


1. 这 [zhè]2. 这 [zhèi]这 [zhè]代词,此,指较近的时间、地点或事物,与“那”相对:~里。~些。~个。~样。这时候,指说话的同时:他~就来。这 [zhèi]“这(zhè)一”二字的合音,但指数量时不限于一:~个。~点儿……





汉语拼音:zhè diǎn







  1. 指示或代替较小的数量。

    老舍 《我这一辈子》二:“这点本事虽然不能永远有用,可是三年的学艺并非没有很大的好处,这点好处教我一辈子享用不尽。” 锦云 王毅 《乡下老客》:“都去过医院了,这点儿伤不算什么!”

  2. 代替较小的数量。如:我只有这点儿了。



  1. It has a straight line, and there is an infinite number of lines that go through the point and never meet the original line.


  2. "It bothers him, " Brewer said. "You have to be prepared for him to come at you because you know he doesn't like to be scored on. "


  3. Improve your interviewing skills. Often this can be as simple as knowing what questions to ask during the hiring process.


  4. "Forrest Gump" film critics like Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump is not smart, IQ is only 75, but this point did not affect him.


  5. It was at this point that his mood noticeably darkened. I found myself easing a bit closer so as not to miss a single detail.


  6. I was like, "this is not really why I'm doing this, so I'm going have to you know, thanks for your time. "


  7. That is not to repeat the above two points, I said the diversification of the chain is the diversification, don't to a tree hanged.


  8. "British history has been a history of invasion. " Please illustrate this point with the examples from the text.


  9. Certainly, nuclear power and weapons, if it comes to that, would be a matter of national pride.


  1. 这点毋庸置疑

    I promise you that.

  2. 我确信这点

    I'm sure he does.

  3. 我知道这点。

    I know that.

  4. 为这点小事

    just for this trifle.

  5. 我们尊重这点

    And we respect that.

  6. 这点非常重要

    That's super important.

  7. 这点我能理解

    I get it.

  8. 这点谁知道呢

    We don't know.

  9. 我不知道这点

    I didn't know that.

  10. 我不接受这点

    I don't accept that.

  11. 从这点上去看

    view from this aspect

  12. 你知道这点吧

    You know that, right?

  13. 我要澄清这点

    I should clarify that.

  14. 根据这点得出

    follow from this point.

  15. 这点我很欣赏

    and I love you for that.

  16. 干凭这点本事

    has only this bit of skill.

  17. 为这点, 感激吧!

    For this, be thankful.

  18. 这点就足够了。

    That's all that matters.

  19. 这点就足够了。

    That's all that matters.

  20. 干靠这点工资

    depend only on the small salary.

  21. 这点我也同意

    Well, we can both agree on that.

  22. 很高兴知道这点

    Good to know.

  23. 这点蛮有趣的。

    Sort of an interesting thing.

  24. 为这点。感激吧。

    For this , be thankful .

  25. 上帝不同意这点

    God begs to differ.

  26. 这点我们不清楚

    We don't know that.

  27. 这点小事不足挂齿。

    It is a trifle thing not worth mentioning.

  28. 我完全知道这点

    I totally knew that.

  29. 我们预料到这点。

    We foresaw all this.

  30. 你应该知道这点。

    You should know that.