


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:bà zi









  1. 即靶子。射击的目标。把,用同“ 靶 ”。

    明 戚继光 《纪效新书·射法》:“凡射,或对贼对把,站定观把子或贼人,不许看扣。”《明成化说唱词话丛刊·花关索下西川传续集》:“把你身躯为把子,活取心肝下酒巡。”

  2. 传统戏曲演出所用兵器道具的统称。

    鲁迅 《热风·随感录三十八》:“有静坐炼丹的仙人,也有打脸打把子的戏子。” 锺秀 《送戏下乡的热心人》:“为演好戏,她起五更练把子功,终于按期演出了《白蛇传》。”

  3. 扎成束的东西。

    明 张萱 《疑耀》卷五:“今 江 南女儿未破瓜者,额前髮缚一把子,即 张子野 词‘垂螺近额’, 晏小山 词‘双螺未学同心结’。‘垂螺’、‘双螺’即把子也。” 罗石贤 《斑鸠子叫》三:“﹝他﹞走到近边,近头的一个伸起腰来放油菜把子。”

  4. 量词。束,捆。多指捆拢而能用手抓起或提起的长条形物。

    《红楼梦》第四九回:“你快瞧瞧去,大太太一箇姪女儿, 宝姑娘 一箇妹妹,大奶奶两箇妹妹,倒像一把子四根水葱儿。”如:一把子柴;一把子韮菜。

  5. 量词。伙,群。

    贺敬之 丁毅 《白毛女》第一幕:“天下着麻杆子雨,从南边山上下来了一把子队伍,叫红军。”

  6. 量词。指某些抽象的事物。

    老舍 《骆驼祥子》八:“拉车是苦事,可是我要是男的,有把子力气,我愣拉车也不去当巡警。”如:加把子劲儿。

  7. 结义兄弟,盟兄弟。

    田汉 《咖啡店之夜》:“你们俩拜了把子了!” 高云览 《小城春秋》第三十章:“ 金鳄 结交人面广了,便纠集本地的‘三十六猛’拜把子,组织‘金兰社’。”

  8. 木排。

    胡英 《守夜》:“突然从暮色苍茫的烟溪上头飞来一只把子。他没在意,以为是山里哪个大队放把子出山。”

  9. 柄。

    郭沫若 《孔雀胆》第一幕:“宝剑的把子上也有‘明二’两个字的铭章。” 顾晓阳 《老泥瓦匠》:“﹝你﹞可别再擼锄把子了。”



  1. Stratos does have ways that you can take a sub-tenant app and turn it into a multi-tenant app, but it's not completely coding-free.


  2. Reduce refers to the assembly of answers from the sub-problems into a single set of output.


  3. In this step you assign sub-patterns to the features longitude and latitude so that you are able to extract these concepts separately.


  4. "I wish I had a stone for the knife, " the old man said after he had checked the lashing on the oar butt.


  5. When 2 people drink blood wine to do obeisance a son, each other already the heart hide intention to murder.


  6. Finding cancers early through annual Pap smears has cut cervical cancer rates by more than half in the last 30 years.


  7. Squeeze the handle of the Print Head Latch and lift it to release the print heads .


  8. When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever.


  9. The hammer belongs (in the shed ) with the rest of the tools.


  1. 没有掌握刀把子, 印把子

    have neither arms nor power

  2. 我向把子射击, 但未打中。

    I shot at the target but failed to hit it.

  3. 阿尔奇马上抓了枪把子。

    And Archie's hand closed over his pistol butt.

  4. 下班时没有谁能把子带出去。

    No one smuggle the gold past the guards when he is offduty.

  5. 探险家把子弹射入老虎的心脏。

    The explorer lodged a bullet in the tiger's heart.

  6. 探险家把子弹射入老虎得心脏。

    The explorer lodged a bullet in the tiger's heart.

  7. 我把子放在他的额头上, 我知道他在发烧。

    When I put my hand on his forehead I knew he had a fever.

  8. 把子弹夹装在自动来福枪上

    seat an ammunition clip in an automatic rifle.

  9. 医生已把子弹从伤者体内取出。

    The doctor has already dug the bullet out.

  10. 我会把子弹射进你那头金毛里。

    I'll put a bullet right on your blonde bonnet.

  11. 挤压打印头卡齿得把子, 将其抬起来释放打印头。

    Squeeze the handle of the Print Head Latch and lift it to release the print heads.

  12. 挤压打印头卡齿的把子,将其抬起来释放打印头。

    Squeeze the handle of the Print Head Latch and lift it to release the print heads.

  13. 这把来复枪可以把子弹射出大约4英里。

    The rifle is able to throw a bullet about4 miles.

  14. 你应该把子吐在手上, 然后再放到盘子里。

    You'd better to spit out the seeds in your palm, and then them on the plate.

  15. “文革”以后,有些四川人背称父亲为老把子。

    After the Cultural Revolution, some people in Sichuan began to call their own fathers"Laobazi" behind their backs.

  16. 办公室印章的印把子松了,改天去刻一个新的吧!

    The handle of the office seal is loose; let's make a new seal someday.

  17. 如果不产生大量重复值, 可以考虑把子句拆开。

    If do not arise to repeat a value in great quantities, can consider to ravel clause.

  18. 我刚想提起水壶,壶把子就掉在我的手中了。

    When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand.

  19. 胎位倒转为了生育把子宫内的胎儿弄到有利的位置

    Manipulation of a fetus in the uterus to bring it into a desirable position for delivery.

  20. 为了目前一时的便利,我们把子孙的前途都给断送了。

    We have mortgaged our children's future for the temporary convenience of the present.


  1. 问:把子拼音怎么拼?把子的读音是什么?把子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:把子的读音是bǎzi,把子翻译成英文是 handle


