


1. 腊 [là]2. 腊 [xī]腊 [là]古代在农历十二月合祭众神叫做腊,因此农历十二月叫腊月。冬天(多在腊月)腌制后风干或熏干的肉:~肉。~鱼。~味。姓。腊 [xī]干肉:“噬~肉,遇毒。”晾干:“燃得而~之以为饵。”皮肤皴皱。……





汉语拼音:là yuè




  1. due to be held in December, it said the month is the twelfth lunar month, known as La La at the festival that day.


  2. The orotund cold Lie of small fox of such for La month cold sleet, that kind of how might the look for the eyes be a child to own!


  3. After seeing off the Kitchen God, people begin preparing for the arrival of the New Year.


  4. December 25 this day will the long rod therein torch covenant in field and by flame divination, flame is flourishing New Year harvest omen.


  5. The more upscale is a lastest month of every year 30 can also swarm about with many fairies by the God hall.


  6. The housewifes go into La for this for month then beginning from knit and purchase clothing material, stitch the clothes of various style.


  7. "God of Wealth" , "underwater dragon, " "Little Mermaid" have performances to give new year's wishes in the aquariums.


  8. Sutras were chanted in the temples and rice porridge with rice, beans, nuts and dried fruit was prepared for the Buddha.


  9. This human not is say that today's outlook emperor will affirm La for month 16 princes greatly marries of matter?


  1. 农历腊月初八腊八节

    The laba Rice Porridge Fe

  2. 今年的腊月 是大建。

    The twelfth lunar month in this year is Dajian.

  3. 寒冬腊月,外边冷风袭人。

    In the severe winter, the cold wind outside pricks people.

  4. 寒冬腊月,外边冷风袭人。

    In the severe winter, the cold wind outside pricks people.

  5. 今年的腊月是大建。

    The twelfth lunar month in this year is Dajian (having 30 days).

  6. 这事发生在一个寒冬腊月。

    It happened in a cold December.

  7. 腊月初八是佛爷的成道日。

    The eighth day of December according to the lunar calendar is the day when the Buddha attained enlightenment.

  8. 腊月初八是佛爷的成道日。

    The eighth day of December according to the lunar calendar is the day when the Buddha attained enlightenment.

  9. 我这辈子从未感到像腊月天这么寒冷。

    I have never felt so cold in my life like December.

  10. 在腊月的最后几天人们开始为春节做准备。

    Preparations for the New Year festival start during the last few days of the last moon.

  11. 可这十冬腊月的, 螃蟹影儿也见不着啊。

    But It's Janaury and crabs are not seen this season.

  12. 腊月没有新鲜的蔬菜,于是妈妈就腌菜给我们吃。

    There are no fresh vegetables in December, so mother cooks preserved vegetables for us.

  13. 诗人精神失常,寒冬腊月里赤条条地在屋子周围转悠。

    The poet went off h is head and started wandering around his house with no clothes on,in bitter cold.

  14. 腊月二十三祭灶以后,人们就开始准备迎接新年了。

    After seeing off the Kitchen God, people begin preparing for the arrival of the New Year.

  15. 我们都装作 只是碰巧在这寒冬腊月 都忘了穿裤子

    And we'll act as if it's just an unfortunate mistake we've made, forgetting our pants on this cold January day.

  16. 屈指算来,已是深冬,阴历腊月的脚步在蹒跚走来。

    Calculating by heart, it's late winter, and the last month of the lunar year is coming hitchily.

  17. 问题是,冬天到了,没人想在寒冬腊月喝乐啤露。

    goes to Washington, DC and opens a root beer stand in the summer, people like root beer in the summer.

  18. 比较高档的是每年的腊月三十还可以上天堂与众仙云集。

    The more upscale is a lastest month of every year 28 can also swarm about with many fairies by the God hall.


  1. 问:腊月拼音怎么拼?腊月的读音是什么?腊月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腊月的读音是làyuè,腊月翻译成英文是 the 12th month of the lunar year


