




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:qiè chǎng








  1. By the time I got to college, I had a few tools under my belt for dealing with my fear.


  2. Then, and even now, walking into a meeting knowing I won't field every question as well as I'd like can be intimidating.


  3. But stage fright is only half the challenge First you have to figure out what you're going to say.


  4. As in Chicago, she was seized with stage fright as the very first entrance of the ballet approached, but later she recovered.


  5. It sounds like a bad case of stage fright, that's all. Just take a deep breath. You'll be fine.


  6. This anxiety causes the child emotional tension in the examination room, or even fear the phenomenon of stage fright there.


  7. Eager for more, he trained long and hard to overcome stage fright, the jeering of his peers, and the condescension of his neighbors.


  8. I'd just thrown up, and when I sat down I got stage fright.


  9. Stage fright made clear for her bad performance .


  1. 我真的怯场

    this stage fright is real.

  2. 我想我怯场了

    I guess I chickened out.

  3. 我有怯场的毛病。

    I have a stage fright.

  4. 我有怯场的毛病。

    I have a stage fright.

  5. 听起来,艾弗里怯场了

    Not what I said.You came out all this way.

  6. 有时侯我还有些怯场。

    Sometimes I still suffer from stage fright.

  7. 今年高考他又怯场了。

    He got nervous again at the college entrance examination this year.

  8. 我们都有过怯场的经历。

    We have had the experience of stage fright.

  9. 他感受到的是极度的怯场。

    What he experienced was intense stage fright.

  10. 当我出庭作证时,我怯场了。

    When I went to the witness stand, I had stage fright.

  11. 以其说怯场, 不如说不自信。

    Say their stage fright, it is better to say no confidence.

  12. 做人应多一些虎气,别怯场。

    A person should act more brave, don't be timid.

  13. 做人应多一些虎气,别怯场。

    A person should act more brave, don't be timid.

  14. 怯场是她表演不佳的原因。

    Stage fright made clear for her bad performance.

  15. 当他初次登台的时候, 他有些怯场。

    When he was a new actor, he had stage fright.

  16. 那演员压抑不住他的怯场感。

    The actor can't helphis feeling of stagefright.

  17. 皮特承认他为自己怯场而苦恼。

    He says he is plagued by stage fright.

  18. 这个年轻女演员在台上怯场了。

    The young actress froze up on the stage.

  19. 我本人天性相当内向, 很容易怯场,

    I myself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffers from stage fright

  20. 我该怎样控制恐惧, 怯场和焦虑等?

    How do I control fear, stage fright, anxiety, etc.

  21. 当他被传唤出庭作证时,他怯场了。

    When he was called on to testify at the trial, he got stage fright

  22. 学生一踏进考试室就有点怯场。

    The student got stage fright when he stepped into the exam room.

  23. 他表现得从容自若,一点都不怯场。

    He acted in an unhurried manner and didn't have any stage fright.

  24. 他表现得从容自若,一点都不怯场。

    He acted in an unhurried manner and did not have any stage fright.

  25. 我刚好呕吐过,当我坐下时,我有些怯场。

    Id just thrown up, and when I sat down I got stage fright.

  26. 对自己的怯场,她现在感到有些懊恼了。

    Her cowardice began to trouble her in a way.

  27. 她虽无演讲经验, 但生来并不怯场。

    She isn't a practised public speaker, but she faced her audience as to the manner born.

  28. 要不是紧张怯场, 他也许会考得很好的。

    He would probably have done well in the examination, only that he got nervous.

  29. 即便是著名的演说家,也会有怯场的候

    Even great speakers may sometimes get stage fright.

  30. 怯场是因为小时候受到了轻率的对待所致。

    Nervous illness can stem from being treated inconsiderately in childhood.


  1. 问:怯场拼音怎么拼?怯场的读音是什么?怯场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怯场的读音是qièchǎng,怯场翻译成英文是 get stage fright

  2. 问:怯场的拼音怎么拼?怯场的的读音是什么?怯场的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:怯场的的读音是,怯场的翻译成英文是 intimidated



怯场,某些场合因紧张、害怕而显得不自然。《文明小史》第五二回:“ 饶鸿生 到了这个地步,就和木偶一般。那 广东 妓女看他是个怯场的样子,索性走过去,拿起香槟杯子,用手揪住 饶鸿生 的耳朵,把一杯酒直灌下去。” 何为 《第二次考试》:“是因为怯场、心慌、还是由于身体不适,影响声音?”