







汉语拼音:qiāng huǒ






  1. 指枪支弹药。




  1. I sensed that of course we've had what's the gunfire on the rally, the circumstances run a little bit murky , but somebody has been killed.


  2. People with handfuls of the old currency demanded the right to buy food but gun fire was the response they got.


  3. Six Israeli security men stuck in the embassy were eventually rescued by Egyptian commandos who scattered the crowd with gunfire.


  4. The hazard posed by celebratory shots led Los Angeles city council to ban the firing of bullets into the air in 1989.


  5. To our perfect place in the gun & in the dirt!


  6. It's different, however, when an American Muslim male gets stuck in a hail of Israeli gunfire.


  7. Fortunately for Tony and his peers, their rivals and the victims of crime cannot tell if their guns work any better than they can.


  8. EVA contiguous gun fire, smoke everywhere.


  9. and those gunned down are only reliving a script for death by gun fire yet again in present time from their ancestors.


  1. 一直到我听到枪走火。

    Till I heard the gun go off.

  2. 我可以说是我的枪走火。

    We'll just say it was an accident.

  3. 我们扭打在一起争抢那枝左轮,直至那枪走火。

    We struggled for the revolver, until at last it went off.

  4. 在握把附于承运人的螺栓和右侧的回访时,枪开火。

    The cocking handle is attached to the right side of the bolt carrier and reciprocates when gun is fired.

  5. 他拔出枪就开火。

    He drew his gun and fired.

  6. 琼斯上尉举起枪开了火,又一个印军被击毙了。

    Captain Jones raised his gun and bang, another Indian bit the dust.

  7. 小心, 否则那枪可能会走火。

    Be careful, or that gun might go off.

  8. 导弹和枪火点燃了天空。

    Tracer lighting up the sky.

  9. 他们必须暴露于敌人的枪火下。

    They had to be exposed to the enemy's gunfire.

  10. 话没说完乒的一声枪就开了火

    Words were passed in a shotgun blast

  11. 别让任何人活着走过我们的枪火。

    On whoever makes it through that line of fire.

  12. 整天都有枪火和炮火的从该镇传出。

    Reports of gunfire and shelling have been emerging from the town all day.

  13. 她说,她和她的家人在枪火中穿着睡衣逃出来。

    She said she and her family fled in their pyjamas, under fire.

  14. 又过了几秒钟,突然,乔伊斯端起枪来开了火。

    So some seconds passed, till suddenly Joyce whipped up his musket and fired.

  15. 愿这年轻的勇士得到平静, 而不以枪火之音

    And peace to this young warrior, without the sounds of guns

  16. 对我们来说最完美的地方是枪火纷飞的污浊之地!

    To our perfect place in the gun in the dirt!

  17. 有几次,工程处救护车遭到以色列国防军部队枪火射击。

    On several occasions, UNRWA ambulances were fired upon by Israel Defense Forces units.

  18. 被驱逐总统的至少三个支持者在周五的枪火中被害。

    At least three supporters of the ousted president were killed by gunfire Friday.

  19. 枪不发火。

    The guns misfired.

  20. 火帽簧板枪

    percussion lock gun.

  21. 枪突然在我手上走火。

    The gun just went off in my hands.

  22. 别碰已经上膛的枪的扳机, 以免走火。

    Don't touch the trigger in case the loaded gun shoots.

  23. 别碰已经上膛的枪的扳机,以免走火。

    Don't touch the trigger in case the loaded gun shoots.

  24. 开过一枪后,枪哑火卡住了。

    The gun misfired after one shot and jammed.

  25. 枪掉到地上砰地一声走了火。

    The gun discharged into the ground.

  26. 当我们都把枪瞄准敌人阵地时我们开了火。

    When we all had zeroed in our guns on the enemy post, we opened fire.

  27. 当我们用枪瞄准敌人的岗位时,我们开了火。

    When we had all zeroed in our guns on the enemy post we opened fire.

  28. 当你把枪的准星和目标对齐, 那就开火。

    When you've aligned the notch on the gun with the target, fire!

  29. 火门弹药通过其点燃的枪后膛上的小孔

    The small hole at the breech of a gun through which the charge is ignited.

  30. 打击物,如钟内的铃锤或枪中的点火栓。

    One that strikes, as the clapper in a bell or the firing pin in a gun.


  1. 问:枪火拼音怎么拼?枪火的读音是什么?枪火翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪火的读音是Qiānghuǒ,枪火翻译成英文是 The Mission