







汉语拼音:xuān shì









  1. 显示;展示。

    《左传·昭公九年》:“自 文 以来,世有衰德,而暴灭 宗周 ,以宣示其侈,诸侯之贰,不亦宜乎?” 唐 黄滔 《内出白鹿宣示百官》诗:“上瑞何曾乏?毛羣表色难。珍於四灵外,宣示百僚观。” 宋 龚鼎臣 《东原录》:“ 真庙 朝, 汝州 进茯苓一颗,重三十斤。宣示宰臣而下,遂谢表。” 毛泽东 《质问国民党》:“那末,我们亲爱的国民党先生们,可否把你们的这种什么‘蒙汗药’或‘定身法’给我们宣示一二呢?”

  2. 宣布;公布。

    《后汉书·周兴传》:“臣等既愚闇,而诸郎多文俗吏,鲜有雅才,每为詔文,宣示内外,转相求请,或以不能而专己自由,辞多鄙固。” 唐 韩愈 《皇帝即位降赦贺观察使状》:“二月五日恩赦,今月二十四日卯时至州,当时集百官僧道百姓,宣示讫。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·文学》:“ 李赵公 吉甫 时为承旨,以圣人上顺天时,下尽物理,表请宣示天下,编之於令。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷四:“上乃以先后敕除 阿 逆密旨及 班 等狐疑之章奏,宣示中外,黜额駙亲王爵,赴军效力。”

  3. 宣扬。

    《后汉书·南蛮西南夷传》:“ 益州 刺史 梁国 朱辅 ,好立功名,慷慨有大略。在州数岁,宣示 汉 德,威怀远夷。”《晋书·温峤传》:“必得清恪奉公,足以宣示惠化者,则所益实弘矣。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第一章第一节:“灭六国后, 秦始皇 在帝位十二年,出巡郡县凡五次,目的在‘以示强威,服海内’,并宣示统一四海的功德。”

  4. 晓谕;揭明。

    《敦煌变文集·父母恩重经讲经文》:“经书各有多般理,皆劝门徒行孝义;只怕因循不报恩,故於经上明宣示。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷六:“ 圣祖 移书宣示利害,絶其纠约。”



  1. Never go home the same way as you went out, ' she said, as though enunciating an important general principle .


  2. "It could also be an attempt to stave off speculative capital inflows by showing that renminbi appreciation is not a one-way bet. "


  3. The small farmer hand holds hayfork and stands to seem to publicize the little world that to protect him over there.


  4. The attorney-general's ruling that there was no evidence of wrongdoing merely provided face-saving cover for his inevitable exit.


  5. Now he began to give me a new sort of lecture.


  6. "I think people saw my election as proof, as testimony that, although we are imperfect, our society has continued to improve, " he said.


  7. The Treasury left no doubt that the resolution of the debt issue was squarely in the hands of Congress.


  8. All that the Father has is Mine; for this reason I have said that He receives of Mine and will declare it to you.


  9. Last month, its navy planted a flag at the bottom of the South China Sea in a show of sovereignty.


  1. 宣示性法典

    declaratory code.

  2. 宣示性判决

    declaration judgement.

  3. 法庭必须向被告宣示判决。

    The court must pass judgment on the accused man.

  4. 诸神会宣示他们的旨意

    The gods will make their will known.

  5. 诸神会宣示他们的旨意。

    The gods will make their will known.

  6. 当代作家所宣示的成功诀窍

    A secret of success for contemporary Chinese writers

  7. 运动员宣示要赛出风格,赛出水平。

    The athletes vow to compete to their full capacity and with sportsmanship.

  8. 运动员宣示要赛出风格,赛出水平。

    The athletes vow to compete to their full capacity and with sportsmanship.

  9. 现在, 他开始对我宣示新得说教。

    Now he began to give me a new sort of lecture.

  10. 现在,他开始对我宣示新的说教。

    Now he began to give me a new sort of lecture.

  11. 吼猴为什麽要吼叫?为了宣示领土。

    Why did the howler monkeys in Belize howl less often

  12. 慈悲与宽容不是软弱,是力量的宣示。

    Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength.

  13. 这里的昨天宣示了农垦的艰苦创业, 发愤图强。

    Here yesterday declared that the arduous pioneering, and land reclamation assiduous socks.

