







汉语拼音:dī rè






  1. 体温在摄氏37.5-38度叫低热。也叫低烧。如:这一阵子她身子不舒服,一直有低热。



  1. Exploiting this technology for consumer devices is still several years off, but when it happens, less heat loss won't be the only benefit.


  2. The device can improve the combustion efficiency of the fuel gas with the low heat value, and improve the utilization rate of energy.


  3. Put out a variety of mustards, hot sauces, and salsas, which are low in calories, fat, and don't usually contain corn syrup.


  4. Micturition terminal can have the abdominal pain, sometimes visible to the naked eye hematuria, a few patients with low back pain and also.


  5. The under heat fuzzy logic module generates an under heat modifier representing the temperature of the pintle during warmup of an engine.


  6. Bone marrow depression, gastro- intestinal reactions, alopecia, low grade fever and headache were the main side effects.


  7. Many mild cases are observed in which fever is low and of short duration.


  8. High stability at high temperature, insensitive resistance to thermal shock, low storage and high mechanical strength at high temperature.


  9. The invention relates to a heat storage and flame stabilization device for improved fuel gas with low heat value.


  1. 中间层和低热层

    Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere

  2. 低热电势分压箱

    Low thermal EMF divider

  3. 低热值垃圾焚烧

    low caloric value refuse combustion

  4. 低导热率, 低热容量。

    Low thermal conductivity, low thermal capacity.

  5. 低导热率,低热容量。

    Low thermal conductivity, low thermal capacity.

  6. 低热深度烧伤12例误诊分析

    Misdiagnostic Analysis on 12 Cases of Deep Thermal Burn Caused by Low Heat

  7. 低导热率和低热容。

    Low heat conduction and thermal capacity.

  8. 可制作一些低热量的水果拼盘

    Set out fruit trays with low calorie dips.

  9. 中热硅酸盐水泥低热矿渣硅酸盐水泥

    Moderate heat portland cement low heat portland slag cement

  10. 许多轻微病例表现出低热和病程短。

    Many mild cases are observed in which fever is low and of short duration.

  11. 能给我来一罐低热量可乐吗?

    Can I have a Diet Coke?

  12. 可伴有低热,月经过多和白带增多。

    Sometimes it is accompanied with slight fever, menorrhagia, or more vaginal discharge.

  13. 水果和蔬菜自然是低脂肪, 低热量。

    Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories.

  14. 使用低热值煤的配料与操作方法

    Method of raw meal proportioning and its operation by using coal with low heating value

  15. 低热光常数火石玻璃熔制工艺的探讨

    The Melting Technology Inquiry for Athermalized Flint Glass

  16. 寻找最健康的低热量食谱并且应用它们。

    Find the healthiest lowcal recipes and fix them this week.

  17. 真面目别以为水果都是低热量的代名词。

    Real features Do not think the fruit is low caloric pronoun.

  18. 低热值燃料及伴生资源综合开发利用

    Comprehensive development and utilization of low calorific value fuel and accompanying resources

  19. 当烹饪汉堡包,倒装他们往往和使用低热量。

    When cooking burgers, flip them often and use low heat.

  20. 利用激光可以进行高精度,低热输入,高速度的热加工。

    Laser can be used to hot work of high accuracy, high speed and low heat input.

  21. 治疗期间注意低热量饮食以增加减肥效果。

    In order to enhance the clinical effects, low calorie controlled diets in the course of treatment is suggested.

  22. 冷水可以减轻疼痛并减低热对组织的作用。

    The cold reduces pain and may decrease the effect of the heat on the tissue.

  23. 各式谷物粟米片卜卜米可可米低热量麦维

    cereals corn flakes Rice crispy Coco pops All bran Raisins Walnut

  24. 高蛋白, 低热量和不含胆固醇是豆腐的特点。

    Extremely high in protein, tofu is low in calories and contains no cholesterol.

  25. 高蛋白,低热量和不含胆固醇是豆腐得特点。

    Extremely high in protein, tofu is low in calories and contains no cholesterol.

  26. 他已经是这个低热水煤气工程的总工程师了。

    He is already the general engineer of this low BTU water gas project.

  27. 也可以出现腹股沟淋巴结肿大,疼痛,以及低热。

    Inguinal lymph nodes may also appear swollen, pain, and low heat.

  28. 使用吹风机设置为低热量,可以加快干燥过程。

    The drying process can be expedited using a hair dryer set to LOW heat.

  29. 该产品具有低热量,营养丰富,风味独特等特点。

    The product showed low calorie, plentiful nutrient contents and favorable taste.

  30. 虽然孩子只是低热,但做父母得却显得非常紧张。

    Let's take turns looking after the child.


  1. 问:低热拼音怎么拼?低热的读音是什么?低热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热的读音是dīrè,低热翻译成英文是 Lower temperature.; The symptom of a low fever....

  2. 问:低热值拼音怎么拼?低热值的读音是什么?低热值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热值的读音是dī rè zhí,低热值翻译成英文是 Low Calorific Value

  3. 问:低热法拼音怎么拼?低热法的读音是什么?低热法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热法的读音是dī rè fǎ,低热法翻译成英文是 low heat method

  4. 问:低热水泥拼音怎么拼?低热水泥的读音是什么?低热水泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热水泥的读音是dī rè shuǐ ní,低热水泥翻译成英文是 low-heat cement

  5. 问:低热量饮食拼音怎么拼?低热量饮食的读音是什么?低热量饮食翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热量饮食的读音是dī rè liàng yǐn shí,低热量饮食翻译成英文是 low-caloric diet

  6. 问:低热硅酸盐水泥拼音怎么拼?低热硅酸盐水泥的读音是什么?低热硅酸盐水泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热硅酸盐水泥的读音是dī rè guī suān yán shuǐ ní,低热硅酸盐水泥翻译成英文是 low heat Portland cement

  7. 问:低热矿渣膨胀水泥拼音怎么拼?低热矿渣膨胀水泥的读音是什么?低热矿渣膨胀水泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热矿渣膨胀水泥的读音是dī rè kuàng zhā péng zhàng shuǐ ní,低热矿渣膨胀水泥翻译成英文是 low heat slag expansive cement

  8. 问:低热微膨胀矿渣水泥拼音怎么拼?低热微膨胀矿渣水泥的读音是什么?低热微膨胀矿渣水泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热微膨胀矿渣水泥的读音是dī rè wēi péng zhàng kuàng zhā shuǐ ní,低热微膨胀矿渣水泥翻译成英文是 low heat expansive slag cement

  9. 问:低热硅酸盐矿渣水泥拼音怎么拼?低热硅酸盐矿渣水泥的读音是什么?低热硅酸盐矿渣水泥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低热硅酸盐矿渣水泥的读音是dī rè guī suān yán kuàng zhā shuǐ ní,低热硅酸盐矿渣水泥翻译成英文是 low heat Portland blast furnace slag cement...