







汉语拼音:hàn shuǐ



  1. From this point onwards, Jizhou of the Han River in the south until the southern coast, and there is no barrier of the mountain.


  2. Water allocated for each province is obtained through the simulation calculation. The result is reasonable and feasible.


  3. Wuhan is located in the Yangtze river and hanjiang river northwest industry, transportation, education and financial center.


  4. HanShui beach park is being prepared to build.


  5. Since then, the southern Jizhou until the Han River in the south, there is no barrier of tall mountains.


  6. The river basins in the Western Han Dynasty have witnessed complex changes, leaving behind thick and abundant cultural deposits.


  7. XiHeXian located in gansu province, in west qinling mountain area southeast of western han dynasty, the Yangtze river water upstream.


  8. Since then, Jizhou the south, the north of Han River, there is no high mountains blocked.


  9. Before the Western Zhou Dynasty, the connection between Huaihe River valley and the Hanshui River basin were not significant.


  1. 汉水文化论纲

    An Outline of Hanjiang River Culture

  2. 汉水女神考论

    Textual Research on the Goddesses of Hanjiang River

  3. 汉水穿过武汉奔流。

    The River Han flows through Wuhan.

  4. 三国文化与汉水名城

    A Culture of the Three Kingdoms and the Famous Cities along Hanjiang River

  5. 汉水民歌的渊源与品类

    The Appreciation and Exploration of the Folk Songs in Han Shui

  6. 武汉位于长江和汉水汇合处。

    Wuhan lies where the Yangtze and the Han River meet.

  7. 试论汉水流域的历史文化特征

    Historical cultural features in Han River valley

  8. 对汉水文化研究若干问题的思考

    On the Research of Hanshui River Culture

  9. 渭河、汉水流域秋季降水的变化特征

    Change in Autumn Precipitation in Weihe and Hanshui River Basins

  10. 汉水流域与诸葛亮的政治军事战略

    The hanshui river valley and zhuge liang's political and military strategies.

  11. 汉水上游哺乳类化石的新线索

    Reconnaissance of some mammalian fossil localities in the region of Upper Han River on the new materials of PALEOLITHS from the Hanshui valley.

  12. 时近黄昏,轮船沿着汉水驶入长江。

    When near dusk, the steamboat drives into Yangtze River along Hanshui River.

  13. 青铜时代汉水流域居住地理的初步考察

    An Investigation on the Settlement Geography in the Reaches of Hanshui River in the Bronze Age.

  14. 汉水、渭水流域在汉民族发展史上的地位

    Position of Hanshui and Weishui Drainage area in the Phylogeny of Han Nationality.

  15. 汉水文化视野下的黑暗传之历史文化价值

    The Historical Culture Value of Darkness from the Perspective of Hanjiang River Culture

  16. 再论汉水文化与楚文化, 汉文化的关系

    Rediscussion of the Relationship Among Hanshui River Culture, ?Chu Culture and Han Culture

  17. 西周以前, 淮河流域和汉水流域间缺乏密切联系。

    Before the Western Zhou Dynasty, the connection between Huaihe River valley and the Hanshui River basin were not significant.

  18. 武当山与隆中共同打造汉水文化旅游品牌

    The Unification of Wudang Mount and Longzhong for a New Brand of Hangjiang River Cultural Tourism

  19. 从历史上汉水流域经济盛衰看其在西部开发中的资源优势

    Economic prosperity and decline of river Han basin in history and its resource advantage in developing the west


  1. 问:汉水拼音怎么拼?汉水的读音是什么?汉水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:汉水的读音是,汉水翻译成英文是 Han River