  14. 而且,暂停不过是一个单方面的政策宣示。

    Moreover, the moratorium is nothing more than a unilateral political declaration.

  15. 只有我们向世界宣示了真爱,才会长存。

    Only an announcement to the world of feelings long held.

  16. 地方举措成功地向公民宣示了可持续发展。

    Local initiatives have had success in informing citizens on sustainable development.

  17. 美国不会支持任何国家对南海诸岛宣示主权。

    The United States doesn't support any country's claim over the islands.

  18. 他要荣耀我, 因为他要从我有所领受而宣示与你们。

    He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will declare it to you.

  19. 它们通过了一个不同寻常宣言,宣示团结与决心。

    They adopted an extraordinary declaration of solidarity and determination.

  20. 从情侣变成夫妻, 宣示自己在对方人际关系中的地位

    From lover become consort, announce oneselfs position in the opposites interpersonal relationship.

  21. 所有这些与奥巴马总统蛊惑人心的宣示是南辕北辙。

    All this is a long way from President Obamas clarion call to perpetuate the Pax Americana at any cost.

  22. 但是,其他国家却无法以行动来证明其政策上的宣示。

    However other countries have been unable to match their policy pronouncements with action.

  23. 他,一个孤独的鬼魂,宣示了一个真理,却没有人能听到。

    He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear.

  24. 扶轮徽章是一种对大众得讯息,它对外宣示我们自己。

    Rotary emblem is a public message and a declaration of ourselves.

  25. 扶轮徽章是一种对大众的讯息,它对外宣示我们自己。

    Rotary emblem is a public message and a declaration of ourselves.

  26. 约十六14他要荣耀我, 因为他要从我有所领受而宣示与你们。

    Jn. 1614 He will glorify Me, for He will receive of Mine and will declare it to you.

  27. 蛇纹竟也跃上运动鞋面,似乎也在宣示小龙年的来临。

    Anguine grain also jumps sneaker face unexpectedly, also be in it seems that declare Xiaolong year advent.

  28. 我们认为,首脑会议通过一项宣示性议程是不够的。

    In our view, it would not be sufficient for the summit to adopt a declaratory agenda.

  29. 雄性吼猴利用它们的大嗓门去争夺食物, 求偶, 或宣示领土。

    Male howler monkeys use their loud voices to fight for food, mates, or territory.

  30. 这体现了那些支持承认行为具有宣示性理论的人的观点。

    This reflects the point of view of those who support the declarative theory of the act of recognition.


  1. 问:宣示拼音怎么拼?宣示的读音是什么?宣示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示的读音是xuānshì,宣示翻译成英文是 To declare openly.

  2. 问:宣示性拼音怎么拼?宣示性的读音是什么?宣示性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性的读音是xuān shì xìng,宣示性翻译成英文是 declarative character

  3. 问:宣示法律拼音怎么拼?宣示法律的读音是什么?宣示法律翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示法律的读音是xuān shì fǎ lǜ,宣示法律翻译成英文是 jus dicere

  4. 问:宣示性典范拼音怎么拼?宣示性典范的读音是什么?宣示性典范翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性典范的读音是xuān shì xìng diǎn fàn,宣示性典范翻译成英文是 declaratory model

  5. 问:宣示性判决拼音怎么拼?宣示性判决的读音是什么?宣示性判决翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性判决的读音是xuān shì xìng pàn jué,宣示性判决翻译成英文是 declaratory judgment

  6. 问:宣示性承认拼音怎么拼?宣示性承认的读音是什么?宣示性承认翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性承认的读音是xuān shì xìng chéng rèn,宣示性承认翻译成英文是 declarative recognition

  7. 问:宣示性条约拼音怎么拼?宣示性条约的读音是什么?宣示性条约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性条约的读音是xuānshìxìngtiáoyuē,宣示性条约翻译成英文是 declaratory treaty

  8. 问:宣示性法典拼音怎么拼?宣示性法典的读音是什么?宣示性法典翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性法典的读音是xuānshìxìngfǎdiǎn,宣示性法典翻译成英文是 declaratory code

  9. 问:宣示性法条拼音怎么拼?宣示性法条的读音是什么?宣示性法条翻译成英文是什么?

    答:宣示性法条的读音是xuān shì xìng fǎ tiáo,宣示性法条翻译成英文是 declaratory statute