








看:~觉。~力。~野。鄙~。注~。近~。~而不见。熟~无睹。亲临某事:~事。~察。看待:藐~。重~。等闲~之。看望:探~。省(xǐng )~。比照:“天子之卿受地~侯”。古同“示”,表明。……



汉语拼音:wéi lì shì shì







  • 【解释】:指竭尽己力而为。


  1. 网络
  2. do what one is capable of

  1. 诋毁妇女得实质就是视我们为性目标。

    The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex object.

  2. 诋毁妇女的实质就是视我们为性目标。

    The essence of the denigration of women is our definition as sex object.

  3. 今年另一个新设奖项是视员工如牛马奖。

    Another new category this year is an award for Treating Your Employees Like Animals.

  4. 这是视原则为生命的陈小雨对于婚姻的最大原则。

    This is the principle of life as the greatest principles of marriage Chen drizzle.

  5. 这是视原则为生命得陈小雨对于婚姻得最大原则。

    This is the principle of life as the greatest principles of marriage Chen drizzle.

  6. 将特征和对象点相连的线段的水平分量是视差。

    A horizontal component of a line segment connecting a feature and a corresponding point is a parallax.

  7. 对工程学经典的定义是视具体情况来运用系统。

    The classic definition of engineering is the application of a system to a specific situation.

  8. 请告诉我如何把磁盘格式化。我使用的是视窗98操作系统。

    Please tell me how to format a floppy disk. I use Windows 98.

  9. 如果您了解到回答也是视情况而定,那不必感到惊讶。

    You won't be surprised to learn that the answer here also it depends.

  10. 视觉是人类最重要得感知手段,图象又是视觉得基础。

    Vision is the most important apperceiving means, and the image is the basis of vision.

  11. 二是视课堂教学实践培训,倡导教育科研的行动性。

    Secondly, we should pay more attention to the training of teaching practice in classroom and advocate the action in educational research.

  12. 这场表演是一场视,听的飨宴。

    The performance is aurally and visually exciting.

  13. 战时是一个视生命如粪土的时期

    In wartime, when life was cheap.

  14. 无论如何,对他们领导的公然批评,都是不足为视的。

    Overt criticism of their leader has, in any case, been negligible.

  15. 生物钟被认为是叫做视交叉上核的神经细胞的聚集。

    The biological clock itself is believed to be a cluster of nerve cells called the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

  16. 很多律师是为视具体情况及财富多寡而转移的伪君子。

    A lot depends on the circumstances and how much money you have.

  17. 我奔跑得像是一个孩子,是一个视着天空会泪流谦里的孩子。

    I am running like a child, is a looking at the sky will tearful children.

  18. 改变即是存在和视觉得循环。

    Change is a cycle of being and seeing.

  19. 你能肯定这不是你的视错觉吗?

    Are you sure it is not your visual illusion

  20. 视自己的鹅肉都是天鹅,视别人的天鹅都是鹅肉。

    All his own geese are swans as the swans of others are geese.

  21. 歌唱艺术的欣赏过程是听、视、觉的过程。

    Appreciating the art of singing is a process of listening, seeing and feeling.

  22. 其结果是波束偏离视轴线一个角度。

    This results in the beam being deflected by an angle from the boresight axis.

  23. 这就是为什么我视他为心中的超级巨星。

    This am why do I regard him for the heart in super giant star.

  24. 这就是为什么我视他为心中得超级巨星。

    This am why do I regard him for the heart in super giant star.

  25. 士兵的薪饷是发硬币还是美钞, 视情形而定。

    The soldiers will be paid in coin or green backs as the case may be.

  26. 用肉眼直视太阳是不安全的。

    It is not safe to look directly at the sun with the naked eye.

  27. 术后后发障等并发症和弱视治疗是获得良好视功能的关键。

    The treatment of complication and amblyopia are essential to good vision.

  28. 对小孩子粗鲁的行为视若视无睹是不明智的。

    To wink at rudeness in children is not sensible.

  29. 从警惕性这个方面来看,疲劳可以被视作为是缺乏警惕性。

    Fatigue can be considered in terms of a lack of vigilance.

  30. 我的答案是视像。

    My answer was vision.




【拼音】wéi lì shì shì


【出处】《左传·僖公二十四年》:“除君之恶,惟力是视。”明 陈继儒《大司马节寰袁公(袁可立)家庙记》:“本末源源,惟力是视。”

【示例】如有清兵前来,余等固~。 ★陶成章《浙案纪略·王金宝传》
