







汉语拼音:jiāo shè








  1. 关系;牵涉。

    前蜀 贯休 《闻无相道人顺世》诗之五:“百千万亿偈,共他勿交涉。” 宋 范成大 《病中闻西园新花已茂及竹径皆成而海棠亦未过》诗:“春虽与病无交涉,雨莫将花便破除。” 明 李贽 《杂述·解经文》:“纵然为得空来,亦即是掘地出土之空,如今之所共见太虚空耳,与真空总无交涉也。” 夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十六:“他们的写字和日常业务交涉较少。”

  2. 接触;往来。

    宋 朱彧 《萍洲可谈》卷三:“ 熙嘏 但言平生不喜与 福建 子交涉。”《老残游记续集遗稿》第四回:“从今以后,再也不与男人交涉。” 鲁迅 《热风·人心很古》:“他们和外界毫无交涉,也不受别民族的影响,还是原始的状态,真不愧所谓‘羲皇上人’。”

  3. 谓跟对方协商以期解决有关问题。

    《官场现形记》第九回:“不与洋人交涉,宦途甚觉顺利。” 毛泽东 《增强党的团结,继承党的传统》:“如果发现火星或者金星上有人,那个时候我们再来交涉关于团结他们,建立统一战线的问题。”

  4. 指有待协商解决的问题。

    茅盾 《三人行》:“令堂太太和 陆麻子 那里的交涉请你去办。”



  1. Representations with the counters, counter claims that this phenomenon is not a quality issue, not returns.


  2. If human beings should be discovered on Mars or Venus, we would then discuss the matter of uniting with them and forming a united front.


  3. Q: Since Rebiya is in the United States, will the Chinese Government make representations with the US and ask for her extradition?


  4. You may be negotiating with the bank about a loan, mortgage, or refinancing plan, or asking your university for financial aid.


  5. She did, however, agree to meet Senator Webb, suggesting she sees some merit in the American's new policy of engagement with her jailors.


  6. I am inquiring about this with headquarters. Please give me a sample to ask them to negotiate with the factory.


  7. Quickly I told what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!


  8. Police negotiated with the suspect, trying to get him to surrender, but eventually, police officers had to enter the room.


  9. Oh, I see. For a case like this, we'll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you.


  1. 对外交涉机构

    foreign affair bureaus.

  2. 接着我们开始交涉

    Then we bargain.

  3. 在谈判中, 在交涉期间

    pending these negotiations

  4. 交涉结果令人满意。

    Negotiation finally conclude satisfactory.

  5. 交涉已到最后阶段。

    The negotiations have reached the final stage.

  6. 经过交涉, 问题解决了。

    The problem was solved through negotiations.

  7. 他们的交涉大有进展。

    They made a great step forward in their negotiations.

  8. 我们交涉了一段时间

    We had a bit of a battle of wills.

  9. 我宁愿你与他们交涉。

    I'd rather you talked with them.

  10. 交涉成功, 可望进一步销售。

    negotiation successful further sale possible

  11. 我们很愿意和他们交涉

    We'd love to meet with them.

  12. 我们将就此事向他交涉。

    We'll tackle him over the matter.

  13. 我将直接与艺术家交涉

    I'm going to deal directly with the artist.

  14. 双方正就此事进行交涉。

    The two sides are negotiating about it.

  15. 那么我就跟你交涉吧。

    To you, then, I must make my communication.

  16. 当交涉失败,愤怒难以宣泄

    When the bargining has failed and the angry is too hard to maintain.

  17. 我宁愿来亲自同他交涉。

    I preferred to come and deal with him personally.

  18. 地缘政治视野下的琉球交涉

    Ryukyu Negotiation from the Perspective of Geopolitics

  19. 工会和管理层一直在交涉。

    There have been talks between the Union and management.

  20. 徐世昌与延吉边务交涉

    Xu Shichang and Frontier Negotiations of Yanji

  21. 独立与外面的机构代表交涉。

    Dealt independently with representatives of outside agencies.

  22. 独立与外面得机构代表交涉。

    Dealt independently with representatives of outside agencies.

  23. 他们要向她交涉那件事情。

    Theyll approach her on that matter.

  24. 吴禄贞与中日间岛交涉

    Wu Luzhen and the Jiandao Negotiation between China and Japan

  25. 满剌加的陷落与中葡交涉

    The fall of Malacca and the Negotiations between China and Portugal

  26. 于是斯达格就向陪审团交涉。

    Steger then approached the jury.

  27. 工会领导回去和政府进行交涉。

    Trade union leaders went back to negotiate with the government.

  28. 她为了他去和移民局交涉。

    She intervened with the immigration service on his behalf.

  29. 他们将就此事和委员会进行交涉。

    They will tackle the committee about this matter.

  30. 我们派他为代表和他们交涉。

    We delegated him to negotiate with them.


  1. 问:交涉拼音怎么拼?交涉的读音是什么?交涉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交涉的读音是jiāoshè,交涉翻译成英文是 negotiate

  2. 问:交涉者拼音怎么拼?交涉者的读音是什么?交涉者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交涉者的读音是,交涉者翻译成英文是 negotiator





