







汉语拼音:rì hòu








  1. 将来;后来。

    《清平山堂话本·合同文字记》:“告相公,只要明白家事, 安住 日后不忘相公之恩!”《红楼梦》第二八回:“我心里的事也难对你説,日后自然明白。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“我只要你日后想着我这个老实人待你的好处。”



  1. In that case, I'll go after the 15th. How much are the off-season fares?


  2. A few days later, Clara asked me why she had often been seeing blue light and hearing the sound of a bell recently.


  3. That perception of her value to you is the key to using a first date as the start of a strong relationship.


  4. To assist another Director of Sales in the opening or general sales effort of any other of the chain's hotels.


  5. A few days later, two peonies appeared at the place where the babies had fallen, growing more than one foot in a single night.


  6. he even smiled to hear him speak, and said nothing of the uneasiness for the future which he felt.


  7. But he said the Army's service in the 20 years after Bloody Sunday should be recognised.


  8. And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.


  9. The above terms is only part of the company's financial policy, some unmentioned contents are yet to be amended or revised afterward.


  1. 留待日后讨论

    on the table.

  2. 初霜日后延。

    Mean first frost day has postponed.

  3. 日后再作计较。

    Let's think it over later.

  4. 俟日后承兑的收款

    collection with subsequent acceptance

  5. 资产负债表日后事项

    events after the balance sheet date

  6. 你日后会谢谢我的。

    You'll thank me tomorrow.

  7. 这个问题日后再解决。

    This problem can be resolved at some point in the future.

  8. 日后, 我们会检查学制。

    In the near future we shall review the academic system.

  9. 我希望你日后补请。

    Id like to take a raincheck on your invitation.

  10. 及时的一针顶日后的九针。

    A stitch saves nine.

  11. 再会了,日后再见。主席说。

    Till we meet again, wherever that is,'said the chairman.

  12. 这东西日后可能用得着。

    It may come in handy someday.

  13. 预见到日后的更大发展

    to see greater development in the future

  14. 我们会在日后公布详情。

    We will make an announcement in due course.

  15. 负荷和节约设置供日后使用。

    Load and Save settings for later use.

  16. 日后这种病有复发的危险。

    There is a danger that the disease may recur in later life.

  17. 宁亮丑于今,勿遗患日后。

    Better bad now than worse later.

  18. 我只要求借款 日后一定奉还。

    I'm only asking for a loan I'll pay you back.

  19. 我暗暗发誓,日后要倍加小心。

    I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future.

  20. 早期的错误可以酿成日后的麻烦

    Early mistakes are the seeds of future trouble

  21. 但是日后他们会变得如何呢

    What will it be like tomorrow

  22. 肉腌了起来,以备日后食用。

    The meat was salted away for future use.

  23. 我将暂时告假,日后准时报到。

    I shall take my leave for the present and report myself at the proper time.

  24. 皇后对日后的大战深感担忧

    Her Majesty feel anxious with the approximate warfare

  25. 考生可以打印留存, 以便日后核对。

    The candidate may then print the page for future verification.

  26. 我们的作品日后遭遇如何无关紧要。

    What happens to our work afterwards is unimportant.

  27. 原因恐怕日后被受牵连, 得不偿失。

    He was afraid of repercussions and getting more than he had bargained for.

  28. 国王下令小贩七日后再来。

    The vendor was ordered to present himself again on the seventh day.

  29. 这兵团数日后要开到前线去。

    The regiment proceeds to the front in a few days.

  30. 他们审讯他多日后他就垮掉了。

    They questioned him for days before he cracked.


  1. 问:日后拼音怎么拼?日后的读音是什么?日后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:日后的读音是rìhòu,日后翻译成英文是 future

  2. 问:日后生产拼音怎么拼?日后生产的读音是什么?日后生产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:日后生产的读音是rì hòu shēng chǎn,日后生产翻译成英文是 Post-D-Day Production D

  3. 问:日后证据拼音怎么拼?日后证据的读音是什么?日后证据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:日后证据的读音是rì hòu zhèng jù,日后证据翻译成英文是 act and deed


日后,注音:rì hòu,汉语词汇。释义:以后,将来。作副词用。