


恭敬地用手捧着:~觞(举杯祝酒)。~献。~祀。~承(恭维,讨好。“承”读轻声)。尊重,遵守:~公守法。~为圭臬(把某些言论或事物当作准则)。~行故事(按老规定办事)。敬辞,用于自己的举动涉及对方时:~告。~还(huán )。~陪。~劝。~迎……





汉语拼音:fèng xiàn








  1. 进献。

    《史记·刺客列传》:“诚得 樊将军 首与 燕 督亢 之地图,奉献 秦王 , 秦王 必説见臣,臣乃得有以报。” 唐 薛用弱 《集异记·王四郎》:“叔今赴选,费用固多,少物奉献,以助其费。” 郭沫若 《南冠草》第一幕:“ 多尔衮 接茶一盏奉献于 洪承畴 ,置于炕几之右侧。”

  2. 指进献的物品。

    《南史·刘悛传》:“ 鬱林 新立, 悛 奉献减少。”

  3. 进贡。

    《汉书·西域传上·罽宾国》:“ 乌头劳 死,子代立,遣使奉献。”《后汉书·光武帝纪下》:“﹝二十五年﹞ 夫餘王 遣使奉献。”



  1. I know I will have to work hard to make it in this team, but I am ready to give everything to make it here.


  2. What I can devote to is nothing but warm blood, swink, tears and sweat.


  3. These words from the depths of her heart out to each word with her real love, and true dedication.


  4. The secret of his training was to build up, by a tactful recognition of the requirements of each given case, the character of the devotee.


  5. We say again what wonderful souls you all are and admire your dedication to see out the challenges that have been presented to you.


  6. Many Olympic movies have been made, trying to capture those universal themes of excellence, commitment, and personal sacrifice.


  7. My own path to service at the U. N. was made possible by the sacrifice and commitment of my family and many friends from all continents.


  8. We chose water power station, come up to say from a certain meaning and had already chosen dedication.


  9. The great exceptions were the police, firefighters and others who died trying to save people from the burning towers in New York.


  1. 勤奋和奉献

    hard work and dedication

  2. 为国家奉献

    To scarify for the country.

  3. 全新的奉献

    A thoroughly new contribution.

  4. 秋季大奉献

    A great contriBution in autumn.

  5. 理想奉献精神

    Ideal and Spirit of Dedieation.

  6. 衷心奉献, 无畏奉献。

    Loyal devotion, fearless devotion

  7. 提倡奉献精神

    encourage spirit of utter devotion

  8. 星光奉献长夜

    The light of the star dedicates the night.

  9. 还愿奉献物

    votive offerings.

  10. 奉献是支付租金

    Paying the Rent of Service

  11. 人们毕生的奉献,

    lifelong commitment and indeed

  12. 为教育奉献生命

    dedicate one's life to education

  13. 人们毕生的奉献,。

    Lifelong commitment and indeed.

  14. 随遇而安, 随缘奉献。

    Stay at ease under all circumstances, and give whenever conditions allow.

  15. 随遇而安,随缘奉献。

    Stay at ease under all circumstances ,and give whenever conditions allow .

  16. 我把心儿奉献,

    That hath given thee my heart

  17. 爱是无私的奉献

    To Love is To Give

  18. 向上帝奉献某物

    offer sth. up to God

  19. 为自由主义政策奉献

    a deep commitment to liberal policies

  20. 全身心地奉献的人

    giving it my all.

  21. 叫做全心的奉献。

    It was called The Gift Outright.

  22. 诲人不倦的奉献精神。

    Devoted spirit of teaching with tireless zeal.

  23. 把面包奉献于祭坛

    bless bread at the alter

  24. 慈善的奉献或捐献

    A charitable offering or gift.

  25. 哪里有真诚和奉献。

    Where there are sincerity and sacrifice.

  26. 琼为教堂奉献终身。

    Joan has dedicated her life to the church.

  27. 琼为教堂奉献终身。

    Joan has dedicated her life to the church.

  28. 他们分享。他们奉献,他们无私奉献。

    They share, they give, they give away for free.

  29. 他们奉献教堂给上帝。

    They dedicate the church to God.

  30. 教孩子奉献教孩子抵挡诱惑

    Teach Children to Resist Temptation


  1. 问:奉献拼音怎么拼?奉献的读音是什么?奉献翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉献的读音是fèngxiàn,奉献翻译成英文是 dedicate

  2. 问:奉献日拼音怎么拼?奉献日的读音是什么?奉献日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉献日的读音是fèng xiàn rì,奉献日翻译成英文是 dedication-day

  3. 问:奉献物拼音怎么拼?奉献物的读音是什么?奉献物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉献物的读音是,奉献物翻译成英文是 offering

  4. 问:奉献的拼音怎么拼?奉献的的读音是什么?奉献的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉献的的读音是,奉献的翻译成英文是 dedicative

  5. 问:奉献者拼音怎么拼?奉献者的读音是什么?奉献者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉献者的读音是,奉献者翻译成英文是 dedicator

  6. 问:奉献给上帝的艺术品拼音怎么拼?奉献给上帝的艺术品的读音是什么?奉献给上帝的艺术品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:奉献给上帝的艺术品的读音是fèng xiàn gěi shàng dì de yì shù pǐn,奉献给上帝的艺术品翻译成英文是 agalma



“奉献”是个多义词,它可以指奉献(维塔斯演唱歌曲), 奉献(网络游戏《魔兽世界》中圣骑士技能), 奉献(杰克·莱蒙主演电影), 奉献(班得瑞纯音乐), 奉献(苏芮演唱歌曲), 奉献(汉语词语)。