







汉语拼音:lì qiú








  1. 尽力谋求。

    《宋史·孙洙传》:“ 王安石 主新法,多逐諫官御史, 洙 知不可,而鬱鬱不能有所言,但力求补外,得知 海州 。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第一章:“不管如何,应该力求机密,不使外廷知道才好。”



  1. Much of that money goes on star players, as the team strives - with mixed results so far this season - to live up to its exalted reputation.


  2. And to that artistic family that strives for excellence, none of you have ever lost, and I am proud to share this with you, and I thank you.


  3. They will be so pleased that you are trying to be different that you can be sure that they will do everything they can to make you happy.


  4. Report service problem to the service department. Follow up to see that are resolved. Strive to provide the best service to the customer.


  5. To see how the researchers could reach such a conclusion, consider the problem they were trying to solve.


  6. Life this play, makes every effort the film to be clear, slightly obviously is not instead solid, also is only the futile effort.


  7. He dreamt of a serpent coiling around his throat, and when he strove to grasp it the slimy thing glided away from his clutch.


  8. Trying to simplify his life in every way, he did not telegraph, but hired a cart and pair at the station.


  9. In the major strategy change of nature of such root of a belt, the task that we face is to develop innovation, do one's best develops newly.


  1. 他力求准确。

    He aimed at accuracy.

  2. 文字力求精练。

    Strive to be concise in writing.

  3. 他力求十分准确。

    He aims at great accuracy.

  4. 力求第一个回答。

    cercava di darla per primo.

  5. 力求登上山顶。

    make a strenuous attempt to reach the top of the mountain

  6. 我们力求工作迅速。

    We strived to work with great expedition.

  7. 我们力求工作迅速。

    We strived to work with great expedition.

  8. 他力求不落俗套。

    He strained after originality.

  9. 他力求写得工整。

    He took pains to write neatly.

  10. 四是活动力求务实。

    Pragmatic organization.

  11. 他力求准确和完美。

    He aimed at accuracy and perfection.

  12. 写东西时要力求准确。

    Aim for more precision in your style.

  13. 政府力求人们善于用钱。

    The govenment tries to dictate to people how they should spend their money.

  14. 力求在运动中歼灭敌人。

    Destroy the enemy while in movement.

  15. 这个厂应力求今年增产。

    The plant should drive for increased production this year.

  16. 我们要力求增加出口货物。

    We must aim at increasingto increase exports.

  17. 评价别人时要力求宽大为怀。

    Try to be generous in your judgment of others.

  18. 做事绝不苟且, 力求尽善尽美。

    Perfectionists always strive for perfection.

  19. 力求企图得到或赢得某物力求

    To seek to win or attain something strive.

  20. 我们一直力求无愧于先人。

    We have endeavoured to live up to the standards of those who have gone before.

  21. 政府正在力求降低通货膨胀率。

    The government is looking to reduce inflation.

  22. 执著追求, 勇于开拓, 力求革新

    The rigid pursue, dares to develop, makes every effort to innovate

  23. 美国力求做到宽容和公正。

    America strives to be tolerant and just.

  24. 这个男孩力求取悦于老师。

    The boy tried to ingratiate himself with the teacher.

  25. 他一定要刻意雕琢, 力求明白。

    He must underline and make heavily explicit.

  26. 生产费管理费都要力求节约。

    We must strictly economize on production and management expenses.

  27. 身体,穿着和居所要力求干净。

    Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.

  28. 人和时代力求完美的设计思想。

    And the times and strive to perfect the design.

  29. 各国力求通过结盟而更加强大。

    States seek to become stronger through alliance.

  30. 清洁。身体,衣服和住所应力求清洁。

    Clean. In body, clothes tolerate no uncleanliness.


  1. 问:力求拼音怎么拼?力求的读音是什么?力求翻译成英文是什么?

    答:力求的读音是lìqiú,力求翻译成英文是 strive to; do one's best to; make every effort...

  2. 问:力求完美者拼音怎么拼?力求完美者的读音是什么?力求完美者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:力求完美者的读音是,力求完美者翻译成英文是 perfectionist



力求(lì qiú),尽最大的努力。