







汉语拼音:fù shēng







  1. 复活;再生。

    《孙子·火攻》:“亡国不可以復存,死者不可以復生。” 唐 牛僧孺 《玄怪录·齐推女》:“且无涕泣,幸可復生。”《醒世恒言·灌园叟晚遇仙女》:“花一离枝,再不能上枝;枝一去干,再不能附干,如人死不可復生。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“有战士为永不复生的战友流的眼泪。”

  2. 谓恢复生者的吉常之礼。

    《礼记·三年问》:“三年之丧,二十五月而毕,哀痛未尽,思慕未忘;然而服以是断之者,岂不送死有已,復生有节也哉。” 郑玄 注:“復生,除丧反生者之事也。”

  3. 再次产生。




  1. Because Jesus was sinless , he did not remain in the grave. God brought him back to life again after3 days and gave him immortal life.

  2. Using an oil lamp they made her shadow move, bringing her back to life. Emperor saw the figure on the curtain, felt that she was alive.

  3. Similarly, the concept of old memories are a recurring theme, with flashbacks and past actions having repercussions to the present.

  4. I long, I thirst, this very instant, to kiss with tears the earth that I have left, and I don't want, I won't accept life on any other!

  5. Abraham lived by the promises of God and believed God could give life to what was dead.

  6. Had it not been for the tremendous resurrection powers of the Celestials, the demons would have certainly destroyed the Holy Empire.

  7. Nor was it superstition that prompted the women to anoint with spices the corpse of a dead man for whose life there would be no hope.

  8. In time, the light and hope held within will rebirth more than this mere fount of power. May hap they will rebirth the soul of a nation.

  9. That's exactly it! Where does cloning go? How far does it go? Can we live with a dead person being cloned and brought back to life?


  1. 使溺者复生

    reanimate a drowned person.

  2. 春雨使大地复生。

    The spring rains quickened the earth.

  3. 死者到底能否复生?

    Do the dead ever come back to life?

  4. 死人将永不复生。

    A dead man will never revive.

  5. 柴胡复生汤

    Bupleuri Decoction for Resurrection.

  6. 安吉洛还是无法复生

    Angelo is still dead.

  7. 死人怎么会复生呢。

    People don't come back from the dead.

  8. 还有人死而复生

    people live. even when they shouldn't, they live.

  9. 他死而复生啦!

    He that was dead lives!

  10. 死而复生的四季轮回

    the seasonal cycle of death and rebirth

  11. 死而复生通常都这样。

    Coming back from the dead usually is.

  12. 死而复生通常都这样。

    Coming back from the dead usually is.

  13. 死灰般的爱情一旦复生

    When love was an ember about to billow

  14. 我只畏惧于死后复生

    My only fear of death is comming back reincarnated

  15. 他活啦!他死而复生啦!

    He lives! He that was dead lives!

  16. 我们有个病人 死而复生

    we've got a guy who's risen from the dead over here.

  17. 并在第三天死而复生

    And on the third day you rose again

  18. 春天里,是万物复生的时节。

    In the spring, is all season of rebirth.

  19. 他死了,再也不会复生。

    He is dead and never will revive.

  20. 我哭了,眼泪不使它复生!

    I weep, my tears revive it not!

  21. 没错,我也死而复生过

    Yeah,I've done that.

  22. 你坐在那, 好似死而复生。

    You're sitting there like death warmed over.

  23. 没错,我也死而复生过。

    Yeah, I've done that.

  24. 你坐在那,好似死而复生。

    You're sitting there like death warmed over.

  25. 他是怎么死而复生的?

    How he rose from the dead?

  26. 我相信耶稣是死而复生了。

    I believe that Jesus rose from the dead.

  27. 人一旦死了,即不能复生。

    Once someone has died, he cannot be brought back to life.

  28. 死而复生的恐龙才没有权利。

    An extinct animal brought back to life has no rights.

  29. 没错, 看起来你就像死而复生。

    Yeah, you look like you've come back from the dead.

  30. 人能从坟墓中死而复生吗?

    Can a man rise from the grave?


  1. 问:复生拼音怎么拼?复生的读音是什么?复生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复生的读音是fùshēng,复生翻译成英文是 to come back to life; to regenerate; to reviv...

  2. 问:复生的拼音怎么拼?复生的的读音是什么?复生的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复生的的读音是,复生的翻译成英文是 resurgent

  3. 问:复生的人拼音怎么拼?复生的人的读音是什么?复生的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复生的人的读音是,复生的人翻译成英文是 resurgent

  4. 问:复生凹顶藻拼音怎么拼?复生凹顶藻的读音是什么?复生凹顶藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复生凹顶藻的读音是fùshēng'āodǐngzǎo,复生凹顶藻翻译成英文是 Laurencia composita

