


1. 挡 [dǎng]2. 挡 [dàng]挡 [dǎng]阻拦,遮蔽:阻~。拦~。遮~。指“排挡”:挂~。换~。某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级。挡 [dàng]〔摒(bìng)~〕见“摒”。……





汉语拼音:dǎng zhù








  1. Tell them that it's time for Congress to stop standing in the way of our recovery and to start standing up for you.


  2. Enough to nearly cover her in-laws barn, submerge her son's swing set and block the view from her first floor windows.


  3. He said. "My, what did she give you? " He had seen the books, but I held the paper sack with his cookies in my arms shielded by the poems.


  4. He started for the door, but I blocked his way.


  5. Tell them that if they want your vote, then they need to stand with you and not in the way of our recovery.


  6. A cricket term used of a determined batsman who blocked everything as if he were a stone wall.


  7. A log got in his way as he drove.


  8. A dozen escape pods popped from her hull as the ship caught three of the four lances of fire.


  9. His head was bent, his hair covering his face and his voice was so low that Lily had to lean forward to hear what he was saying.


  1. 挡住对方视线

    unsight an opponent.

  2. 筑堤挡住河水。

    Bank up a river.

  3. 他挡住了出路。

    He blocked the way out.

  4. 挡住她的视线。

    Put a blindfold on her.

  5. 挡住某人的去路

    block someone's way

  6. 挡住敌方的进攻

    to stem the enemy attack

  7. 挡住某人的视线

    to block somebody's view

  8. 堤防挡住了洪水。

    Dikes confined the flood water.

  9. 挡住湖水的堤坝

    a wall to retain the lake

  10. 大立柜挡住了道。

    The wardrobe is in the way.

  11. 栅栏将群众挡住了

    Barriers held the crowd back.

  12. 拳击手挡住了一拳。

    The boxer turned a punch.

  13. 水坝挡住疯狂的洪水。

    Mad flood is blocked by the dam.

  14. 那个英雄挡住了那个恶棍。

    The hero foil the villain.

  15. 防护林带挡住了风沙。

    The shelterbelt kept the sand in check.

  16. 挡住门窗处的穿堂风。

    Block draughts around doors and windows.

  17. 你要做的就是挡住

    All you gotta do is throw.

  18. 装甲钢板可以挡住子弹。

    Armour plate can fend back bullets.

  19. 树给房子挡住了风。

    Trees shelter the house from the wind.

  20. 钢盔替他挡住了子弹

    It glanced off the helmet.

  21. 对不起,挡住你的道了。

    Sorry be in the way!

  22. 警察手臂挽手臂挡住人群。

    An interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check.

  23. 警察手臂挽手臂挡住人群。

    An interlocking of arms by the police held the crowd in check.

  24. 这座大坝挡住了水流。

    The dam retains the water.

  25. 墙挡住了我们的视线。

    The wall cut off our view.

  26. 雪堆挡住了我们前进。

    Snowdrifts blocked our progress.

  27. 您最好不要挡住过道。

    Youd better not block the doorway!

  28. 广告板把视线挡住了。

    The view is hidden by the billboard.

  29. 有些凝块挡住了仪器

    Okay, you have some clots blocking your scope.

  30. 警车被3个持枪人挡住。

    The security van was held up by three gunmen.