开来过。”



  1. When you read something you know will show up on a test, write it down in the form of a question.


  2. All that was clear then was that most Americans urgently wanted a change of direction.


  3. she asked , diffidently , forgetting in her difficult situation that she had hoped he took her to be drouet s wife.


  4. He said the situation on the ground is dangerous and that there is no time to lose in reaching an agreement.


  5. It is all beginning to look somewhat like 2005, when the Treasury secretary was John Snow and George W. Bush was president.


  6. The military forces of other nations would be more suited than U. S. forces in a great many global situations, he said.


  7. But this state of affairs doesn't seem to me likely to be stable.


  8. Although it had many forms, a rebus usually was a romantic verse written in ink with certain words omitted and illustrated with a picture.


  9. The contracts for a module can be regarded as a form of software documentation for the behavior of that module.


  1. 情势刻不容缓。

    The situation does not permit of any delay.

  2. 情势很危急。

    The position is very critical.

  3. 商业情势好转

    an upturn in business.

  4. 油耗的情势如何?

    what's the situation with fuel consumption?

  5. 对情势作出估计

    size up the situation

  6. 情势还没那么糟。

    The situation is not as bad as that.

  7. 他们能应付那情势。

    They rose to the occasion.

  8. 广东缺水情势凸显

    Water shortage looms large in Guangdong

  9. 情势远不是那么糟。

    The situation is not that bad by a long way.

  10. 情势所迫,只好如此。

    He must needs go whom the devil drives.

  11. 我们完全掌握了情势。

    We have the situation well in hand.

  12. 这种情势固有的困难

    difficulties that are intrinsic to such a situation

  13. 一百年后,情势骤变。

    A hundred years later things quite suddenly began to change.

  14. 不同的情势需要不同的策略。

    Different circumstances call for different tactics.

  15. 政治情势令人非常担。

    The political situation is very worrying.

  16. 情势对我们的计划有利。

    The situation favored our plan.

  17. 他们过分利用了这种情势。

    They are taking undue advantage of the situation.

  18. 情势正逐渐倾向于社会主义。

    Things are trending toward socialism.

  19. 情势对我们的计画有利。

    The situation favored our plan.

  20. 情势改变了而冠军占优势。

    The tide turned and the champion prevailed.

  21. 她对情势的处理非常巧妙。

    Her handling of the situation was masterly.

  22. 我请求让我知悉当前的情势。

    I request to be informed of the current state of affairs.

  23. 就一直被男性掌控的情势

    as it has since Pythagoras.

  24. 具有潜在危险的或爆炸性的情势

    Potentiallydangerous or explosive situation

  25. 这可能证明是错估了情势。

    That could prove a miscalculation.

  26. 情势应该会很快地好转的。

    The situation should take a turn for the better soon.

  27. 段正淳明知情势极是凶险。

    Purus Duan knew full well that the situation was most perilous.

  28. 别指望安妮能弄明白当前情势。

    Anne couldn't be expected to understand the situation.

  29. 看起来情势不妙, 我们输得很惨。

    It doesn't look good. We're losing too badly.

  30. 我们常常都会错误地判断人和情势。

    We all misjudge people and situations every so often.


  1. 问:情势拼音怎么拼?情势的读音是什么?情势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情势的读音是qíngshì,情势翻译成英文是 situation; circumstances

  2. 问:情势变更拼音怎么拼?情势变更的读音是什么?情势变更翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情势变更的读音是qíng shì biàn gēng,情势变更翻译成英文是 rebus sic stantibus

  3. 问:情势图板拼音怎么拼?情势图板的读音是什么?情势图板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情势图板的读音是qíng shì tú bǎn,情势图板翻译成英文是 status board

  4. 问:情势变迁说拼音怎么拼?情势变迁说的读音是什么?情势变迁说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情势变迁说的读音是qíng shì biàn qiān shuō,情势变迁说翻译成英文是 theory of vital change of circumstances

  5. 问:情势不变条款拼音怎么拼?情势不变条款的读音是什么?情势不变条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情势不变条款的读音是qíng shì bú biàn tiáo kuǎn,情势不变条款翻译成英文是 clausula rebus sic stantibus