




1. 采 [cǎi]2. 采 [cài]采 [cǎi]摘取:~撷。~花。~摘。~制。选取,搜集,开发,利用:~访(搜集寻访)。~纳(接受意见)。~集。~伐。~购。~掘。~写。神色,精神:神~。精~。同“彩”。〔~~〕盛多的样子。古代指官。采……



汉语拼音:shén cǎi







  1. 亦作“ 神彩 ”。指人面部的神气和光采。

    《晋书·王戎传》:“ 戎 幼而颖悟,神彩秀彻,视日不眩。”《南史·后妃传下·张贵妃》:“特聪慧,有神彩。” 唐 郑棨 《开天传信记》:“上为皇孙时,风表瓌异,神采英迈。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“ 贾政 一举目见 寳玉 站在跟前,神彩飘逸,秀色夺人。”

  2. 指景物或艺术作品的神韵风采。

    唐 刘禹锡 《九华山歌》引:“ 九华山 在 池州 青阳县 西南,九峯竞秀,神采奇异。” 唐 元稹 《塞马》诗:“塞马倦江渚,今朝神彩生。” 宋 赵彦卫 《云麓漫钞》卷五:“ 沉传师 书如龙游天表,虎啸溪傍,神采自如,骨法清虚。”《警世通言·王安石三难苏学士》:“ 东坡 开砚盒,看了砚池,是一方緑色端砚,甚有神采。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·<母亲>木刻十四幅序》:“刻者 亚历克舍夫 ,是一个刚才三十岁的青年,虽然技术还未能说是十分纯熟,然而生动,有力,活现了全书的神采。”



  1. And yet there was something ethereal about her, an alien ness that showed in her cobalt eyes.

  2. was the way his face would light up as he described the joy and secret freedom of sailing along above his coworkers' heads.

  3. He had had a stroke and his speech was somewhat impaired, but his eyes were bright, his mind was working, and we had a good last visit.

  4. As her once elastic walk had become deadened by time, so had her natural pride of life been hindered in its blooming by her necessities.

  5. The sweat ran down his face and his eyes were glassy from his fever.

  6. Her eyes search the air. They are slate blue, sparkling.

  7. She looked at her best as she ran laughing into the warm wind.

  8. And now that they're back on their feet, we expect extraordinary commitment from them to help rebuild the economy.

  9. When I put the phone to her ear it lit her up. It was so fantastic to see. She came back.


  1. 他毫无神采。

    His face was without expression.

  2. 好神采排铅口服液

    HSC health liquid

  3. 她焕发出新的神采。

    There was about her a new radiance.

  4. 她显露出健美的神采。

    She was blooming with health.

  5. 她焕发着喜悦的神采。

    She sheds happiness all around her.

  6. 他高兴得神采飞扬。

    He was radiant with delight.

  7. 也许你我肤色各有神采,

    Maybe you and I differ of complexion

  8. 真是神采焕发我没穿内衣。

    Look fabulous. Im not wearing a bra.

  9. 再怎么努力也不会有神采的。

    No matter how hard he tries, simply can't get clean enough.

  10. 她的眼睛失去了神采,满含畏惧。

    Her eyes lost their glow, and filled with fear.

  11. 他不禁要赞叹她那春风满面的神采。

    He could not help admiring her expression of basking contentment

  12. 我们一谈论高尔夫球, 他就神采飞扬。

    When we talk about golf, his face lights up.

  13. 他感到激动,以是他脸上有感到激动的神采。

    He is excited so there is an excited look on his face.

  14. 她在空中搜寻的眼光, 深蓝, 神采熠熠。

    Her eyes search the air. They are slate blue, sparkling.

  15. 要不那些流浪汉怎么总是神采飞扬的!

    That must be why the homeless are always so cheery!

  16. 他脸上的神采往往总是能一瞬即逝。

    The light left his face ever and again.

  17. 船上的人们个个都兴高采烈、神采飞扬。

    All of them have excited people on board, high spirits.

  18. 可当我一穿上,它马上就有了神采。

    I put on the dress and it suddenly came to life.

  19. 那段时间的她,确实是愉快、神采飞扬的。

    During that time, she is really happy, dusty look.

  20. 真性存在内心,神采表现在外,这就是自性之真。

    Genuineness exists in inner heart and expresses itself through appearance.

  21. 她的双目与面颊变得更加神采飞扬。

    Her eyes and cheeks became more animated

  22. 空洞的眼睛目无神采的注视他的眼睛因为厌倦而呆滞。

    empty eyes a glassy stare his eyes were glazed over with boredom.

  23. 你们今天的心情大概都很好,所谓神采飞扬。

    Today, probably you are in a good mood, like flying spirits.

  24. 他满面笑容,神采焕发,整个身子露出幸福的气派。

    He was smiling, beaming, and his whole figure was radiant with happiness.

  25. 俄然, 我看到官员脸上露出了满意的神采。

    Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up.

  26. 医生的嗓音恢复了活力,两只小眼睛也有了神采。

    The doctor's voice had come alive and his small eyes shone.

  27. 现在就给你一些永葆青春、神采飞扬的秘诀。

    Here's how to stay young in mind and spirit.

  28. 无论什么主题,他都全心去演绎出歌曲的神采。

    No matter what themes, he whole heart to deduce songs in the near future.

  29. 她的脸立刻神采飞扬起来,说这是她自己做的。

    Her face lit up, and she explained that she made them herself.

  30. 喝饱水的肌肤, 才能保持水润柔亮, 神采飞扬。

    Skin with abundant hydro can retain moisture and vivid appearance.


  1. 问:神采拼音怎么拼?神采的读音是什么?神采翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神采的读音是shéncǎi,神采翻译成英文是 demeanour

  2. 问:神采奕奕拼音怎么拼?神采奕奕的读音是什么?神采奕奕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神采奕奕的读音是shéncǎiyìyì,神采奕奕翻译成英文是 glowing with health and radiating vigour...

  3. 问:神采飞扬拼音怎么拼?神采飞扬的读音是什么?神采飞扬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神采飞扬的读音是shéncǎifēiyáng,神采飞扬翻译成英文是 in high spirits


