




1. 刺 [cì]2. 刺 [cī]刺 [cì]用有尖的东西插入:~绣。~伤。~杀。暗杀:~客。被~。行~。侦探,打听:~探。用尖锐的话指出别人的坏处:讽~。讥~。尖锐像针的东西:芒~。鱼~。~丛。刺 [cī]象声词:~地滑了一跤。……



汉语拼音:yù cì






  1. 遭到暗杀。

    经盛鸿 《民国暗杀要案·吉鸿昌遇刺》:“ 吉鸿昌 遇刺并遭逮捕的消息,迅速地传遍了全国。”



  1. Jenkins would put out a story that you were dead-that you had died of a heart attack or were stabbed to death.


  2. It was not long after the Kennedy assassination that I actually got to meet Mister Cronkite.


  3. Unfortunately, he is often best remembered for his assassination in November 1963.


  4. When he was assassinated in 1981, Egypt fell eerily silent. His funeral was attended by foreign leaders but very few of his own people.


  5. Ms. Bhutto was assassinated in the city of Rawalpindi a week ago while campaigning for parliament.


  6. Sadly, two years after his great victory, Gandhi was shot and killed by an assassin's bullet.


  7. There was not a single scrap of evidence to connect him with the murder of the Nepalese King.


  8. "Ms Bhutto's assassination, " it says, "could have been prevented if adequate security measures had been taken. "


  9. spark that set off the war was the murder of the prince.


  1. 总统遇刺震惊了全国。

    The President's murder rocked the nation.

  2. 阿富汗檢察官遇刺。

    An Afghan prosecutor has been assassinated.

  3. 总统遇刺, 全国一片混乱。

    The whole country was thrown out of gear by the assassination of the President.

  4. 约翰,肯尼迪总统于1963遇刺身亡。

    President John Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

  5. 领导人遇刺引起了政治动乱。

    The leader's assassination led to political convulsions.

  6. 林肯总统遇刺的福特剧院。

    Ford's theatre where President Lincoln was assassinated.

  7. 萨达特检阅部队 遭横祸遇刺身亡

    Anwar Wadat Assassinated at Cairo Military Review

  8. 所以这里就是受害者遇刺的地方。

    So this is where our victim was stabbed.

  9. 她希望对她丈夫的遇刺展开调查。

    She would like an investigation into the assassination of her husband.

  10. 嘉庆皇帝神武门遇刺案

    The case of Jia Qing Emperorin Qing Dynasty was assassinated in Shen Wu Gate

  11. 不错,我正在画林肯遇刺图。

    Good. I'm drawing a picture of Lincoln's assassination.

  12. 该议员昨晚在一家剧院遇刺身亡。

    The senator was assassinated in a theater last night.

  13. 遇刺身亡。警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀。

    Anthony Martinez killed.Police suspect blood money is involved.

  14. 有好几位美国总统是遇刺身亡的。

    Several American presidents were assassinated.

  15. 你知道甘乃迪总统周五遇刺。

    As you know, President Kennedy was assassinated on friday.

  16. 尼泊尔国王遇刺身亡让全 世界感到震惊。

    The murder of the Nepalese King startled the whole world.

  17. 船长遇刺身亡。警察怀疑其被雇凶谋杀。

    Skip Muldoon killed.Police suspect blood money is involved.

  18. 由於大使遇刺, 该国顿时进入了战争状态

    The assassination of the ambassador precipitate the country into war

  19. 印第安总理甘地,于新德里遇刺身亡。

    Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India, has been killed by assassins in New Delhi.

  20. 表明他与尼泊尔国王得 遇刺有任何牵扯。

    to connect him with the murder of the Nepalese King.

  21. 表明他与尼泊尔国王的 遇刺有任何牵扯。

    to connect him with the murder of the Nepalese King.

  22. 由于国王遇刺, 该国顿时进入了战争状态。

    The assassination of the king precipitated the country into war.

  23. 由于大使遇刺, 该国顿时进入了战争状态。

    The assassination of the ambassador precipitate the country into war.

  24. 两位遇刺罹难者预言了他们自己的死亡。

    Two of the victims predicted their own deaths.

  25. 如果杰克要为帕默遇刺负责的话。

    If Jack was responsible for president palmer's assassination.

  26. 总统遇刺的消息令数百万美国人震惊不已。

    The news of the killing shocked millions of Americans.

  27. 调查总统遇刺案件的国际委员会正在调查此案。

    The international commission on the assassination of the President is investigating the case.

  28. 这场争论还没有解决麦金利就遇刺了。

    The controversy was not resolved when McKinley was assassinated.

  29. 担心她自己遇刺,她寻求罗马帝国的力量来保护自己。

    Fearing of her own assassination,she courted the power of Roman Empire.

  30. 担心她自己遇刺,她寻求罗马帝国得力量来保护自己。

    Fearing of her own assassination, she courted the power of Roman Empire.


  1. 问:遇刺拼音怎么拼?遇刺的读音是什么?遇刺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遇刺的读音是yùcì,遇刺翻译成英文是 to be attacked by an assassin




拼音:yù cì 基本解释 [be attacked by an assassin] 被行刺,遭到暗杀 不幸遇刺身亡 详细解释 遭到暗杀。 经盛鸿 《民国暗杀要案·吉鸿昌遇刺》:“ 吉鸿昌 遇刺并遭逮捕的消息,迅速地传遍了全国。”