




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……



汉语拼音:èr dà






  1. 13 . . . and it was like the company's second largest deal in the history of the company. So, I was pretty proud of that.


  2. Even the world's second-largest exporter might have to twist a few arms to upend the dollar's dominance in global trade.


  3. Dell said China is the company's second-biggest source of revenue, behind the U. S. , and is a key growth country for the computer maker.


  4. It was only a few weeks earlier that the news came out that China had overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world.


  5. It is only the second global health issue that the United Nations General Assembly has deemed urgent enough to call a meeting to discuss.


  6. Parkinson's disease, the second most common neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's, is often treated with amantadine.


  7. China may be the world's second-largest economy but per capita output is at most only one-fifth that of most developed countries.


  8. A second lesson is that the benefits to a small country of being part of a big currency union are not all they were once cracked up to be.


  9. Mr Streiff called the decision by the board of Europe's second-biggest carmaker to get rid of him without warning "incomprehensible" .


  1. 二大归芷膏

    Erda Guizhi cream.

  2. 信仰与爱情是骑士精神的二大主题。

    Faith and Love should be the two major themes of chivalry.

  3. 有二大理由说明了我们团队非常失败。

    There were two big reasons why our campaign had failed big time.

  4. 大型袋式除尘器有脉冲清灰、反吹清灰二大类。

    Big bag type dust collector is classified as impulse dust cleaning and back blow dust cleaning.

  5. 燃料供给系统可分为化油器和燃料喷射二大类。

    Fuel delivery system can be divided into two categories, carburetor and fuel injection.

  6. 中国共产党“二大”提出建立“民主联合战线”的主张,会议集中讨论制定党的民主革命纲领的问题。

    The second congress of the Communist Party brought forward the proposition to establish a"democratic united battlefront". The assembly focused on on the establishment of a democratic revolutionary creed.

  7. 他是大一的还是大二的?

    Is he a freshman or a sophister

  8. 大二了,很多事不一样了。

    Sophomore, and a lot of things different.

  9. 这个工厂比那座工厂大二倍。

    This factory is twice as big as that one.

  10. 你是最受欢迎的大二学生

    You're this incredibly popular sophomore.

  11. 得过, 在我大二时得过全额奖学金。

    Yes, I won the full scholarship when I was a sophomore.

  12. 全俄沙皇, 亚历山大二世陛下

    His Majesty Alexander II, Tsar of All the Russias

  13. 我上大二时做他的教学助理。

    I was a teaching assistant for him as a sophomore.

  14. 我是一名英语专业的大二学生。

    I'm a college sophomore majoring in English.

  15. 我是一名英语专业的大二学生。

    I'm a college sophomore majoring in English.

  16. 因为我现在是个英语系大二学生。

    Cause I'm now a sophomore, majoring in english.

  17. 比尔。盖茨在他大二时就退学了。

    Bill Gates dropped out of his university when he was a sophomore.

  18. 大二,大三的学生下午参加二年一次的考试

    The sophomores and seniors are taking the biennial exam this afternoon.

  19. 我现在正在读大二,这是我的在读证明。

    I'm a sophomore now, this is my student certificate.

  20. 该小组成员都是经济专业的大二学生。

    The team members are all sophomores majoring in economics.

  21. 该小组成员都是经济专业得大二学生。

    The team members are all sophomores majoring in economics.

  22. 作为一名大二年的学生,我觉得光阴似箭。

    My college life As a sophomore, I am feeling the time flies.

  23. 我是大二学生,这问题我想问你们三位。

    I'm a sophomore, and this is for all three of you.

  24. 大二时,他得到了学校发的400元特困补助。

    In suformore, he obtained 400 Yuan special difficult subsidies.

  25. 我在大二的时候参加了校学生会的秘书部。

    When I was a sophomore, I took part in the secretary department of student union.

  26. 许多欧洲人也许正在被大二个误会所欺骗。

    Many Europeans may also be labouring under a second misapprehension.

  27. 养蜂是一个大二在阿普尔顿北高中。

    Bee is a sophomore at Appleton North High School.

  28. 沈阳航空工业学院公共管理专业大二学生崔璐说。

    Cui worked as a waitress at a Pizza Hut in the downtown area, earning only 4.

  29. 记得在一次学院的开会中, 遇到一个大二的师弟。

    I remember I met a student of grade two in a meeting in our business school.

  30. 大二选修乒乓球,又是一门不讲究体能的运动。

    Table tennis sophomore elective, it is not about a physical movement.



二大,古代对大司马和大将军两个职务的合称。唐代杜佑《通典·卷二十》:“后魏以太师、太傅、太保谓之三师,上公也。大司马、大将军谓之二大,太尉、司徒、司空谓之三公。北齐皆有三师、二大、三公之官,并置府,其府三门,当中门黄阁,设 内屏。三师、二大置佐吏,则同太尉府。”