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遮拦的东西:~杆。木~。石~。养家畜的圈(juàn ):牛~。~厩。报刊或广播、电视按内容、性质划分的版面或专门的时间;亦指出版物版面的部位:~目。专~。新闻~。纸、书、织物上的格子:朱丝~(旧时有红色格子的绢素)。表格中区分项目的格子:备……
1. 栅 [zhà]2. 栅 [shān]3. 栅 [shi]栅 [zhà]用竹木铁条等做成的阻拦物:~栏。~子。栅 [shān]〔~极〕多极电子管靠阴极的一个电极。〔光~〕产生光的衍射图像的光学仪器。栅 [shi]〔上~〕〔下~〕地名,均……
汉语拼音:lán zhà
萧红 《手》:“我们下着楼梯,经过了院宇,在栏栅门口, 王亚明 也赶到了。” 顾工 《在世界屋脊的土地上》诗:“在羞怯怯的麦苗四周,围起了防范牛羊的栏栅。”
Workers attempt to secure an oil boom into place in an effort to protect the coast line from the massive oil spill near Hopedale, Louisiana.
工人企图布放拦油栏栅,努力去阻止大量漏油接近路易斯安那州霍普代尔。Window above the fence is made of iron, the middle set with a face of grim skull indicate it is from a ghost house.
窗子上面的栏栅也是用铁做的,中间镶有一个面目狰狞的骷髅头表示着这是一个鬼宅。The two stacks of glass panels were secured to the side railings by fibre ropes.
两叠玻璃板用纤维绳系紧在旁边的栏栅。A grill or network of bars set in a window or door or used as a partition; a grate.
格栅由杆做成的栏栅或框架,置于窗内或门上用作隔离物;格栅Authorities want a barrier between the animals and everyone else.
有关当局希望将驯鹿和人用栏栅隔离开。That way being thus cleared, and the bars of virtue and conscience thus removed, we had less difficulty afterwards to struggle with.
那条路既然这样开拓了,道德与良心的栏栅也这样搬开了,我们此后所要克服斗争的困难就少多了。he had been running back and forth behind the fence. , he was walking back and forth in front of people when I came in.
它一直在栏栅的后面来回行走。我进去的时候它在众人的眼睛里来回地走着。They are being allowed in one area just outside the security fence erected around the conference hall.
他们被允许在围绕会议大楼的安保栏栅外的地方(进行抗议)。Precast concrete products - Elements for fences.