







汉语拼音:zhì hóng






  1. 利用河流附近的湖泊、洼地或划定的区域,通过节制闸,暂时停蓄洪水,待河槽中的流量减少到一定程度后,再经过泄水闸放归原河槽。



  1. a research framework for hazard mitigation is developed with its basic subjects proposed.


  2. The water level hydrograph of detention basins took as boundary conditions and considered the rainfall loss by S.


  3. No unit or individual may obstruct or delay the use of a flood storage and detention area .


  4. Article 2 These regulations apply to administrating river courses, dikes for flood and tide control, and flood storage areas.


  5. 4 and restore the flood control and flood storage and detent ion areas of natural lake, storage, leave the peak.


  6. Afforestation and ecological environment construction of the Detention Reservoir Project for the Yongding River


  7. Flood Detention Region in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River Mainstream and Its Impact on Ecological Environments


  8. The flood control function of Haihe river flood storage region and its actualization means


  9. Function of the detention basin engineering in Daqing in constructing environment


  1. 湖泊滞洪作用

    retention effect of lake

  2. 弹性滞洪空间

    Flexibly Holding Flood Space

  3. 上游滞洪水库

    upstream retarding reservoir.

  4. 滞洪库容量

    flooding control capacity.

  5. 滞洪池系统

    storm water detention basin.

  6. 永定河滞洪水库工程设计

    Design of the Yongding River detention reservoir

  7. 这些村落是否有滞洪区?

    Do these villages have flood detention basins?

  8. 鄱阳湖蓄滞洪与湿地保护

    Flood storage and detention and wetland protection of Poyang Lake.

  9. 滞洪水库退水闸沉降问题的分析

    Analysis on the settlement of escape gate in Detention Reservoir.

  10. 北展分滞洪工程改造方案研究

    Research on the Reconstruction of Beizhan Flood Detention Area in the Lower Yellow River

  11. 滞洪型平原水库的洪水资源调控

    Regulation of flood resources in detention plain reservoir.

  12. 复合式出流口滞洪坝之滞洪特性研究

    Study on Flood Detention Characteristics of Detention Dam with Compound Outlet

  13. 永定河滞洪水库绿化及生态环境建设

    Afforestation and ecological environment construction of the Detention Reservoir Project for the Yongding River

  14. 永定河滞洪水库应急供水管绂施工要点

    The main point of construction of emergency delivery pipeline in the detention reservoir on the Yongding river

  15. 水土保持措施不同配置体系的滞洪减沙效应

    Effect of Flood Retention and Sediment Reductionwith Different Allocation System of Water and Soil Conservation Measures

  16. 淤地坝系拦泥、滞洪坝高的双优化

    Double optimization of dam heights to retard mud and flood for the system of check dam

  17. 充分利用自然林木植被的滞洪作用,减少对自然的破坏。

    To fully utilize the flood detention action of natural tree vegetation it could reduce the destruction of the nature.

  18. 滞洪水库工程施工对粉细砂碾压特性的探讨

    Discussion on sand fill material compaction characteristics in Flood Detention Reservoir Project.

  19. 模袋混凝土护坡在永定河滞洪水库工程中的应用

    Application of geofabriform in the detention reservoir of Yongding river

  20. 浅析永定河滞洪水库工程地质问题对环境的影响

    Effect of environment for geological survey in the detention reservoir of Yongding River

  21. 永定河滞洪水库退水闸边荷载引发的问题及处理措施

    The Problems caused by the Load of Escape and Treatment Measures in Flood Retention Reservoir in Yongdinghe River


  1. 问:滞洪拼音怎么拼?滞洪的读音是什么?滞洪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪的读音是zhìhóng,滞洪翻译成英文是 flood detention; to slow down flood waters...

  2. 问:滞洪区拼音怎么拼?滞洪区的读音是什么?滞洪区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪区的读音是zhìhóngqū,滞洪区翻译成英文是 A low-lying place which can hold part of a flood in...

  3. 问:滞洪坝拼音怎么拼?滞洪坝的读音是什么?滞洪坝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪坝的读音是zhì hóng bà,滞洪坝翻译成英文是 floodwater retarding dam

  4. 问:滞洪容量拼音怎么拼?滞洪容量的读音是什么?滞洪容量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪容量的读音是zhì hóng róng liàng,滞洪容量翻译成英文是 detention volume

  5. 问:滞洪工程拼音怎么拼?滞洪工程的读音是什么?滞洪工程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪工程的读音是zhì hóng gōng chéng,滞洪工程翻译成英文是 flood-retarding project

  6. 问:滞洪水库拼音怎么拼?滞洪水库的读音是什么?滞洪水库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪水库的读音是zhì hóng shuǐ kù,滞洪水库翻译成英文是 flood detention reservoir

  7. 问:滞洪蓄水拼音怎么拼?滞洪蓄水的读音是什么?滞洪蓄水翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滞洪蓄水的读音是zhì hóng xù shuǐ,滞洪蓄水翻译成英文是 detention storage