







汉语拼音:gāng lòu






  1. Conclusion The incision surgery is the main means of the treatment of anal fistula in infants and young children.


  2. Objective: to investigate the distal suture combination treatment hanged line cut the clinical application of high complexity canal.


  3. Conclusion: The traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment for anal fistula significant treatment.


  4. Conclusion: MEBO is an ideal medication for treating post-operation wounds of complex anal fistula.


  5. Conclusion: Qudu decoction could relieve postoperative pain on case of anal fistula operation.


  6. Perianal fistulas in Crohn's disease are predominantly colonized by skin flora: implications for antibiotic treatment?


  7. Objective: Observe the effects of the anal fistula treatment with acellular dermal matrix.


  8. Objective To assess the effects of postoperative anal physiothrapywith TDP special electromagnetic waves on complex anal fistula.


  9. Objective: To investigate the treatment of anal fistula with multiple internal openings .


  1. 复杂性肛瘘

    Complex anal fistula.

  2. 马蹄形肛瘘

    horseshoe fistula

  3. 肛瘘切除术

    anal fistulectomy.

  4. 肛瘘修复术

    Repair of anal fistula.

  5. 肛瘘闭合术

    Closure of anal fistula.

  6. 结核性肛瘘

    Tuberculous andal fistula.

  7. 感染性肛瘘

    infective fistula of anus.

  8. 肛瘘切开术

    anal fistulotomy.

  9. 蹄铁型肛瘘

    Horseshoe anal fistula.

  10. 高位复杂性肛瘘

    Complex high anal fistula patients

  11. 肛瘘切除缝合术

    anal fistulectomy with primary closure of wound

  12. 低位单纯性肛瘘

    Low simple anal fistula

  13. 你知道怎样治疗肛瘘吗

    How do you know to treat anal fistula

  14. 目的探讨复杂肛瘘的最佳手术治疗方法。

    Objective To investigate the optimal operative approach for the complicated anal fistula.

  15. 超声诊断在肛周脓肿、肛瘘的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Ultrasonic Diagnosis on Perianal Abscess and Anal Fistula.

  16. 切除挂线旷置术治疗高位肛瘘53例

    Clinical observation on 53 cases of high anal fistula treated by resectional threaddrawing exclusion therapy

  17. 主要病种为肛周脓肿,肛瘘,肛裂,混合痔。

    Sorts of diseases were mainly confined to perianal abscess, anal fistula, anal fissure and mixed hemorrhoid etc.

  18. 一般情况下做个肛瘘手术要多少钱?要多少时间?

    Do an anal fistula operation how to many money want usually? How many time to want?

  19. 结论中西医结合疗法对肛瘘有显著治疗效果。

    Conclusion The traditional Chinese and western medicine treatment for anal fistula significant treatment.

  20. 目的探讨治疗高位肛瘘较为可靠有效的手术方式。

    Objective To investigate the more reliable and effective operations for high anal fistula.

  21. 目的探讨并总结多内口肛瘘的有效治疗方法。

    Objective To investigate the treatment of anal fistula with multiple internal openings.

  22. 结论手术切开是治疗婴幼儿肛瘘的主要手段。

    Conclusion The incision surgery is the main means of the treatment of anal fistula in infants and young children.

  23. 肛瘘是肛门疾病中术后最痛苦, 最复杂的一种疾病。

    Anal fistula is the most suffering and Complieated disease after operation in anus disease. The complication often owars after operation.

  24. 目的研究脱细胞真皮基质材料治疗肛瘘的临床效果。

    Objective Observe the effects of the anal fistula treatment with acellular dermal matrix.

  25. 高位肛瘘不同挂线方法对创面羟脯氨酸影响研究

    A Study on Different Methods of High Anal Fistula Seton Towards Wound Hydroxyproline

  26. 结论湿润烧伤膏可促进肛瘘二氧化碳激光术后创面愈合。

    Conclusion MEBO can promote wound healing post excision of anal fistula with CO 2 laser.

  27. 介绍陆金根教授辨治婴幼儿肛瘘的临证经验。

    This paper introduces professor Lu Jingen's experience in treating infantile anal fistula.

  28. 瘘管隧道法切除一期缝合术治疗肛瘘的疗效观察

    Observation of therapeutic effects of fistulectomy with tunnel resectional therapy and primary suture in the treatment of anal fistula

  29. 结论应用导丝,导管做瘘道探查造影能更全面诊断肛瘘

    Conclusion The fistula probing and fistulography are accurate for diagnosis of anal fistula.

  30. 内口切开双侧结扎法治疗复杂性肛瘘的临床研究

    Clinical Study on the Therapy of Internal Opening Incising and Ligating in Two sides in Trentment of Complex Anal Fistula



肛瘘又称“肛门直肠瘘”,大部分肛瘘由肛门直肠脓肿破溃或切开排脓后形成。脓肿逐渐缩小,但肠内容物仍不断进入脓腔,在愈合缩小的过程中,常形成迂曲的腔道,引流不畅不易愈合,日久后腔道周围有许多瘢痕组织,形成慢性感染性管道。中医称本病为“悬痈”、“坐马痈”、“脏毒”等,多由肛管直肠周围脓肿破裂,经久不愈而形成的肛门周围的肉芽肿性管道。多发于20~40岁男性。肛瘘一般由原发性内口、瘘臂和继发性外口组成。内口大多位于齿线附近,多为一个,外口位于肛门周围皮肤上,可为一个或多个。 肛瘘是常见的肛门疾病。肛管直肠瘘主要侵犯肛管很少涉及直肠,故常称为肛瘘,中医也称之为“肛漏”。是与会阴区皮肤相通的肉芽肿性管道。发病率仅次于痔,多见于男性青壮年,可能与男性的性激素靶器官之一的皮脂腺分泌旺盛有关。