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1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……
汉语拼音:dà yí
As a young girl, Aunt Marion always planned to have a large number of children of her own, but she never got married.
作为一个年轻女孩,大姨总是计划生许多孩子,但是她自己却没有结婚。My aunt today in good homes of the rich meals you!
今天在大姨家的饭菜好丰富呀!Why did your great aunt leave my mother money?
为什么你大姨会把遗产留给我妈妈?。Today, I came to my Aunt, cousin's boyfriend also went to my aunt, we all like to!
今天我来到大姨家,表姐的男朋友也去了大姨家,我们大家都很高兴!Great aunt is don't stop laughing, probably because of a long time too lonely look so many people came too excited!
大姨婆则是不停的笑,可能是因为一个人长时间太寂寞一下那么多人来了太激动了吧!I'll go to my aunt's home. = I will go to my aunt's home.
我将要去我的大姨家。表示自己期望、计划、打算……做某事。Joan is my great aunt. She's my mum's mother's sister and she'll be 93 in November.
琼是我的大姨婆,是我妈妈的妈妈的妹妹,到11月就满93岁。七大姑, 八大姨
various and sundry relatives
That's not till next week.
Someone's on his periodical.
大姨来了, 但是, 我们也作一次。
Big Aunty was coming, but we also make make once.
今天, 我和我的父母拿着礼物去大姨家。
Today, I and my parents home with a gift to Dayi.
要是我被抓了, 我就说我大姨妈来了。
If I get caught, I'll say I was menstruating.
今天, 大姨带我去大梅沙看大海, 因为我从来没有见过大海。
Today Dameisha took me to see the sea, because I have never seen the sea.
我大姨就像王夫人, 我奶奶过逝后家里的大小事都要她料理。
Wang, my grandmother passed away after the home to her cooking merry.
If eliminate to be pregnant, the likelihood is amenorrhoea! It is OK to hit corpus luteum ketone!