




1. 且 [qiě]2. 且 [jū]且 [qiě]尚,还,表示进一层:既高~大。尚~。况~。表示暂时:苟~偷安。姑~。表示将要、将近:城~拔矣。年~九十。一面这样,一面那样:~走~说。表示经久:这双鞋~穿呢!文言发语词,用在句首,与“夫”……



汉语拼音:kuàng qiě







  1. 亦作“况且”。连词。表示更进一层的意思。

    《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“ 莫妈 因是老儿年事已高,无心防他这件事;况且平时奉法惟谨,放心得下惯了。”《西游补》第二回:“既是西天走过,佛祖慈悲,为何不叫我一声,况且我又见他几遍,不是无情少面之人。” 赵树理 《三里湾·奇遇》:“你自己都愿意入社了,为什么偏舍不得骡子?况且社里又不是白要你的!”



  1. Moreover, the frustration of naval limitation did not bring with it an immediate turn to unlimited rearmament.


  2. Rosie expressed that she wasn't nervous for she just put her hear in acting. Meanwhile she said she would call her mother to relax herself.


  3. And, even if he had pursued a lower profile strategy, the West London Free School would still have been a target.


  4. Moreover, he admits as much himself in his autobiography and elsewhere.


  5. I said to myself that they deserved this yearend break and after all not much would be happening to our business this time of the year.


  6. Well, it's fun to hear her gabble . And it'll be somewhere to hide out till Ma has gone to bed.


  7. While it is still an element that is dangerous and with which we wish to measure our courage, water is no longer a thing of mystery.


  8. 'I hope you'll be kind to him, Mr Heathcliff, ' I said. 'He's weak, and ill. And he's all the family you've go! '


  9. I have heard of many similar cases, and knowing you, I know how much you have to offer in work truly fitted to you.


  1. 况且,怜悯是一种浪潮。

    Moreover pathos is a tide.

  2. 况且,我们是最好的朋友。

    Moreover, we are best friends.

  3. 况且,我再这么无所事事的

    Besides, I'm gonna go insane sitting around.

  4. 况且这也间接羞辱了我

    And it's an insult to me.

  5. 况且它都不大湿润了。

    And it's already lost a lot of its moisture.

  6. 况且这也间接羞辱了我。

    And it's an insult to me.

  7. 况且,这也不是第一次了。

    What's more, it isn't the first time.

  8. 况且,布赖恩特信任他。

    Plus, he's somebody Bryant trust and better yet respects.

  9. 况且还会浪费我们的时间

    besides, we'll just waste time.

  10. 况且你已经得到了你应得的?

    Especially when you're already getting yours.

  11. 况且他们什么证据也没发现。

    And they didn't find anything.

  12. 况且,她已是无头野鬼。

    Though what she does there without a head.

  13. 况且批评经常甚至和你无关。

    And criticism is often not even about you anyway.

  14. 况且,吸入这些烟雾对身体有害。

    Again, breathing was a hazardous activity.

  15. 况且伯利恒离这里非常远。

    Besides, Bethlehem is a long way from here.

  16. 况且莫约夸大事实, 近乎滑稽。

    Moreover, she overstates her case, almost to the point of caricature.

  17. 罗圈腿,况且还是千人一面!

    Bandy legs, or Moreover, a thousand people!

  18. 况且,如今已经有太多作家了。

    Besides, there are too many authors as it is.

  19. 况且这也是她第一次暗示我

    and for the first time ever, she's actually giving off signs.

  20. 况且,布里的外表看起来很年轻。

    Besides, Bree's always looked young.

  21. 况且顾客应理解他自担风险。

    The Client shall understand that he doing it at his own risk.

  22. 况且,我们处在无所不在的变化中央。

    But, again, we are in the midst of massive change.

  23. 现在出去太晚,况且开始下雨了。

    It's too late to go out; besides, it begins to rain now.

  24. 况且你想想,她们实际上帮助了我。

    Beside if you think about it, they actually help save me.

  25. 况且偷地行窃,怎么会携带猎枪?

    Besides steal a ground of pilferage, how can take a hunting rifle

  26. 冰箱需要花费况且它还需要电。

    Refugereit are costly then and they need electrictyelectricity.

  27. 况且,核能还会增强核武器的扩散。

    And it also enhances nuclear weapons proliferation.

  28. 况且,要是你是金子,总会发光的。

    Moreover, if you are gold, will shine.

  29. 况且,佛法也有许多很好的法门。

    Besides, there're also many wonderful paths.

  30. 我不想出去散步,况且我很饿了。

    I don't want to go out for a walk. Besides, I'm very hungry.


  1. 问:况且拼音怎么拼?况且的读音是什么?况且翻译成英文是什么?

    答:况且的读音是kuàngqiě,况且翻译成英文是 besides



况且 kuàng qiě 表示更进一层,多用来补充说明理由 例句:这书内容好,况且又不贵,你买一本吧! 《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“莫妈因是老儿年事已高,无心防他这件事;况且平时奉法惟谨,放心得下惯了。”明 冯梦龙《东周列国志》第七十二回:“素知伍员乃三代忠臣之后,英雄无比,况且是时晋、郑方睦,与楚为仇,闻太子建之来,甚喜,使行人致馆,厚其廪饩。”《西游补》第二回:“既是西天走过,佛祖慈悲,为何不叫我一声,况且我又见他几遍,不是无情少面之人。”赵树理《三里湾·奇遇》:“你自己都愿意入社了,为什么偏舍不得骡子?况且社里又不是白要你的!” 有时用来表示声音
