






1. 术 [shù]2. 术 [shú]3. 术 [zhú]术 [shù]技艺:技~。艺~。武~。学~。不学无~。方法:战~。权~。心~。古代城市中的道路。术 [shú]古同“秫”,黏高梁。术 [zhú]〔白~〕多年生草本植物,根状茎可入药……



汉语拼音:cuī mián shù






  1. 催眠的方法。亦喻指使人精神萎靡的手段。

    鲁迅 《华盖集·补白二》:“ 徐锡麟 刺杀 恩铭 之后,大捕党人, 陶成章 君是其中之一,罪状曰:‘著《中国权力史》,学 日本 催眠术。’” 老舍 《二马》第五段五:“他不明白为什么 马威 反打起精神作买卖,他总以为 李子荣 给 马威 上了催眠术,心中担忧儿子的生命安全。”参见“ 催眠 ”。



  1. Australia has remained aloof so far and should remain so, even under the hypnotic power of the high-beam smile of a US president in person.


  2. It's been a while since anyone could resist my compulsion.


  3. Yes. Everyone knows that things happen for a reason. This QHHT process uncovers some of the reasons for you.


  4. Methods Among the psychotherapies for acute lumbago and dorsalgia, the methods of relaxed and hypnotic suggestive therapies were searched.


  5. "Alright, little boy, " the medium said, and made a few hocus-pocus passes.


  6. REMINISCENCE: A hypnotised spectator merely thinks of a memory, a number and a picture.


  7. Q. Is there any similarity to hypnotism, Kiai method, religious method or any other methods?


  8. The ability of the Infective agent to survive In man's environment is an important factor In the epidemiology of the Infection.


  9. In most cases, Hopkins uses hypnosis in what he says is a way to connect the person to memories that have allegedly been repressed.


  1. 对某人施催眠术。

    put a person under hypnosis

  2. 催眠术与邪教之比较

    Comparison between Hypnotism and Wicked Religions

  3. 古典的催眠术, 药物等等。

    Classical hypnosis, drugs and so on.

  4. 全套假定的催眠术绝技

    the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism

  5. 她试图用催眠术来戒烟。

    She tried hypnotism to stop smoking.

  6. 最明显的例子就是催眠术。

    The most striking example of this is hypnotism.

  7. 催眠术引导睡眠的理论及实践

    The theory or practice of inducing hypnosis.

  8. 他对这个病人采用了催眠术疗法。

    He performed hypnotism on this patient.

  9. 他对这个病人采用了催眠术疗法。

    He performed hypnotism on this patient.

  10. 没有人能解释催眠术是怎么回事。

    No one can yet explain exactly what hypnosis is.

  11. 催眠术疗法可能可缓和大肠激躁症

    Hypnosis May Soothe Irritable Bowel

  12. 仁淑的鬼魂可以通过催眠术杀人?

    The ghost of in Sook can kill people through hypnotism?

  13. 它过去常常绝对地给观众施行催眠术。

    It used to absolutely mesmerize an audience.

  14. 他很适合做催眠术研究的受试对象。

    He is a good subject for research into hypnosis.

  15. 催眠术中最重要的因素是暗示感应性。

    The most important factor in hypnosis is suggestibility.

  16. 已经很久没人能抵抗我的催眠术了!

    Its been a while since anyone could resist my compulsion.

  17. 催眠分析和心理分析技巧相结合的催眠术的使用

    The use of hypnosis in conjunction with psychoanalytic techniques.

  18. 催眠术真的可以让人产生不好的幻觉吗?

    Hypnotic is what can you make person generation bad really psychedelic?

  19. 查尔斯,我想你一定在对我施催眠术啦。

    I think you must be mesmerizing me, Charles.

  20. 不足之处是,催眠术对某些人不起作用。

    The downside is that some people do not respond as strongly to hypnosis as others.

  21. 她去见了催眠术专家, 希望他能帮助她戒烟。

    She went to a hypnotist, hoping he could help her to give up smoking.

  22. 她给他施催眠术让他做出违反本意的事。

    She hypnotize him into do thing against his own will.

  23. 你在漫画书背面看到催眠术广告去学的?

    So wh at, yous aw an ad in the back of a comic book

  24. 杰森催眠术。我现在请你注视着这位催眠术大师。

    Jason Hypnosis. You just keep your eye on the hypnotic trance inducer.

  25. 精神错乱,吸毒和催眠术都可以使人们产生幻觉。

    Mental disorders, drug use and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.

  26. 伟大的催眠术士并不需要甩动怀表的链子。

    Great hypnotists do not need to swing a pocket watch from a chain.

  27. 你知道如何施催眠术人, 但是你其次做什麽与他们?

    You know how to hypnotize people, but what do you do with them next?

  28. 结果如按上述方法,催眠术在疗养院大有用武之地。

    Results The hypnosis was very useful in the sanatorium if the aforementioned means were employed.

  29. 你不可能用催眠术去催眠一个正在喝酒的人。

    You shouldn't mesmerize anyone who's drinking.

  30. 催眠疗法基于或使用催眠术的疗法,尤其用于治疗慢性病

    Therapy based on or using hypnosis, especially for treatment of chronic pain.


  1. 问:催眠术拼音怎么拼?催眠术的读音是什么?催眠术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催眠术的读音是cuīmiánshù,催眠术翻译成英文是 an act of inducing a sleep-like condition by mean...

  2. 问:催眠术士拼音怎么拼?催眠术士的读音是什么?催眠术士翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催眠术士的读音是cuī mián shù shì,催眠术士翻译成英文是 hypnotist

  3. 问:催眠术师拼音怎么拼?催眠术师的读音是什么?催眠术师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催眠术师的读音是,催眠术师翻译成英文是 mesmerist

  4. 问:催眠术的拼音怎么拼?催眠术的的读音是什么?催眠术的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催眠术的的读音是,催眠术的翻译成英文是 mesmeric

  5. 问:催眠术疗法拼音怎么拼?催眠术疗法的读音是什么?催眠术疗法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:催眠术疗法的读音是cuī mián shù liáo fǎ,催眠术疗法翻译成英文是 hypnotherapy



“催眠术”是个多义词,它可以指催眠术(汉语词汇), 催眠术(任天堂游戏技能), 催眠术(SHE演唱歌曲)。