




1. 笼 [lóng]2. 笼 [lǒng]笼 [lóng]用竹篾、木条编成的盛物器或罩物器:灯~。熏~。用竹篾、木条或金属丝等编插而成的养鸟或虫的器具:鸡~。鸟~。蝈蝈~。旧时囚禁犯人的东西:囚~。牢~。用竹木或金属材料制成的有盖的蒸东西……



汉语拼音:huí lóng









  1. 把已经蒸熟而冷了的馒头、包子等放回笼屉再蒸。

  2. 在社会上流通的货币回到发行的银行。



  1. It's trying to run its own monetary policy, raising interest rates and ratcheting back bank credit to curb inflation.

  2. The credit should only be used for the purchase of other offers i. e. cannot be withdrawn for cash.

  3. Experienced warmer after the first half of the market, the company of stock to a good return more cash.

  4. The yen hovers at a 15-year high despite efforts by the Bank of Japan to weaken it by buying up dollars.

  5. When the Fed borrows from the markets, it effectively takes money out of circulation and replaces it with securities from its holdings.

  6. As competition intensifies in the global market, recovering investment cost of the mills becomes a secondary objective for management.

  7. Generation of sales and cash for the company. Measure: Achievement of company sales and cash goals.

  8. As long as the big bird in the cage was born in time to call a sound, it immediately to the withdrawal of fly.

  9. Therefore, an enterprise's operators have to attach great importance to enterprises'rivalrousness heading back to work.


  1. 销货款回笼

    reflow of corporate sales income to the banking system

  2. 把冷包子回笼

    reheat cooled buns

  3. 把冷包子回笼

    reheat cooled buns

  4. 钞票回笼净额

    net withdrawal of bank notes

  5. 非商品货币回笼

    recovery of paper money is effected through noncommercial channels

  6. 把凉馒头回回笼。

    Heat up the cold steamed buns.

  7. 烂钱总是会再回笼。

    A bad penny always turns up.

  8. 已发行纸币的超额回笼

    excess withdrawal over issue

  9. 这就完成了4个回笼笑话。

    That completes the quadruple.

  10. 回笼货币、综合治理通货膨胀的政策建议

    Proposed Policies for withdrawal of Currency from Circulation and Comprehensive Control of Inflation.

  11. 有助于资金回笼的有效税务与法律结构

    Efficient tax and legal structure for fund repatriation

  12. 我们销售产品时, 发现现金回笼越来越慢。

    When we make sales, the cash comes back slower and slower.

  13. 那些象云彩飞来,象鸽子回笼的是谁?

    What are these that fly along like clouds, like doves to their cotes?

  14. 组织整个销售团队协助项目经理回笼资金。

    To organise the whole sales team to support the project managers to achieve the collection of receivables.

  15. 受80年代复古时尚的影响,尖头鞋也回笼了。

    Suffer the effect of 80 time vogue restoring ancient ways, cusp shoe also steam again.

  16. 自2007年起,数据为金融机构现金投放与回笼。

    Since 2007, data indicates currency issue and cash withdrawn of financial institutions.

  17. 回笼资金已变得比资本回报率更重要了。

    Return of capital has become more important than return on capital.

  18. 与有关负责销售人员分析并跟踪货款回笼进度。

    To analyse and follow up recovery progress with responsible Commercial.

  19. 清料法加工皮蛋工艺中的回笼料再利用研究

    Study on recycle of used solution in preserved eggs industry.

  20. 然后, 它通过卖出本币债券的方式回笼人民币。

    It then mops up the renminbi by selling local currency bonds.

  21. 在一百个出狱的囚犯里 有六十个会再回笼

    Of the hundred of incarcerated people that are released, 58 will return to prison.

  22. 他低价抛出了手中的股票以使资金快速回笼。

    He slaughtered his stock to get money back immediately.

  23. 我们还只是个小工厂, 资金回笼对我们来说非常重要。

    We are also just a small factory, the return of funds is very important to us.

  24. 控制项目质量和费用, 跟踪资金回笼, 移交工程给用户。

    Control project quality and cost follow up the money collecting hand over the project to customer.

  25. 如果这件事发生, 你砍它分散成5公斤件, 重新回笼。

    If this happened, you had to chop it up into 5 kg pieces and put one piece into the mixture for each future batch.

  26. 止回笼上得止回阀座配置一个卡口型锁定装置。

    The check seats are attached to the cage with a bayonet type locking arrangement.

  27. 止回笼上的止回阀座配置一个卡口型锁定装置。

    The check seats are attached to the cage with a bayonet type locking arrangement.

  28. 你要不马上飞回笼里我就只能丢下你不管了,拜托。

    If you don't get back in your cage right now, I have to leave you behind. Please.

  29. 我真走运,睡了30分钟的回笼觉还没错过期末考试。

    Im lucky that I didnt miss my final exam after having30 minutes of unprotected sleep.

  30. 只要大鸟在笼里生气儿地叫一声,它立即飞回笼里去。

    But it had to fly back to the cage when its parents were angry and called it to return.


  1. 问:回笼拼音怎么拼?回笼的读音是什么?回笼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回笼的读音是huílóng,回笼翻译成英文是 reheat; withdraw … from circulation

  2. 问:回笼间拼音怎么拼?回笼间的读音是什么?回笼间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:回笼间的读音是huí lǒng jiān,回笼间翻译成英文是 air lock




拼音:huí lóng同义词:收回,返回,放回,回收。
