


1. 浅 [qiǎn]2. 浅 [jiān]浅 [qiǎn]从表面到底或外面到里面距离小的,与“深”相对:深~。~滩。~海。屋子进深~。不久,时间短:年代~。程度不深的:这篇文章很~。~薄。~尝。~见。~近。~陋。颜色淡薄:~红。~淡。浅 ……





汉语拼音:qiǎn dàn








  1. 犹淡淡。谓物体的颜色淡或事物的程度浅。

    金 元好问 《眉》诗之二:“石緑香煤浅淡间,多情长带楚梅酸。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·春睡》:“早则浅淡粉容,消褪脣朱,掠削鬢儿欹矬。” 巴金 《沉落集·化雪的日子》:“我看出来那似乎是浅淡而实在是深切的苦恼像黑云一般笼罩了她的美丽的脸庞。”



  1. What was youth at best? A green, an unripe time, a time of shallow moods, and sickly thoughts.


  2. the quick eye of monte cristo however , marked his coming ; and a slight though meaning smile passed over his lips.


  3. Two people may either hit an impasse or, for reasons they may only dimly surmise, cease to support one another's continued development.


  4. Looking carefully, only then people know that the lightest part of each purple flower with the sun light tease each other.


  5. It has light hair and eyes that seem to change color from blue to green to violet.


  6. A glimmer of dawn or just a lighter shade of dark?


  7. It is light yellowish brown color, very clean and with the aromas of fresh fruit, fragrance of yeast.


  8. This enables some of these light Blacks to pass as whites.


  9. Branches few, angular when young, pale yellowish green, turning purplish brown or bright purple, sparsely tomentose or glabrous.


  1. 浅淡翻译的程序

    On the Procedure of Translation

  2. 浅淡室内空间设计

    A Brief Talk on Interior Space Design

  3. 浅淡注册表及其维护

    On Logon Form and its Mainterance

  4. 浅淡准有界性

    Reflections on the Characteristic of Standard Limit

  5. 浅淡固定式管板设计

    A Few Opinion to Design Fixed Tube Sheet

  6. 浅淡合理使用抗菌药物

    A brief talk on rational use of antibiotics

  7. 浅淡科学发展观的科学性

    On the Scientific Nature of the Scientific Concept of Development

  8. 浅淡瓜类营养价值

    Some opinion on the value of the nutrition of the melons

  9. 浅淡当年羔羊的育肥措施

    On fatten measures for the same year lambs.

  10. 浅淡通信机房的接地设计

    Discussion on the Grounding Design of Telecom Power Room

  11. 浅淡游泳池平衡水池的设置

    Water Balancing Tank for Swimming Pool

  12. 浅淡生产矿井的材料管理

    Brief Discussion on Material Management in an Operating Mine

  13. 浅淡影响凝聚力的主要因素

    On the Main Factor of Affecting Cohesive Force

  14. 浅淡新闻采写的角度把握

    A Tentative Discussion on the Angle Grasp of News Selects for Writing.

  15. 浅淡美国企业人力资源管理

    On the Man Power Resources Management of American Enterprises

  16. 浅淡灌溉行业网络化发展

    An Elementary Discuss on Problems and Countermeasures With Waste Water Irrigation

  17. 浅淡多媒体教材的文本艺术

    Discussions on the text art of the multimedia teaching material

  18. 中学物理教师素养浅淡

    Briefly on the Accomplishments of Middle School Physical Teachers

  19. 浅淡资产评估说明的内容构成

    Composition of contents in capital assess instruction

  20. 她的声音流露出浅淡的哀愁。

    There was a tinge of sadness in her voice.

  21. 浅淡如何发挥部队卫生员作用

    A brief talk on how to play the function of armed force health worker.

  22. 浅淡电视广告的创意及策划

    On the innovation and design of TV commercial

  23. 浅淡湿喷混凝土施工工艺

    Discussing the wet spraying concrete technology

  24. 浅淡企业往来款项的内部控制

    A Brief Talk on Internal Control Account in Enterprise

  25. 浅淡人事档案管理的发展趋向

    Some Ideas about a Inclination of Personnel Dossier Management

  26. 浅淡河道治理工程的质量管理

    Simply analyzing the quality management of water way harness engineering

  27. 颜色浅淡近乎桃红葡萄酒的红葡萄酒。

    Pale wine. A red wine of a pale colour, almost rose.

  28. 浅淡职称评聘工作及职称制度改革

    Preliminary Discussion on the Technical Title Approval and its Reform

  29. 浅淡基层医院统计与病案管理

    A Brief Talk on Medical Record Management and Hospital Statistics in the Gross Roots Hospitals

  30. 浅淡如何计算资金流量的现值

    Victors on How to Calculate the Current Value of the Capital Flow


  1. 问:浅淡拼音怎么拼?浅淡的读音是什么?浅淡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅淡的读音是qiǎndàn,浅淡翻译成英文是 light; mild

  2. 问:浅淡色拼音怎么拼?浅淡色的读音是什么?浅淡色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浅淡色的读音是qiǎn dàn sè,浅淡色翻译成英文是 color tints



qiǎn dàn (1) ∶[颜色] 不浓重 例:浅淡的红色 (2) [mild]∶[感情等]淡薄 例:他的脸上流露出浅淡的哀愁