







汉语拼音:jìng xī







  1. In one sense, the brain could be trying to economise during a repetitive task by shifting resources to the default mode.

  2. Periods of precipitation are referred to as the "active" monsoon, and the lulls in between are called monsoon "break" .

  3. "This pathway is usually present but inactive in the brain, " Cai said in a statement.

  4. I was testing her resting heart rate and it was beating over a hundred beats a minute, so I thought she must have liked me!

  5. Such findings have prompted speculation about what all this resting brain activity is for.

  6. Resting echocardiogram; Wall motion abnormalities; Coronary angiography; Coronary arteries; Myocardial infarction.

  7. These regions are part of a so-called "default mode network" and show increased used when people are resting or asleep.

  8. A standard physiologist's calculation predicts that such a chill would slow metabolism to 65 percent of nonhibernating resting rates.

  9. Likewise, electrical stimulation of sites in the brain during neurosurgery has failed to uncover any "silent areas. "


  1. 静息阈强度

    rested threshold intensity

  2. 静息心电图

    resting electrocardiogram

  3. 静息紧张度

    resting tonus

  4. 静息时心绞痛

    angina at rest

  5. 静息能量消耗

    rest energy expenditure

  6. 静息正常对照

    resting normal control tracing

  7. 静息电位差

    resting potential difference

  8. 静息膜电位

    resting membrane electric potential

  9. 静息心肌纤维

    resting cardiac muscle fiber

  10. 静息心排出量

    resting cardiac output

  11. 静息状态喷射指数

    resting emission ejection fraction

  12. 负性静息电位

    negative resting potential.

  13. 跨膜静息电位

    transmembrane resting potential.

  14. 心肌静息显像

    myocardial resting perfusion imaging.

  15. 静息心率需要修订

    Need for a Revision of the Normal Limits of Resting Heart Rate

  16. 静息心室自身性频率

    resting idioventricular rate

  17. 蜗管内静息电位

    endocochlear potential

  18. 是用于静息功能连通性研究

    Resting state functional connectivity studies

  19. 静息时四肢皮肤微循环的特性

    Character of Microcirculation in Skin of Limb being at Rest

  20. 无意识活动与静息态脑能量消耗

    Unconsciousness and Energy Consumption of the Brain in the Resting State

  21. 细胞静息膜电位的产生和维持

    Genesis and maintenance of cell resting membrane potential

  22. 静息心电图在诊断冠状动脉病变中的作用

    An approach to the value of electrocardiogram at rest on the diagnosis of coronary heart disease

  23. 心脏大血管搏动对食管静息压的影响

    Effects of cardiac and aortic pulsation on the resting pressure in esophagus

  24. 小儿严重脑损伤致脑电静息的预后观察

    The prognosis of electroencephalogram silent result from children serious brain injurey

  25. 正常老化对视皮层静息状态脑活动的影响

    Health aging modulation of the resting state human brain activity in visual cortex

  26. 月经周期可以影响静息 活动昼夜节律时相。

    The circadian periodogram calculated the period length of the rhythm of average woman.

  27. 静息心率得计算方法是, 在椅子上静坐5分钟。

    To calculate resting heart rate, sit in a chair for 5 minutes without talking.

  28. 静息心率的计算方法是,在椅子上静坐5分钟。

    To calculate resting heart rate,sit in a chair for 5 minutes without talking.

  29. 静息条件下,大脑的默认网络具有更多的活动。

    The brain's default network has greater activity during resting conditions.

  30. 静息培养基的筛选及在此体系中庆大霉素的合成

    Screening Resting Cell System for Study Gentamicin Biosynthesis


  1. 问:静息期拼音怎么拼?静息期的读音是什么?静息期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息期的读音是jìng xī qī,静息期翻译成英文是 silent period

  2. 问:静息核拼音怎么拼?静息核的读音是什么?静息核翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息核的读音是jìng xī hé,静息核翻译成英文是 resting nucleus

  3. 问:静息毛拼音怎么拼?静息毛的读音是什么?静息毛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息毛的读音是jìng xī máo,静息毛翻译成英文是 resting hair

  4. 问:静息孢子拼音怎么拼?静息孢子的读音是什么?静息孢子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息孢子的读音是jìng xī bāo zǐ,静息孢子翻译成英文是 akinete

  5. 问:静息张力拼音怎么拼?静息张力的读音是什么?静息张力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息张力的读音是jìng xī zhāng lì,静息张力翻译成英文是 resting tension

  6. 问:静息电位拼音怎么拼?静息电位的读音是什么?静息电位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息电位的读音是jìng xī diàn wèi,静息电位翻译成英文是 resting potential

  7. 问:静息细胞拼音怎么拼?静息细胞的读音是什么?静息细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息细胞的读音是jìng xī xì bāo,静息细胞翻译成英文是 resting cell

  8. 问:静息代谢率拼音怎么拼?静息代谢率的读音是什么?静息代谢率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息代谢率的读音是jìng xī dài xiè lǜ,静息代谢率翻译成英文是 resting metabolic rate

  9. 问:静息干细胞拼音怎么拼?静息干细胞的读音是什么?静息干细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静息干细胞的读音是jìng xī gān xì bāo,静息干细胞翻译成英文是 quiescent stem cell