


1. 累 [léi]2. 累 [lěi]3. 累 [lèi]累 [léi]〔~~〕a.连续成串,如“果实~~”;b.颓丧的样子,如“~~若丧家之犬”。〔~赘〕a.多余,不简洁,如“文字~~”;b.使人感到多余或麻烦的事物,如“负重登高,不胜……


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:lěi jí






  1. 牵连到。多指连累到无辜之人。

    元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第二折:“却原来是为 傅彬 那个逆贼攀指,累及好人,无故繫狱!” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·逃难》:“老爷不可与他同行,怕遇着讐人,累及我们。” 巴金 《春》二一:“要是发生问题,便会累及家庭,他也不能安心。”



  1. The index, middle, and ring finger are the most frequently involved digits, while the thumb is often spared entirely.


  2. All of the children had atopic dermatis covering at least 20% of their body surface area.


  3. Allergy 'barrier' "Allergic conditions often run in families, which tells us that inherited genetic factors are important, " she said.


  4. Other salivary glands pancreas, and central nervous system are among the various organs that may also be involved.


  5. Prostate cancer affects the male reproductive system and is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in men.


  6. In addition, the fall and winter seasons due to the dry air, the surface is involving the intertexture static electricity.


  7. Since fever accompanies her respiratory symptoms, an opportunistic infection involving the lungs must be considered seriously.


  8. Certain inflammatory dermatoses, known as the panniculitides, principally affect this level of the skin, producing subcutaneous nodules.


  9. Conclusion Masticator space involvement is not uncommon in the maxillofacial diseases, which must be noticed in the imaging diagnosis.


  1. 累及根间的病变

    bifurcation involvement

  2. 头脑疼痛, 累及全身。

    When the head ache, all the body is the worse.

  3. 头脑疼痛,累及全身。

    When the head ache, all the body is the worse.

  4. 切缘被肿瘤累及

    Surgical margins involved by tumor

  5. 急性白血病累及淋巴结

    Acute leukemia involve lymph node

  6. 累及移行带前列腺癌

    prostate cancer originated in TZ

  7. 鼓室硬化仅累及鼓膜

    Tympanosclerosis involving tympanic membrane only

  8. 累及三根分叉的病变

    trifurcation involvement

  9. 急性病人可见结肠累及

    And headache are also common. Colonic involvement can be demonstrated in the acute form of the disease

  10. 累及牙周的晚期病变

    advanced periodontal involvement

  11. 大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的分析

    A study of coronary artery involvement in aortitis

  12. 累及牙髓与根尖的

    endodontally involved

  13. 粘稠物阻塞症累及肺

    Mucoviscidosis involving the lung

  14. 累及多关节的退行性关节病

    Degenerative joint disease involving multiple joints

  15. 累及膀胱和肠的瘘修复术

    Repair of fistula involving bladder and intestine

  16. 涎腺肿瘤累及产生唾液的腺体。

    Salivary gland cancer affects the glands that produce saliva.

  17. 累及颅内的蝶窦粘液囊肿

    Sphenoidal sinus mucocele with intracranial extension

  18. 累及颅内得蝶窦粘液囊肿

    Sphenoidal sinus mucocele with intracranial extension.

  19. 累及结肠得直肠周瘘管常见。

    With colonic involvement, perirectal fistulae are common.

  20. 累及结肠的直肠周瘘管常见。

    With colonic involvement, perirectal fistulae are common.

  21. 没有发现团块进一步累及脑垂体。

    There is no futher mass involving the pituitary gland.

  22. 最易累及的认知领域为视空间。

    The most affected cognitive domain is spatial construction.

  23. 累及后关节面的跟骨骨折治疗

    Treatment of calcaneus fracture involved posterior articular surface

  24. 常常可以通过后鼻孔累及鼻咽部。

    It often grows through the nasal choana into the nasopharynx.

  25. 转移性骨肉瘤通常累及右心。

    Mestatatic osteosarcomas usually involve the right side of the heart.

  26. 累及颞骨岩部胆脂瘤的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of petrous bone cholesteatoma

  27. 虫噬样骨破坏累及干骺、骨骺及相邻关节。

    Motheaten bone destruction in the metaphysis, epiphysis and adjacent joint.

  28. 脑梗死病变部位较多累及皮质。

    The infarction lesion was more often seen involving the cortex.

  29. 所累及的器官以皮肤病变最为常见。

    Many organs are in involved in ADR, skin diseases are the most common.

  30. 冠状动脉口被夹层形成所累及。

    The coronary ostia are involved in the dissection.


  1. 问:累及拼音怎么拼?累及的读音是什么?累及翻译成英文是什么?

    答:累及的读音是lěijí,累及翻译成英文是 involve

  2. 问:累及区拼音怎么拼?累及区的读音是什么?累及区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:累及区的读音是lěi jí qū,累及区翻译成英文是 involved field




拼音:lěijí 基本解释 [implicate;involve;drag in] 使受牵连;连累到 累及无辜 详细解释 牵连到。多指连累到无辜之人。 元 关汉卿 《裴度还带》第二折:“却原来是为 傅彬 那个逆贼攀指,累及好人,无故系狱!” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·逃难》:“老爷不可与他同行,怕遇着讐人,累及我们。” 巴金 《春》二一:“要是发生问题,便会累及家庭,他也不能安心。”