


1. 扎 [zā]2. 扎 [zhā]3. 扎 [zhá]扎 [zā]捆,缠束:~辫子。~腿。把儿,捆儿:一~线。扎 [zhā]刺:~针。~花。驻、扎:~营。钻:扎猛子。扎 [zhá]〔~挣〕方言,勉强支持(“挣”读轻声)。……





汉语拼音:zhā yíng








  1. 谓军队安营驻扎。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·缅甸归诚本末》:“ 刘德成 抵 翁冷 ,贼设伏诱战, 德成 扎营,坚壁不动。”《太平天囯歌谣传说集·太平军破包村》:“没多久,太平军到了 包村 ,杀的人不多,没有马上攻城,就在城外扎营。”

  2. 安扎营寨。

    清 李渔 《风筝误·败象》:“此处山高地广,好做战场,不如就在此处扎营。”中国近代史资料丛刊《太平天囯·蒙时雍家书》:“至六月间又復徙营转扎营 紫金山 、 大宣墟 、 莫村 等处。”《洪秀全演义》第十二回:“ 向荣 急令前军扎营待战,自己却自死力支撑一阵。”



  1. Another major reason for Jaocb's concern was that he thought the brothers might be camped near Shechem.


  2. "I have come with 40 of my men, " said the Russian. "We come to hunt sea otter. We wish to camp on your island while we are hunting. "


  3. We halted, and I decided to go gather some raspberries that grew in the garden in front of the house.


  4. He recalled one night on his latest escapade when a hailstorm forced him to set up a haphazard camp in the wildness.


  5. Some of the Indians refused to leave their sacred land, and other hunters were camped in remote places and never learned of the order.


  6. Pragmatists and ideologues seem to be pitching rival camps in the capital.


  7. How were we supposed to make camp in a storm like that, you know ?


  8. In Texas, a state representative camped out for two days in the Capitol so that her voter ID bill would be the first one filed.


  9. Its members do not camp in your front yard or line up to brush their teeth over your bathroom sink.


  1. 扎营, 露营

    billet camp camp sleep tent out bivouac out

  2. 他们扎营过夜。

    They pitched up for the night.

  3. 士兵们在野地扎营。

    The soldiers were encamped in the field.

  4. 在太岳山顶扎营

    Camping on the top of Taiyue Mountain

  5. 我们在湖边扎营。

    We camped on the border of a lake.

  6. 扎营围困一个要塞。

    Sit down before a fortress

  7. 我们应该在这里扎营。

    We should set up campu here.

  8. 士兵们在森林边扎营。

    The soldiers were encamped on the edge of the forest.

  9. 这些新士兵们练习扎营。

    The new soldiers learned how to make encampment.

  10. 军队在山中扎营。

    The army camped in the mountain.

  11. 他让士兵在山顶扎营。

    He tented his men on top of the hill.

  12. 部队在那儿扎营过夜。

    The army encamped there for the night.

  13. 他们在山中扎营。

    They pitched a camp in the mountain.

  14. 我们在山的那边扎营。

    We pitched on the other side of the hill.

  15. 沃尔沃卡车公司羊城扎营

    VOLVO truck company encamp in Guangzhou

  16. 我们计划在山里扎营。

    We planned to pitch our camps in the mountains.

  17. 军队在山谷中扎营。

    The army camped in the valley.

  18. 我们在林子里扎营过夜。

    We encamped in the woods for the night.

  19. 我们在山脚下扎营。

    We camped at the base of the mountain.

  20. 他们在山脚下扎营。

    They pitched at the foot of the mountain.

  21. 他们卸下挂车,开始扎营。

    They detach the tailer, and start to camp.

  22. 猎人们在山谷中扎营。

    The hunters camped themselves in the valley.

  23. 牧民们在草原上扎营住宿。

    The herdsmen camped themselves on the grasslands.

  24. 他们准备好帐篷打算扎营。

    They broke out tents and prepared to make camp.

  25. 那些登山者在湖边扎营。

    The hikers camped by the lake.

  26. 我们今晚就在这里扎营。

    We will camp out here tonight.

  27. 给登山者用的扎营基地

    A base camp for the mountain climbers.

  28. 他们在重山中扎营。

    They pitched a camp in the mountains.

  29. 士兵们只花了一小时扎营。

    It took the soldiers only an hour to encamp.

  30. 他们在哪里扎营,山谷另一边。

    Where are they camped? The far side of the valley.


  1. 问:扎营拼音怎么拼?扎营的读音是什么?扎营翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扎营的读音是zhāyíng,扎营翻译成英文是 to encamp; camp

  2. 问:扎营地拼音怎么拼?扎营地的读音是什么?扎营地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扎营地的读音是zhā yíng dì,扎营地翻译成英文是 cantonment area

  3. 问:扎营住宿拼音怎么拼?扎营住宿的读音是什么?扎营住宿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扎营住宿的读音是zhā yíng zhù sù,扎营住宿翻译成英文是 Camp Oneself for the Night




【拼音】zhā yíng

【基本解释】[encamp] 指队伍安营驻扎
