







汉语拼音:zhǐ chuī






  1. 即纸煤。

    《官场现形记》第八回:“ 陶子尧 闭着眼睛吃水烟,不去理他。看看一根纸吹吃完,新嫂嫂赶忙又点好一根送上。” 茅盾 《林家铺子》三:“只管捧着他那老古董的水烟筒卜落落卜落落的呼,直到烧完一根纸吹,这才慢吞吞地说。”参见“ 纸煤 ”。



  1. He sneezed the napkin off the table.


  1. 风把桌上得纸吹乱了。

    The wind dishevelled the papers on the desk.

  2. 我关上窗户免得纸吹得到处都是。

    I shut the window to stop my papers blowing about.

  3. 被快速压缩的空气将会把纸吹走。

    The whoosh of compressed air escaping will blow them off.

  4. 纸被吹掉了。

    The paper blew away.

  5. 产生的热量由风扇从不同的角度吹向纸堆。

    Heat from the fan blowing from different angles to the stack.

  6. 就像一张被风扇吹走的纸。

    When we were together I was blown away, just like paper from a fan.

  7. 风把纸从西蒙的桌子吹到地上。

    Wind blew papers from Simon's desk all over the floor.

  8. 风把纸从西蒙得桌子吹到地上。

    Wind blew papers from Simon's desk all over the floor.

  9. 风把纸从西蒙的桌子吹到地上。

    Wind blew papers from Simon's desk all over the floor.

  10. 不停地向纸蒌里扔纸团,还有风吹过难以命中。

    Keep to the paper Lou threw Zhiqiu, and the wind is difficult to hit off. Ah, refueling!

  11. 纸屑被风吹了出去。

    The bits of paper blew out.

  12. 男孩将纸袋吹得鼓了起来。

    The boy blew out the paper bag.

  13. 纸鸟经不起风吹,泥人经不住雨淋。

    A paper bird cannot stand the strong wind, and a clay figurine cannot bear the heavy rain.

  14. 当纸袋吹鼓得不能再鼓时, 它破了。

    When the paper bag was blown out to its full extent, it burst.

  15. 请你用针把纸钉住,不让它吹走好?

    Will you pin the paper down so it won't be blown away

  16. 当然可以,什么办法?你向一个纸袋里吹气。

    A. Sure. What ?You should blow into a paper bag.

  17. 那男孩把纸袋吹胀后又把它弄破了。

    The boy blew the paper bag out and burst it.

  18. 现代博物馆中的参观者可以试验吹制玻璃器皿和造纸。

    Visitors in modem museums can experiment with glass blowing and paper making.

  19. 现代博物馆中得参观者可以试验吹制玻璃器皿和造纸。

    Visitors in modem museums can experiment with glass blowing and paper making.

  20. 白兔在喇叭上吹了三下,然后摊开那卷羊皮纸,宣读如下

    On this the White Rabbit blew three blasts on the trumpet, and then unrolled the parchment scroll, and read as follows