







汉语拼音:chǎn píng








铲平 [chǎn píng]
  1. 夷平、去除。




  1. The favoured strategy is to snap up a small bank, healthy or not, and turn it into a vehicle to scoop up failed local rivals.


  2. They must have come in here with heavy machinery and flattened it out.


  3. In 1908, a -- just a 200 foot piece of a comet -- exploded over Siberia and flattened forests for maybe 100 miles.


  4. Proud creature-sufficiency, and boastful self-righteousness, must be levelled, to make a highway for the King of kings.


  5. A Colombian soldier in 1992 looks at a deforested land formerly used for poppy plantations.


  6. Enter the Cactus Rescue Crew -- an all volunteer force whose mission is to save what's growing before homebuilders bulldoze the desert.


  7. Whoosh, a second rocket wipes out the incorrigible Trans- Caucasians , the Georgians, Azerbaijanis and Armenians.


  8. You wake up one day, you see the sound of a bulldozer coming to bulldoze your forest, your plantation.


  9. After scooping out one layer, the uneven surface must be leveled off before starting another layer.


  1. 铲平钻孔机

    adzing and boring machine

  2. 一推土机铲平这里

    with their J. Crew and abaphony and fitch.

  3. 推土机把土堆铲平。

    The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.

  4. 是时候将它铲平了。

    It is time to raze it.

  5. 我将你爸爸的房子铲平。

    And I had that house of your father's bulldozed to the ground.

  6. 以为他们可以一推土机铲平这里

    think they're gonna bulldoze in here.

  7. 一定有重型机械来这儿铲平了

    They must have come in here with heavy machinery and flattened it out.

  8. 我一定会把整个警局给铲平。

    I will scorch the earth covering this whole department.

  9. 我如何在蓝色的阴影下铲平我的天

    How do I raze my days that are shaded in blue

  10. 推土铲的最大推压力推土机把土堆铲平。

    The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth.

  11. 杰宁的多数难民营几乎完全被铲平。

    Most of the Jenin refugee camp was almost totally levelled.

  12. 推土机铲平了靠近老商船会馆附近的老房子。

    Bulldozers demolish old homes surrounding the Merchant Shipping Hall, built in 1715.

  13. 政府出于盲目得偏见, 意图铲平一个明显得文化堡垒。

    Out of blind prejudice, the government is razing whats clearly a cultural citadel.

  14. 政府出于盲目的偏见,意图铲平一个明显的文化堡垒。

    Out of blind prejudice, the government is razing what's clearly a cultural citadel.

  15. 一个哥伦比亚士兵看着为了种植罂粟而被铲平土地, 1992。

    A Colombian soldier in 1992 looks at a deforested land formerly used for poppy plantations.

  16. 而这二山是不会加大得, 总有一天, 我们会把它们铲平。

    But these mountains will not grow any taler. We shall level them one day! he declared with confidence.

  17. 而这二山是不会加大的,总有一天,我们会把它们铲平。

    But these mountains will not grow any taler. We shall level them one day! he declared with confidence.

  18. 填沟机平铲

    backfiller blade.

  19. 平铲中耕机

    blade cultivator.

  20. 她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。

    She levelled the surface of the cake mixtured with a metal spatula.

  21. 用来展开、抹平灰膏的铲子。她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料

    A trowel used to spread and smooth plaster. She level the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula

  22. 推土机铲刀自动找平控制系统

    Automatic levelling control system for blade of dozer

  23. 将面糊舀入备好的平底锅中,用刮铲将表面抹平。

    Spoon the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing over the top with a spatula.

  24. 斜铲平地机

    angle blade scraper.

  25. 铲平或填平地面。

    Level down the ground

  26. 用铲子将土铲平

    to even out the soil with a spade

  27. 他用锹把土铲平。

    He evened out the soil with a spade.

  28. 如你必须, 铲平星球!

    Raze the planet if you must!

  29. 如你必须,铲平星球!

    Raze the planet if you must!

  30. 破烂的房屋已被铲平,并预备新建一所小学。

    Tattered building already was shovelled to make the same score, prepare to build an elementary school.



【拼音】:chǎn píng