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1. 价 [jià]2. 价 [jiè]价 [jià]商品所值的钱数:~钱。~格。涨~。调~。待~而沽。商品之间相互比较和交换的基础:~值。代~。化学名词:“原子~”。价 [jiè]旧时称派遣传递东西或传达事情的人:“走~驰书来诣”。……
汉语拼音:biāo jià
Only the individual's sense of morality, fairness, and compassion stand up to rampant greed, violence, power, and corruption.
那是一个律令衰微到被标价出售的地方,只能依靠个体对道德、公正、悲悯的觉悟来抵抗肆虐蔓延的贪婪、暴力、强权与堕落。One of its boutiques sells a bejewelled object adorned with a butterfly for $269. Closer inspection reveals it to be a toothbrush-holder.
在酒店内的一处精品店里,一件带有蝴蝶图案、镶满珠宝的东西标价269美元,可仔细一看才发现是个牙刷架。The price tag was a reasonable $135 and I decided to pay cash and buy her the dress as a present.
裙子的标价为135美元,还算比较合理,因此,我决定付钱买下这件连衣裙作为礼物送给她。R8 starts at a hefty $109, 000, meaning it would be a farce if it weren't at least a top contender for the sports-car crown.
R8开始标价高达十万九千美元,这意味着它至少是跑车之王的最有力竞争者。The price is not marked on this. Do you know how much it is?
这上面没有标价,你知道是多少钱吗?In Fisher v Bell(1961), it was held that the display of a "flick knife" in a shop window with a price attached was an invitation to treat.
在Fisher诉Bell(1961)一案中,法院判决在商店橱窗里展示的标价的弹簧刀也属要约邀请。I must repeat that there has never been any 'for sale' sign around his neck, this story has been blown out of proportion by the media.
我必须再次重申我们没有给奥多任何的标价,这个传闻很大一部分是被媒体吵作出来的。Customer: I can't seem to find a price on this item. Could you tell me how much it is?
顾客:我好像找不到这个东西的标价。你可以告诉我这要多少钱吗?Do everything sell at the sticker price? Are there discounts ? How much will it be?