


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……





汉语拼音:bìng lǒng








  1. My starting point was the meeting between people, when their different traces have to merge into a new trace.

  2. The only result was that my left forearm was aching with fatigue within a few laps from the effort to simply hold my fingers together.

  3. Although he has no shoes he tries to click his heels and salutes one of the men in our column, clearly a commander among the guerrillas.

  4. All head first entries shall be executed with the arms stretched beyond the head in line with the Body, with the legs close together.

  5. Men wear single-breasted suit, seated upon his suit buttons can generally be solved; President should legs close together.

  6. Somebody who is hunched over, with her feet together, is subconsciously trying to not be noticed at all.

  7. 14, your fingers together, hands constitute a Pyramid shape, at the front tip must be dismissed each other.

  8. Li Jing team approach: the right hand fingers close together, holding his head.

  9. Stand with both feet touching, body relax, natural breath, his hands light buckles knees, crouch a 21 times.


  1. 将指头并拢

    adduct the fingers.

  2. 双脚并拢立直站好。

    Stand up straight with your feet together.

  3. 我不想要孩子,并拢。

    I don't want kids so close together.

  4. 他可以把双腿并拢。

    The receiver will keep their legs closer together.

  5. 两腿并拢, 轻微斜向一侧。

    Legs closed, slightly tilted to one side.

  6. 他妹妹并拢双腿端庄地坐着。

    His sister sat primly with her legs together.

  7. 士兵两脚并拢喀嚓一声向女王敬礼。

    The soldier gave a click of his heels as he saluted the queen.

  8. 双腿并拢站立,双臂像飞机双翼样伸展。

    Stand with feet together, arms extended like airplane wings.

  9. 可适用部份全部并拢的五个指尖。

    Applicable part all combined five fingertips.

  10. 双脚并拢你就不能抬升身体。

    You're not going to go up with your feet close together.

  11. 挺胸拔背,双脚并拢,脚尖向前。

    Start with your back straight and your feet together and pointing forward.

  12. 如果你不把脚并拢的话,大家都会笑你的。

    Ifyou don't closeyour legs, the whole court will laugh.

  13. 两腿站立并拢,把左手放在腹部。

    Standing with your feet together, place your left hand on your stomach.

  14. 两腿站立并拢,把左手放在腹部。

    Standing with your feet together, place your left hand on your stomach.

  15. 接下来,站好,双脚并拢,看一眼球洞。

    So from here, set up, feet together, look at the hole.

  16. 你拼写时必须学习把字母并拢来写。

    You have to learn to close up your letters when writing.

  17. 每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并拢放在盘中。

    After each dish, knife and fork on the feet close together and after.

  18. 将四只手指竖直并拢并向大拇指方向闭合即可。

    Hold the fingers straight and then close them against the thumb.

  19. 使内收,使并拢内收至身体的中枢或至相邻部位,四肢

    To draw inward toward the median axis of the body or toward an adjacent part or limb.

  20. 面向太阳的方向,双脚并拢站立,双手胸前合十。

    Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palmtopalm, at the heart.

  21. 拉头把牙齿并拢或分开的时候拉链被打开或关闭。

    The slider joins or separates the elements when the zipper is opened or closed.

  22. 因为我们有理由相信这两种技术会不断并拢。

    Because there's every reason to believe that the two technologies are converging in the near term future.

  23. 除做跨跃动作外,两腿都应并拢,脚尖伸直。

    For all skills apart from straddle jumps, the legs should be kept together with the toes pointed.

  24. 后背着地躺下,把双脚并拢伸到空中,保持双膝直立。

    Lie on your back and lift both feet together into the air, keeping your knees straight.

  25. 后背着地躺下,把双脚并拢伸到空中,保持双膝直立。

    Lie on your back and lift both feet together into the air, keeping your knees straight.

  26. 膝关节弯曲,并拢坐直,脚部紧贴地面,手放于胫骨上。

    Sit tall with knees bent, together and feet flat on floor, hand on shins.

  27. 她小心翼翼地在红帆布垫上坐下,膝盖矜持地并拢着。

    She sat down cautiously on the red canvas cushions, knees modestly together.

  28. 使出三或四根手指,并拢成面,紧紧贴在内阴唇之间。

    Take three or four fingers, side by side and flat, and snuggly position them between your outer labia.

  29. 她坐在长沙发椅的一头, 两脚并拢, 双手交叠膝上。

    She is sitting at the foot of the divan, her feet together, her hands together in her lap.

  30. 她坐在长沙发椅的末梢,两脚并拢,双手交叠膝上。

    She is sitting at the foot of the divan, her feet together, her hands together in her lap.


  1. 问:并拢拼音怎么拼?并拢的读音是什么?并拢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:并拢的读音是bìnglǒng,并拢翻译成英文是 close up; put together



【拼音】bìng lǒng

【注音】ㄅㄧㄥˋ ㄌㄨㄙˇ


【引证解释】 [put together] 合并靠拢 两腿并拢 五指并拢