


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


1. 愉 [yú]2. 愉 [tōu]愉 [yú]和悦,快意:~快。~悦。欢~。不~之色。愉 [tōu]古同“偷”,苟且敷衍。……



汉语拼音:hé yú






  1. 犹和悦。和颜悦色,心情舒畅。

    《文子·守静》:“和愉虚无,所以据德也。”《淮南子·俶真训》:“古之圣人其和愉寧静,性也。” 清 沉德潜 《说诗晬语》卷上:“ 阮公 咏怀,反復零乱,兴寄无端,和愉哀怨,俶诡不覊,读者莫求归趣。”



  1. Toys and play, even experts say, play vital parts in children's learning and discovery.


  1. 必须通过哀恸,才能有喜乐和欢愉。

    The road to joy and rejoicing is through mourning.

  2. 桑愉和他的篆刻艺术

    Sang Yu and His Seal Cutting

  3. 家庭融和愉乐

    have a happy and harmonious family.

  4. 而且我们保证您和您的伴侣 会体验到极致欢愉。

    And we guarantee maximum pleasure for you and your partner.

  5. 夏季额定传愉容量和紧急传愉容量低于要求值。

    Summer normal and emergency ratings are lower than required.

  6. 愿今年景功和欢愉与你相伴。

    May sess and happiness follow you throughout the year.

  7. 愿平安挚爱和欢愉在1999年伴随着您。假日快乐。

    Much peace, love, and joy to you in1999! Happy holidays!

  8. 前期以写情诗著称,写不尽人生的欢愉和爱。

    The former ones are mostly love poems, singing the happy life and the human love.

  9. 敬畏上主是人的光荣、夸耀、喜悦和欢愉的冠冕。

    The fear of the Lord is honour, and glory, and gladness, and a crown of joy.

  10. 你会在爱和欢愉,在我们当中要求收回你们的神圣权利。

    You will reclaim your divine right among us in love and joy.

  11. 黛西强作欢愉地大声说。这是无穷的欢乐和愉快。

    Cried Daisy with tense gaiety. It was all wild pleasure and delight.

  12. 愿激情,欢愉和期待的美好感觉成为你每一天的主旋律。

    May each new day a feeling of excitement, joy, and a wonderful sense of expectation.

  13. 一首伟大的诗篇有如一座喷泉永远喷出智慧和欢愉的水花。

    A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight.

  14. 拿破仑脸上流露着欢愉和有几分讥讽的微笑,向他转过头来。

    Napoleon addressed him with an amicable and rather ironical smile.

  15. 在前戏过程中,亲吻是必不可少的,能带来性欢愉和亲密感。

    Kissing during foreplay is necessary and offers sensual pleasure and a feeling of intimacy.

  16. 兴奋激动和令人振奋的欢愉,将会是你在加利福尼亚州宏伟壮现的主题乐园里乘坐游乐的部分感受。

    Excitement and exhilarating entertainment part of the experience you will feel in the great rides to be had at the magnificent theme parks in California.